A <SmartNFTPortal>
is a React control which renders Smart NFTs in the browser. This widget takes care of the <iframe>
sandbox, and provides the Smart NFT Javascript API to any NFT which is rendered inside it. This provides a great deal of extra power to Javascript NFTs, enabling them to respond to changes on the blockchain, as well as load additional assets such as Javascript libraries, images, and other data directly from the blockchain.
While this API provides a lot of additional functionality to NFTs inside the sandbox, it's important to note that they are still fully sandboxed - this control handles all the necessary inter-process communication between the sandboxed iframe and its parent document using the sendMessage() API.
The first Smart NFT collection
Click here to see it in action in the Smart NFT Playground.
The source code of the Smart NFT Playground is also available.
libcip54 provides the backend queries necessary to support this API on Cardano.
Click here to read the Cardano Improvement Proposal
This control, and the API in general is intended to be applicable to any UTXO blockchain - in particular if there's interest it may be ported to Bitcoin BRC20, and Ergo native tokens too.
Currently, libcip54 provides the backend functionality for Cardano, but it would be a simple matter to port this library to other blockchains (the queries will just need to be tweaked for different chain indexers)
If you make anything cool, feel free to send me some - my Adahandle is $kieran
$ npm install smartnftportal
$ yarn add smartnftportal
The default export is <SmartNFTPortal>
To use it:
import { SmartNFTPortal } from "smartnftportal"
React Smart NFT Portal Usage
At minimum you must pass in the NFT metadata, and the smartImports structure, which has been generated by libcip54.
Libcip54 is a node.js library which provides the backend queries to import this data from the Cardano blockchain via the DBSync chain indexer - so if you have your own DBSync server, this is the preferred option. If you don't have a DBSync server, then you can query the Plutus.art API for the same data.
import React from 'react'
import { SmartNFTPortal } from 'smartnftportal'
import axios from "axios"
function App() {
const [nft,setNft] = React.useState(null);
React.useEffect(()=> {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<div style={{ width: 400 }}>
export default App
<SmartNFTPortal />
The following properties are available on the control:
loading: boolean
When true, the control will assume the metadata and smartImports fields haven't been populated yet and will display a loading message
smartImports: object
This is a complex object containing all the imports from the blockchain - intended to be generated by libcip54
metadata: object
This is a copy of the NFT's metadata - if it's a CIP68 asset, the metadata should be converted from the CBOR into a JSON format that matches CIP25 assets.
loadingContent: object
default: <div>Loading...</div>
A react control or JSX tag to display when the control is loading
apiRoot: string
default: null
The initial smartImport object should contain all the data needed to initially render the NFT, but some NFTs may choose to request additional data as they run - the necessary endpoints are provided in libcip54.
className: string
default: ``
Provide a custom class name for the iframe tag itself.
focus: boolean
default: false
If true, the iframe will attempt to request focus() after the initial document has loaded.
onFocus: function
default null
A callback function for the focus event
onBlur: function
default null
A callback function for the blur event
style: object
default: null
CSS Styles
random: number
default: null
Just a quick way to trigger a refresh of the component
inactiveHtmlStyle: string
default: ''
A snippet of CSS to add to the <html>
tag within the sandbox when is not focused
activeHtmlStyle: string
default: ''
A snippet of CSS to add to the <html>
tag within the sandbox when is focused
onReady: function
default null
A callback function for when the iframe's dom is ready
onScroll: function
default null
A callback function to get the scroll event from within the iframe
onMouseOver: function
default null
A callback function for the mouseover event
onMouseOut: function
default null
A callback function for the mouseout event
onClick: function
default null
A callback function for the click event
onMouseDown: function
default null
A callback function for the mousedown event
onMouseUp: function
default null
A callback function for the mouseup event
onMouseMove: function
default null
A callback function for the mousemove event
default null
A callback function for the contextmenu event
onDblClick: function
default null
A callback function for the dblClick event
onTouchStart: function
default null
A callback function for the touchstart event
onTouchEnd: function
default null
A callback function for the touchend event
onTouchMove: function
default null
A callback function for the touchmove event
onTouchCancel: function
default null
A callback function for the touchcancel event