Angular Server
It is use to serve angular public
or dist
director with HTML5Mode
It means no more URL problems like showing 404 Error when we directly open ui-route
or ng-route
defined state.
or iojs
operating system
Installation Guide
Just run this command into angular project directory and make sure node
is install before.
npm i simple-angular-server -g
After installing this globaly. Now this can be accessable by LINUX command angularserver
Directory Structure (Serve dist
Lets suppose complete angular application path
would be /home/user/myAngularApp/dist
. Here dist
is our public directory.
- dist
- dist/
- dist/assets/{.}
- dist/app/app.js
- dist/app/{.}
Define app directory folder
You can define angular app public directory.
Syntax-1 (Relative Path): angularserver --dir [Directory Name]
Syntax-2 (Absolute Path): angularserver --dir [Complete Directory Path]
$ angularserver --dir ./dist
$ angularserver --dir home/user/myAngularApp/dist
By default dir is [Directory Path
:Your Current Directory
Define index.html
file path which contain ng-app
This file should be in root directory (like here dist
is root directory) dist->index.html
You can set your own main HTML file which contains ng-app
Lets suppose we have main.html
is main file to serve:
Synatx: angularserve --file [Your File Name]
$ angularserve --file main.html
By default file is [file
Define port
You can define angular server port
Syntax: angularserver --port [Port Number]
$ angularserver --port 8888
By default port is [port
Complete options
Our command would be like
$ angularserver --port 8080 --dir dist --file main.html
Download Link:
npm i simple-angular-server -g
Issue Tracking
It's open community, so all are welcome to contribute or open issue
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