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A PostgreSQL client with strict types, detail logging and assertions.

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A battle-tested PostgreSQL client with strict types, detail logging and assertions.

Tailing Slonik logs


  • Promotes writing raw SQL.
  • Discourages ad-hoc dynamic generation of SQL.

Read: Stop using Knex.js

Note: Using this project does not require TypeScript or Flow. It is a regular ES6 module. Ignore the type definitions used in the documentation if you do not use a type system.


About Slonik


Slonik began as a collection of utilities designed for working with node-postgres. We continue to use node-postgres as it provides a robust foundation for interacting with PostgreSQL. However, what once was a collection of utilities has since grown into a framework that abstracts repeating code patterns, protects against unsafe connection handling and value interpolation, and provides rich debugging experience.

Slonik has been battle-tested with large data volumes and queries ranging from simple CRUD operations to data-warehousing needs.

Origin of the name


The name of the elephant depicted in the official PostgreSQL logo is Slonik. The name itself is derived from the Russian word for "little elephant".

Read: The History of Slonik, the PostgreSQL Elephant Logo

Repeating code patterns and type safety

Among the primary reasons for developing Slonik, was the motivation to reduce the repeating code patterns and add a level of type safety. This is primarily achieved through the methods such as one, many, etc. But what is the issue? It is best illustrated with an example.

Suppose the requirement is to write a method that retrieves a resource ID given values defining (what we assume to be) a unique constraint. If we did not have the aforementioned convenience methods available, then it would need to be written as:

// @flow
import {
} from 'slonik';
import type {
} from 'slonik';

opaque type DatabaseRecordIdType = number;

const getFooIdByBar = async (connection: DatabaseConnectionType, bar: string): Promise<DatabaseRecordIdType> => {
  const fooResult = await connection.query(sql`
    SELECT id
    FROM foo
    WHERE bar = ${bar}

  if (fooResult.rowCount === 0) {
    throw new Error('Resource not found.');

  if (fooResult.rowCount > 1) {
    throw new Error('Data integrity constraint violation.');

  return fooResult[0].id;

oneFirst method abstracts all of the above logic into:

const getFooIdByBar = (connection: DatabaseConnectionType, bar: string): Promise<DatabaseRecordIdType> => {
  return connection.oneFirst(sql`
    SELECT id
    FROM foo
    WHERE bar = ${bar}

oneFirst throws:

  • NotFoundError if query returns no rows
  • DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple rows
  • DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple columns

This becomes particularly important when writing routines where multiple queries depend on the previous result. Using methods with inbuilt assertions ensures that in case of an error, the error points to the original source of the problem. In contrast, unless assertions for all possible outcomes are typed out as in the previous example, the unexpected result of the query will be fed to the next operation. If you are lucky, the next operation will simply break; if you are unlucky, you are risking data corruption and hard to locate bugs.

Furthermore, using methods that guarantee the shape of the results, allows us to leverage static type checking and catch some of the errors even before they executing the code, e.g.

const fooId = await connection.many(sql`
  FROM foo
  WHERE bar = ${bar}

await connection.query(sql`
  WHERE foo_id = ${fooId}

Static type check of the above example will produce a warning as the fooId is guaranteed to be an array and binding of the last query is expecting a primitive value.

Protecting against unsafe connection handling

Slonik only allows to check out a connection for the duration of the promise routine supplied to the pool#connect() method.

The primary reason for implementing only this connection pooling method is because the alternative is inherently unsafe, e.g.

// Note: This example is using unsupported API.

const main = async () => {
  const connection = await pool.connect();

  await connection.query(sql`SELECT foo()`);

  await connection.release();

In this example, if SELECT foo() produces an error, then connection is never released, i.e. the connection remains to hang.

A fix to the above is to ensure that connection#release() is always called, i.e.

// Note: This example is using unsupported API.

const main = async () => {
  const connection = await pool.connect();

  let lastExecutionResult;

  try {
    lastExecutionResult = await connection.query(sql`SELECT foo()`);
  } finally {
    await connection.release();

  return lastExecutionResult;

Slonik abstracts the latter pattern into pool#connect() method.

const main = () => {
  return pool.connect((connection) => {
    return connection.query(sql`SELECT foo()`);

Connection is always released back to the pool after the promise produced by the function supplied to connect() method is either resolved or rejected.

Protecting against unsafe transaction handling

Just like in the unsafe connection handling described above, Slonik only allows to create a transaction for the duration of the promise routine supplied to the connection#transaction() method.

connection.transaction(async (transactionConnection) => {
  await transactionConnection.query(sql`INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('baz')`);
  await transactionConnection.query(sql`INSERT INTO qux (quux) VALUES ('quuz')`);

This pattern ensures that the transaction is either committed or aborted the moment the promise is either resolved or rejected.

Protecting against unsafe value interpolation

SQL injections are one of the most well known attack vectors. Some of the biggest data leaks were the consequence of improper user-input handling. In general, SQL injections are easily preventable by using parameterization and by restricting database permissions, e.g.

// Note: This example is using unsupported API.

connection.query('SELECT $1', [

In this example, the query text (SELECT $1) and parameters (value of the userInput) are passed to the PostgreSQL server where the parameters are safely substituted into the query. This is a safe way to execute a query using user-input.

The vulnerabilities appear when developers cut corners or when they do not know about parameterization, i.e. there is a risk that someone will instead write:

// Note: This example is using unsupported API.

connection.query('SELECT \'' + userInput + '\'');

As evident by the history of the data leaks, this happens more often than anyone would like to admit. This is especially a big risk in Node.js community, where predominant number of developers are coming from frontend and have not had training working with RDBMSes. Therefore, one of the key selling points of Slonik is that it adds multiple layers of protection to prevent unsafe handling of user-input.

To begin with, Slonik does not allow to run plain-text queries.

connection.query('SELECT 1');

The above invocation would produce an error:

TypeError: Query must be constructed using sql tagged template literal.

This means that the only way to run a query is by constructing it using sql tagged template literal, e.g.

connection.query(sql`SELECT 1`);

To add a parameter to the query, user must use template literal placeholders, e.g.

connection.query(sql`SELECT ${userInput}`);

Slonik takes over from here and constructs a query with value bindings, and sends the resulting query text and parameters to the PostgreSQL. As sql tagged template literal is the only way to execute the query, it adds a strong layer of protection against accidental unsafe user-input handling due to limited knowledge of the SQL client API.

As Slonik restricts user's ability to generate and execute dynamic SQL, it provides helper functions used to generate fragments of the query and the corresponding value bindings, e.g. sql.identifier, sql.tuple, sql.tupleList, sql.unnest and sql.valueList. These methods generate tokens that the query executor interprets to construct a safe query, e.g.

  SELECT ${sql.identifier(['foo', 'a'])}
  FROM (
    VALUES ${sql.tupleList([['a1', 'b1', 'c1'], ['a2', 'b2', 'c2']])}
  ) foo(a, b, c)
  WHERE foo.b IN (${sql.tuple(['c1', 'a2'])})

This (contrived) example generates a query equivalent to:

SELECT "foo"."a"
    ($1, $2, $3),
    ($4, $5, $6)
) foo(a, b, c)
WHERE foo.b IN ($7, $8)

That is executed with the parameters provided by the user.

Finally, if there comes a day that you must generate the whole or a fragment of a query using string concatenation, then Slonik provides sql.raw method. However, even when using sql.raw, we derisk the dangers of generating SQL by allowing developer to bind values only to the scope of the fragment that is being generated, e.g.

  SELECT ${sql.raw('$1', ['foo'])}

Allowing to bind values only to the scope of the SQL that is being generated reduces the amount of code that the developer needs to scan in order to be aware of the impact that the generated code can have. Continue reading Using sql.raw to generate dynamic queries to learn further about sql.raw.

