v2.0.0-beta.1 (2018-07-02)
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- href of the "View docs" button on demo site --> 404 #187
- Demo site is down #185
- Maintainer/transfer #183
- cannot get node_modules/tether-shepherd/dist/js/shepherd.min.js #173
- ES6 import from NPM failed. #171
- Display Shepherd only during first visit #164
- Tether EOL implications #163
- Get the AttachTo object #150
- Arrow problem #145
attachment: together
does not work as expected if attachment width greater than target width #142- shepherd-step not placed in proper position #130
- attachTo is not working when passing a string #122
- Triggering click of an page element on tour step "show" #119
- Inherit animation styles from Drop #84
- Shepherd might need jQuery... #79
- Not accessibility friendly #26
Merged pull requests: