Smartech Cordova Plugin
Install the Plugin
Follow the installing instructions for android
Follow the installing instructions for ios
$ cordova plugin add smartech-cordova
To set user identity(iOS and Android)
In order to identify a user, set unique user identity by adding given snippet as per the requirement.
}, function(error){
To clear user identity(iOS and Android)
In order to wipe out user identity from the SDK, add given snippet as per the requirement.
}, function(error){
To capture user login(iOS and Android)
To capture login activity of the user, add given snippet inside the js file of your project when the user gets logged in successfully.
}, function(error){
To capture user logout(iOS and Android)
To capture logout activity of the user, add given snippet inside the js file when the user gets logged out successfully.
}, function(error){
}, function(error){
Note: Avoid calling clearIdentity() method if one wants to track user activity even if user has logged out of the application.
To capture custom activity(iOS and Android)
To capture custom activity performed by the user, add given snippet as per the requirement.
Smartech.track(<event_name>, payload,function(response){
}, function(error){
const payload = {
name: 'Galaxy',
description: '20gram bars',
id: '1'
Smartech.track("Add To Cart",payloadData,function(response){
}, function(error){
To capture user attributes(iOS and Android)
To capture and map user attributes, add given snippet as per the
}, function(error){
const payload = {
NAME: "User Name",
AGE: "30",
MOBILE: "4545748"
}, function(error){
Note: Use attribute name in capital letters as shown above.
To fetch delivered push notifications(iOS and Android)
To fetch delivered push notifications, add given snippet as per the requirement.
}, function(error){
Note: The method returns a JSONArray of delivered push notifications for the user.
To opt out user from being tracked (GDPR Policy)(iOS and Android)
If the end user wants to opt out of being tracked, add given snippet as per the requirement.
}, function(error){
Note: The method accepts a boolean value.
If an end user wants to opt out, the flag should be passed as true. Once the user opts out, SDK will not be able to track that particular user further and no communications will be received by that user.
If an end user wants to opt in, the flag should be passed as false. Once the user opts in, SDK will be able to track that particular user further and next communications will be received by that user.
To implement location tracking(Android)
In order to track user location and pass it further to Smartech, add given snippet as per the requirement.
Smartech.setUserLocation(<double_lat>, <double_long>,function(response){
}, function(error){}
Note: The method mentioned above accepts 3 parameters including context, latitude & longitude. Data type of ‘latitude’ & ‘longitude’ should compulsorily be 'floating value'. In case if any parameter is null, SDK will not be able to persist user location.
To get GUID of the user(iOS and Android)
To obtain GUID of the user from the SDK, add given snippet as per the requirement.
}, function(error){
To get FCM token of the user(iOS and Android)
To obtain the FCM token of the user from the SDK, add given snippet as per the requirement.
}, function(error){
To handle deeplink (iOS)
Add following listeners to your Javascript:
document.addEventListener('onDeepLink', this.onDeepLink, false);
document.addEventListener('onCustomPayload', this.onCustomPayload, false);
onDeepLink: function(e) {
onCustomPayload: function(e) {