To sum up, Slonik is designed to prevent accidental creation of queries vulnerable to SQL injections.




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Create connection

Use createPool to create a connection pool, e.g.

import {
} from 'slonik';

const pool = createPool('postgres://');

Instance of Slonik connection pool can be then used to create a new connection, e.g.

pool.connect(async (connection) => {
  await connection.query(sql`SELECT 1`);

The connection will be kept alive until the promise resolves (the result of the method supplied to connect()).

Refer to query method documentation to learn about the connection methods.

If you do not require having a persistent connection to the same backend, then you can directly use pool to run queries, e.g.

pool.query(sql`SELECT 1`);

Beware that in the latter example, the connection picked to execute the query is a random connection from the connection pool, i.e. using the latter method (without explicit connect()) does not guarantee that multiple queries will refer to the same backend.


  connectionConfiguration: DatabaseConfigurationType,
  clientConfiguration: ClientConfigurationType
): DatabasePoolType;

type DatabaseConnectionUriType = string;

type DatabaseConfigurationType =
  DatabaseConnectionUriType |
    +database?: string,
    +host?: string,
    +idleTimeoutMillis?: number,
    +max?: number,
    +password?: string,
    +port?: number,
    +user?: string

 * @property interceptors An array of [Slonik interceptors](
type ClientConfigurationType = {|
  +interceptors?: $ReadOnlyArray<InterceptorType>


import {
} from 'slonik';

const pool = createPool('postgres://');

await pool.query(sql`SELECT 1`);

Default configuration

Field name transformation interceptor and Query normalization interceptor are enabled by default.

To disable the default interceptors, pass an empty array, e.g.

createPool('postgres://', {
  interceptos: []

Checking out a client from the connection pool

Slonik only allows to check out a connection for the duration of the promise routine supplied to the pool#connect() method.

import {
} from 'slonik';

const pool = createPool('postgres://localhost');

const result = await pool.connect(async (connection) => {
  await connection.query(sql`SELECT 1`);
  await connection.query(sql`SELECT 2`);

  return 'foo';

// 'foo'

Connection is released back to the pool after the promise produced by the function supplied to connect() method is either resolved or rejected.

Read: Protecting against unsafe connection handling


Functionality can be added to Slonik client by adding interceptors (middleware).

Interceptors are configured using client configuration, e.g.

import {
} from 'slonik';

const interceptors = [];

const connection = createPool('postgres://', {

Interceptors are executed in the order they are added.

Interceptor methods

Interceptor is an object that implements methods that can change the behaviour of the database client at different stages of the connection life-cycle

type InterceptorType = {|
  +afterPoolConnection?: (
    connectionContext: ConnectionContextType,
    connection: DatabasePoolConnectionType
  ) => MaybePromiseType<void>,
  +afterQueryExecution?: (
    queryContext: QueryContextType,
    query: QueryType,
    result: QueryResultType<QueryResultRowType>
  ) => MaybePromiseType<QueryResultType<QueryResultRowType>>,
  +beforePoolConnectionRelease?: (
    connectionContext: ConnectionContextType,
    connection: DatabasePoolConnectionType
  ) => MaybePromiseType<void>,
  +beforeQueryExecution?: (
    queryContext: QueryContextType,
    query: QueryType
  ) => MaybePromiseType<QueryResultType<QueryResultRowType>> | MaybePromiseType<void>,
  +transformQuery?: (
    queryContext: QueryContextType,
    query: QueryType
  ) => MaybePromiseType<QueryType>


Executed after a connection is acquired from the connection pool (or a new connection is created), e.g.

const pool = createPool('postgres://');

// Interceptor is executed here. ↓


afterQueryExecution must return the result of the query, which will be passed down to the client.

Use afterQuery to modify the query result.


This function can optionally return a direct result of the query which will cause the actual query never to be executed.


