SEObot Blog API Client library
Elevate your website by integrating SEObot's Blog API. This setup allows you to fetch and render real-time, SEO-optimized blog content directly into your website.
Visit the DevHunt Blog to check out an example of SEObot Blog API integration.
Checkout Next.js integration example at seobot-nextjs-blog repository.
SEObot API Key - you can find the API key in settings on
- Fetch articles by page and limit.
- Retrieve articles based on categories or tags.
- Access detailed information about a specific article.
- Built-in caching mechanism for efficient data retrieval.
To install the seobot npm package, run:
npm install seobot
import { BlogClient } from 'seobot';
const client = new BlogClient('your_seobot_api_key_here');
Fetching Articles
const articles = await client.getArticles(page, limit);
Fetching Articles by Category
const articles = await client.getCategoryArticles(categorySlug, page, limit);
Fetching Articles by Tag
const articles = await client.getTagArticles(tagSlug, page, limit);
Getting a Single Article
const article = await client.getArticle(slug);
Data Types
interface IArticle {
id: string;
slug: string;
headline: string;
metaDescription: string;
metaKeywords: string;
tags: ITag[];
category: ICategory;
readingTime: number;
html: string;
outline: string;
deleted: boolean;
published: boolean;
publishedAt: string;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
relatedPosts: IRelatedPost[];
image: string;
interface ITag {
id: string;
title: string;
slug: string;
interface ICategory {
id: string;
title: string;
slug: string;
interface IRelatedPost {
id: string;
headline: string;
slug: string;
Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any bugs, features, or improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For additional assistance or information, feel free to reach out.
Revolutionize your website's content strategy with real-time, automated, SEO-optimized blog posts. Get started with SEObot AI Blog Autopilot integration today!