Social Subscribe
The goal of this library is to provide an abstraction over most popular social networks for subscribing to
user activity.
In it's current state it can help to subscribe users facebook pages. It will give you an event emitter which emits events like "post", "comment" etc. with the
update as soon as there is any activity on pages.
You can install this package from npm via following command
npm install social-subscribe@alpha
How to use
To import package.
import { SocialSubscribe, apiCallback } from "social-subscribe";
To register for subscription:
First create instance of SocialSubscribe with configuration.
const socialSubscribe = new SocialSubscribe(config);
Interface for configuration is
export interface IConfig {
uuid: string,
shortLivedAccessToken: string;
appId: string;
appSecret: string;
callBackURL: string;
repository: IRepository;
graphApiHost: string;
socialNetwork: string;
export interface IFbRepository extends IRepository {
getLongLivedAccessToken(uuid: string): PromiseLike<string>;
getAppAccessToken(appId: string): PromiseLike<string>;
setLongLivedAccessToken(uuid: string, longLivedAccessToken: string): PromiseLike<boolean>;
setAppAccessToken(appId: string, appAccessToken: string): PromiseLike<boolean>;
setPages(uuid: string, pages: Array<IPage>): PromiseLike<boolean>;
getPages(uuid: string): PromiseLike<Array<IPage>>;
Now call a start to do subscription as shown below. Currently only facebook is supported.
For repository use IFbRepository
You may attach success
and error
event listeners to socialSubscribe
The success event will be emitted when subscription to facebook pages is completed. The error event will be emitted
if any error occurs in the process
socialSubscribe.on("error", () => {
socialSubscribe.on("success", () => {
P.S.: I have used typescript to write this library, and give examples. It is not mandatory to use typescript in
your project to consume this library.
Along with subscriptions we are providing helper functions.
Callback Helper
As per social-subscribe configuration implementer need to provide the callBackURL
The handling for request on this URL can be done via handler function provided via helpers.
server.on("request",(req: IncomingMessage, res: IncomingMessage)=> {
apiCallback(config.socialNetwork)({onPost})((args: any) => console.log(args))(req);
Type of apiCallback
is :
export type apiCallbackHandler = (config: ICallbackConfig) =>
(callback: (data: any) => void) => (request: IncomingMessage) => void
Here ICallbackConfig
will be defined by the recipe / social network you are implementing for
e.g. for facebook
export interface IFbCallbackConfig extends ICallbackConfig {
onComment?: (activityInfo: IActivityInfo) => void;
onPost?: (activityInfo: IActivityInfo) => void;
onActivity?: (activityInfo: IActivityInfo) => void;
filter?: (activityInfo: IActivityInfo) => boolean;
This way apiCallback
will be executing your onComment
function whenever their is any activity on facebook page
it has subscribed. Also the callback
function passed before request will be called once the activity
i.e. onComment
is called. This can be used to call next
in case of express server or do the next processing.
Above is used to ignore those activities which you might not be interested in.
e.g. replies on comment while reacting to all the comments on a post
The example for same is shown in [tests] (../blob/master/test/socialSubscriber-spec.ts#L62)
Use cases
This can be used when application needs to get continuous updates of the user from social networks to process the
update and perform certain analysis on it.
This library helps in quick bootstrapping of social subscription
How it works
coming up ...
Future Plan
Currently this library does not consider the social API call limits. We plan to add that in future as of now the API
limits are expected to be handled by application.
Library has included recipe in itself. We plan to separate it so that it can grow on it's own, in areas like
adding more events for subscription and specialised API calls per social network.
We will also provide helper functions which will include independent API calls that we make to do subscription, along
with specialised API calls per social network to ease the integration. The helper functions