Executed before connection is released back to the connection pool, e.g.

const pool = await createPool('postgres://');

pool.connect(async () => {
  await 1;

  // Interceptor is executed here. ↓


Executed before beforeQueryExecution.

Transforms query.

Built-in interceptors

Field name transformation interceptor

createFormatFieldNameInterceptor creates an interceptor that formats query result field names.

This interceptor removes the necessity to alias field names, e.g.

    full_name "fullName"
  FROM person

Field name formatter uses afterQuery interceptor to format field names.

import {
} from 'slonik';

 * @property format The only supported format is CAMEL_CASE.
 * @property test Tests whether the field should be formatted. The default behaviour is to include all fields that match ^[a-z0-9_]+$ regex.
type ConfigurationType = {|
  +format: 'CAMEL_CASE',
  +test: (field: FieldType) => boolean

(configuration: ConfigurationType) => InterceptorType;

Example usage
import {
} from 'slonik';

const interceptors = [
    format: 'CAMEL_CASE'

const connection = createPool('postgres://', {

  FROM person

// [
//   {
//     id: 1,
//     fullName: 1
//   }
// ]

Query normalization interceptor

Normalizes the query.

import {
} from 'slonik';

 * @property stripComments Strips comments from the query (default: true).
type ConfigurationType = {|
  +stripComments?: boolean

(configuration?: ConfigurationType) => InterceptorType;

Benchmarking interceptor

Summarizes all queries that were run during the life-time of a connection.

Example output:

║ Query                                                         │ Execution │ Average │ Total ║
║                                                               │ count     │ time    │ time  ║
║ SELECT id FROM seating_plan WHERE auditorium_id = $1 AND      │ 1         │ 176ms   │ 176ms ║
║ fingerprint = $2                                              │           │         │       ║
║ UPDATE event SET scrape_event_seating_session = $1,           │ 1         │ 176ms   │ 176ms ║
║ scrape_event_seating_session_created_at = now() WHERE id =    │           │         │       ║
║ $2                                                            │           │         │       ║
║ SELECT v1.cinema_id "cinemaId",                               │ 1         │ 182ms   │ 182ms ║
║ last_event_seating_plan_change.seating_plan_id                │           │         │       ║
║ "seatingPlanId" FROM event e1 INNER JOIN venue v1 ON =  │           │         │       ║
║ e1.venue_id INNER JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT DISTINCT ON           │           │         │       ║
║ (espc1.event_id) espc1.seating_plan_id FROM                   │           │         │       ║
║ event_seating_plan_change espc1 WHERE espc1.event_id =  │           │         │       ║
║ ORDER BY espc1.event_id, DESC )                      │           │         │       ║
║ last_event_seating_plan_change ON TRUE WHERE = $1       │           │         │       ║
║ UPDATE event_seating_lookup SET ended_at =                    │ 1         │ 185ms   │ 185ms ║
║ statement_timestamp(), log = $1, lookup_is_successful = $2,   │           │         │       ║
║ error_name = $3, error_message = $4, error = $5 WHERE id =    │           │         │       ║
║ $6                                                            │           │         │       ║
║ SELECT, s1.location_column "locationColumn",            │ 1         │ 237ms   │ 237ms ║
║ s1.location_row "locationRow", sa1.fuid "seatingAreaFuid"     │           │         │       ║
║ FROM seat s1 INNER JOIN seating_area sa1 ON =          │           │         │       ║
║ s1.seating_area_id WHERE s1.seating_plan_id = $1              │           │         │       ║
║ SELECT extract(epoch from                                     │ 1         │ 647ms   │ 647ms ║
║ (c1.maximum_event_seating_lookup_duration)) FROM event e1     │           │         │       ║
║ INNER JOIN venue v1 ON = e1.venue_id INNER JOIN cinema  │           │         │       ║
║ c1 ON = v1.cinema_id WHERE = $1                   │           │         │       ║
║ SELECT id FROM cinema_foreign_seat_type WHERE cinema_id = $1  │ 133       │ 150ms   │ 19.9s ║
║ AND fuid = $2                                                 │           │         │       ║

import {
} from 'slonik';

