Node.JS Wrapper for the ServerPilot API
This is a simple Node.JS wrapper to communicate with the ServerPilot API.
Check out the official ServerPilot API documentation for more information on using the ServerPilot API.
To start making calls to ServerPilot from Node.JS, install it with NPM:
$ npm install serverpilot --save
Getting Started
Log into your ServerPilot account, navigate to the Account section, and click API. Generate an API Key.
Example: List all of your servers
See the below example to list all of your servers.
var ServerPilot = require('../lib/serverpilot');
var sp = new ServerPilot({
clientId: <YOUR CLIENT ID>,
apiKey: <YOUR API KEY>
// List out servers
var servers = sp.getServers( function(err, data) {
if ( err ) { console.log( err.message ); }
// This is where you would do something with the data
See the examples folder for more.
Unit Tests
To run tests, ensure you have Mocha installed on your system.
$ npm install -g mocha
Then run all the tests using this handy shortcut:
$ npm test
Or run an individual test like this:
$ mocha test/apps.test.js -t 15000
MIT. See the License file for more info.