() => InterceptorType;


Inserting large number of rows

Slonik provides sql.tupleList helper function to generate a list of tuples that can be used in the INSERT values expression, e.g.

await connection.query(sql`
  INSERT INTO (foo, bar, baz)
  VALUES ${sql.tupleList([
    [1, 2, 3],
    [4, 5, 6]


  sql: 'INSERT INTO (foo, bar, baz) VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6)',
  values: [

There are 2 downsides to this approach:

  1. The generated SQL is dynamic and will vary depending on the input.
  • You will not be able to track query stats.
  • Query parsing time increases with the query size.
  1. There is a maximum number of parameters that can be bound to the statement (65535).

As an alternative, we can use sql.unnest to create a set of rows using unnset. Using the unnset approach requires only 1 variable per every column; values for each column are passed as an array, e.g.

await connection.query(sql`
  INSERT INTO (foo, bar, baz)
  FROM ${sql.unnest(
      [1, 2, 3],
      [4, 5, 6]


  sql: 'INSERT INTO (foo, bar, baz) SELECT * FROM unnest($1::integer[], $2::integer[], $2::integer[])',
  values: [

Inserting data this way ensures that the query is stable and reduces the amount of time it takes to parse the query.

Logging auto_explain

executionTime log property describes how long it took for the client to execute the query, i.e. it includes the overhead of waiting for a connection and the network latency, among other things. However, it is possible to get the real query execution time by using auto_explain module.

There are several pre-requisites:

-- Load the extension.
LOAD 'auto_explain';
-- or (if you are using AWS RDS):
LOAD '$libdir/plugins/auto_explain';

-- Enable logging of all queries.
SET auto_explain.log_analyze=true;
SET auto_explain.log_format=json;
SET auto_explain.log_min_duration=0;
SET auto_explain.log_timing=true;

-- Enables Slonik to capture auto_explain logs.
SET client_min_messages=log;

This can be configured using afterPoolConnection interceptor, e.g.

const pool = await createPool('postgres://localhost', {
  interceptors: [
      afterPoolConnection: async (connection) => {
        await connection.query(sql`LOAD 'auto_explain'`);
        await connection.query(sql`SET auto_explain.log_analyze=true`);
        await connection.query(sql`SET auto_explain.log_format=json`);
        await connection.query(sql`SET auto_explain.log_min_duration=0`);
        await connection.query(sql`SET auto_explain.log_timing=true`);
        await connection.query(sql`SET client_min_messages=log`);

Slonik recognises and parses the auto_explain JSON message; Roarr logger will produce a pretty-print of the explain output, e.g.

[2018-12-31T21:15:21.010Z] INFO (30) (@slonik): notice message
  level:   notice
    Query Text: SELECT count(*) FROM actor
      Node Type:           Aggregate
      Strategy:            Plain
      Partial Mode:        Simple
      Parallel Aware:      false
      Startup Cost:        4051.33
      Total Cost:          4051.34
      Plan Rows:           1
      Plan Width:          8
      Actual Startup Time: 26.791
      Actual Total Time:   26.791
      Actual Rows:         1
      Actual Loops:        1
          Node Type:           Seq Scan
          Parent Relationship: Outer
          Parallel Aware:      false
          Relation Name:       actor
          Alias:               actor
          Startup Cost:        0
          Total Cost:          3561.86
          Plan Rows:           195786
          Plan Width:          0
          Actual Startup Time: 0.132
          Actual Total Time:   15.29
          Actual Rows:         195786
          Actual Loops:        1

Using sql.raw to generate dynamic queries

sql.raw can be used to generate fragments of an arbitrary SQL that are interpolated into the main query, e.g.

const uniquePairs = [
  ['a', 1],
  ['b', 2]

let placeholderIndex = 1;

const whereConditionSql = uniquePairs
  .map(() => {
    return needleColumns
      .map((column) => {
        return column + ' = $' + placeholderIndex++;
      .join(' AND ');
  .join(' OR ');

const values = [];

for (const pairValues of uniquePairs) {

const query = sql`
  FROM foo
    ${sql.raw(whereConditionSql, values)}

await connection.any(query);

In the above example, query is:

  sql: 'SELECT id FROM foo WHERE (a = $1 AND b = $2) OR (a = $3 AND b = $4)',
  values: [

Multiple sql.raw fragments can be used to create a query.


No multiline values

Slonik will strip all comments and line-breaks from a query before processing it.

This makes logging of the queries easier.

The implication is that your query cannot contain values that include a newline character, e.g.

// Do not do this
connection.query(sql`INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('\n')`);

If you want to communicate a value that includes a multiline character, use value placeholder interpolation, e.g.

connection.query(sql`INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (${'\n'})`);

Value placeholders

Tagged template literals

Slonik query methods can only be executed using sql tagged template literal, e.g.

import {
} from 'slonik'

  FROM foo
  WHERE bar = ${'baz'}

The above is equivalent to evaluating:

FROM foo
WHERE bar = $1

query with 'baz' value binding.

Manually constructing the query

Manually constructing queries is not allowed.

There is an internal mechanism that checks to see if query was created using sql tagged template literal, i.e.

const query = {
  sql: 'SELECT 1 FROM foo WHERE bar = $1',
  type: 'SQL',
  values: [


Will result in an error:

Query must be constructed using sql tagged template literal.

This is a security measure designed to prevent unsafe query execution.

Furthermore, a query object constructed using sql tagged template literal is frozen to prevent further manipulation.

Nesting sql

sql tagged template literals can be nested, e.g.

const query0 = sql`SELECT ${'foo'} FROM bar`;
const query1 = sql`SELECT ${'baz'} FROM (${query0})`;


  sql: 'SELECT $1 FROM (SELECT $2 FROM bar)',
  values: [


(values: $ReadOnlyArray<PrimitiveValueExpressionType>) => ValueListSqlTokenType;

Creates a list of values, e.g.

await connection.query(sql`
  SELECT (${sql.valueList([1, 2, 3])})


  sql: 'SELECT ($1, $2, $3)',
  values: [


(values: $ReadOnlyArray<PrimitiveValueExpressionType>) => TupleSqlTokenType;

Creates a tuple (typed row construct), e.g.

await connection.query(sql`
  INSERT INTO (foo, bar, baz)
  VALUES ${sql.tuple([1, 2, 3])}


  sql: 'INSERT INTO (foo, bar, baz) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)',
  values: [


(tuples: $ReadOnlyArray<$ReadOnlyArray<PrimitiveValueExpressionType>>) => TupleListSqlTokenType;

Creates a list of tuples (typed row constructs), e.g.

await connection.query(sql`
  INSERT INTO (foo, bar, baz)
  VALUES ${sql.tupleList([
    [1, 2, 3],
    [4, 5, 6]


  sql: 'INSERT INTO (foo, bar, baz) VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6)',
  values: [


  tuples: $ReadOnlyArray<$ReadOnlyArray<PrimitiveValueExpressionType>>,
  columnTypes: $ReadOnlyArray<string>
): UnnestSqlTokenType;

Creates an unnset expressions, e.g.

await connection.query(sql`
  SELECT bar, baz
  FROM ${sql.unnest(
      [1, 'foo'],
      [2, 'bar']
  )} AS foo(bar, baz)


  sql: 'SELECT bar, baz FROM unnest($1::integer[], $2::text[]) AS foo(bar, baz)',
  values: [


(names: $ReadOnlyArray<string>) => IdentifierTokenType;

Delimited identifiers are created by enclosing an arbitrary sequence of characters in double-quotes ("). To create create a delimited identifier, create an sql tag function placeholder value using sql.identifier, e.g.

  FROM ${sql.identifier(['bar', 'baz'])}


  sql: 'SELECT 1 FROM "bar"."bar"',
  values: []


(rawSql: string, values?: $ReadOnlyArray<PrimitiveValueExpressionType>) => RawSqlTokenType;

Raw/ dynamic SQL can be inlined using sql.raw, e.g.

  FROM ${sql.raw('"bar"')}


  sql: 'SELECT 1 FROM "bar"',
  values: []

The second parameter of the sql.raw can be used to bind values, e.g.

  SELECT ${sql.raw('$1', [1])}


  sql: 'SELECT $1',
  values: [

Query methods


Returns result rows.


const rows = await connection.any(sql`SELECT foo`);

#any is similar to #query except that it returns rows without fields information.


Returns value of the first column of every row in the result set.

  • Throws DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple rows.


const fooValues = await connection.anyFirst(sql`SELECT foo`);


Used when inserting 1 row.


const {
} = await connection.insert(sql`INSERT INTO foo SET bar='baz'`);

The reason for using this method over #query is to leverage the strict types. #insert method result type is InsertResultType.


Returns result rows.

  • Throws NotFoundError if query returns no rows.


const rows = await connection.many(sql`SELECT foo`);


Returns value of the first column of every row in the result set.

  • Throws NotFoundError if query returns no rows.
  • Throws DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple rows.


const fooValues = await connection.many(sql`SELECT foo`);


Selects the first row from the result.

  • Returns null if row is not found.
  • Throws DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple rows.


const row = await connection.maybeOne(sql`SELECT foo`);

// is the result of the `foo` column value of the first row.


Returns value of the first column from the first row.

  • Returns null if row is not found.
  • Throws DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple rows.
  • Throws DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple columns.


const foo = await connection.maybeOneFirst(sql`SELECT foo`);

// foo is the result of the `foo` column value of the first row.


Selects the first row from the result.

  • Throws NotFoundError if query returns no rows.
  • Throws DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple rows.


const row = await`SELECT foo`);

// is the result of the `foo` column value of the first row.


I've been asked "What makes this different from knex.js knex('foo').limit(1)?". knex('foo').limit(1) simply generates "SELECT * FROM foo LIMIT 1" query. knex is a query builder; it does not assert the value of the result. Slonik #one adds assertions about the result of the query.


Returns value of the first column from the first row.

  • Throws NotFoundError if query returns no rows.
  • Throws DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple rows.
  • Throws DataIntegrityError if query returns multiple columns.


const foo = await connection.oneFirst(sql`SELECT foo`);

// foo is the result of the `foo` column value of the first row.


API and the result shape are equivalent to pg#query.


transaction method is used wrap execution of queries in START TRANSACTION and COMMIT or ROLLBACK. COMMIT is called if the transaction handler returns a promise that resolves; ROLLBACK is called otherwise.

transaction method can be used together with createPool method. When used to create a transaction from an instance of a pool, a new connection is allocated for the duration of the transaction.

const result = await connection.transaction(async (transactionConnection) => {
  await transactionConnection.query(sql`INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('baz')`);
  await transactionConnection.query(sql`INSERT INTO qux (quux) VALUES ('quuz')`);

  return 'FOO';

result === 'FOO';

Error handling

All Slonik errors extend from SlonikError, i.e. You can catch Slonik specific errors using the following logic.

import {
} from 'slonik';

try {
  await query();
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof SlonikError) {
    // This error is thrown by Slonik.

Handling NotFoundError

To handle the case where query returns less than one row, catch NotFoundError error.

import {
} from 'slonik';

let row;

try {
  row = await`SELECT foo`);
} catch (error) {
  if (!(error instanceof NotFoundError)) {
    throw error;

if (row) {
  // is the result of the `foo` column value of the first row.

Handling DataIntegrityError

To handle the case where the data result does not match the expectations, catch DataIntegrityError error.

import {
} from 'slonik';

let row;

try {
  row = await`SELECT foo`);
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof DataIntegrityError) {
    console.error('There is more than one row matching the select criteria.');
  } else {
    throw error;

Handling NotNullIntegrityConstraintViolationError

NotNullIntegrityConstraintViolationError is thrown when Postgres responds with unique_violation (23502) error.

Handling ForeignKeyIntegrityConstraintViolationError

ForeignKeyIntegrityConstraintViolationError is thrown when Postgres responds with unique_violation (23503) error.

Handling UniqueIntegrityConstraintViolationError

UniqueIntegrityConstraintViolationError is thrown when Postgres responds with unique_violation (23505) error.

Handling CheckIntegrityConstraintViolationError

CheckIntegrityConstraintViolationError is thrown when Postgres responds with unique_violation (23514) error.


This package is using Flow types.

Refer to ./src/types.js.

The public interface exports the following types:

  • DatabaseConnectionType
  • DatabasePoolConnectionType
  • DatabaseSingleConnectionType

Use these types to annotate connection instance in your code base, e.g.

// @flow

import type {
} from 'slonik';

export default async (
  connection: DatabaseConnectionType,
  code: string
): Promise<number> => {
  const countryId = await connection.oneFirst(sql`
    SELECT id
    FROM country
    WHERE code = ${code}

  return countryId;



Slonik uses roarr to log queries.

To enable logging, define ROARR_LOG=true environment variable.

By default, Slonik logs the input query, query execution time and affected row count.

You can enable additional logging details by configuring the following environment variables.

# Logs query parameter values

Log stack trace

SLONIK_LOG_STACK_TRACE=1 will create a stack trace before invoking the query and include the stack trace in the logs, e.g.

{"context":{"package":"slonik","namespace":"slonik","logLevel":20,"executionTime":"357 ms","queryId":"01CV2V5S4H57KCYFFBS0BJ8K7E","rowCount":1,"sql":"SELECT schedule_cinema_data_task();","stackTrace":["/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/node_modules/slonik/dist:162:28","/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/node_modules/slonik/dist:314:12","/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/node_modules/slonik/dist:361:20","/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/node_modules/slonik/dist/utilities:17:13","/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/src/bin/commands/do-cinema-data-tasks.js:59:21","/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/src/bin/commands/do-cinema-data-tasks.js:590:45","internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7"],"values":[]},"message":"query","sequence":4,"time":1540915127833,"version":"1.0.0"}
{"context":{"package":"slonik","namespace":"slonik","logLevel":20,"executionTime":"66 ms","queryId":"01CV2V5SGS0WHJX4GJN09Z3MTB","rowCount":1,"sql":"SELECT cinema_id \"cinemaId\", target_data \"targetData\" FROM cinema_data_task WHERE id = ?","stackTrace":["/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/node_modules/slonik/dist:162:28","/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/node_modules/slonik/dist:285:12","/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/node_modules/slonik/dist/utilities:17:13","/Users/gajus/Documents/dev/applaudience/data-management-program/src/bin/commands/do-cinema-data-tasks.js:603:26","internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7"],"values":[17953947]},"message":"query","sequence":5,"time":1540915127902,"version":"1.0.0"}

Use @roarr/cli to pretty-print the output.

Log Roarr pretty-print output.

Syntax highlighting


Using Atom IDE you can leverage the language-babel package in combination with the language-sql to enable highlighting of the SQL strings in the codebase.

Syntax highlighting in Atom

To enable highlighting, you need to:

  1. Install language-babel and language-sql packages.
  2. Configure language-babel "JavaScript Tagged Template Literal Grammar Extensions" setting to use language-sql to highlight template literals with sql tag (configuration value: sql:source.sql).
  3. Use sql helper to construct the queries.

For more information, refer to the JavaScript Tagged Template Literal Grammar Extensions documentation of language-babel package.



Package last updated on 14 Feb 2019

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