Soft Asserts the Json, Array and other data types. It throws an AssertionError when assertion fails in mocha test
Functions supported :
1. deepAssert(actual, expected, msg, ignoreKeys)
2. softAssert(actual, expected, msg, ignoreKeys)
3. deepContains(actual, expected, msg, ignoreKeys)
4. softContains(actual, expected, msg, ignoreKeys)
5. deepAssertKey(actual, expected, key, msg, ignoreKeys)
6. softAssertKey(actual, expected, key, msg, ignoreKeys)
7. deepContainstKey(actual, expected, key, msg, ignoreKeys)
8. softContainsKey(actual, expected, key, msg, ignoreKeys)
9. deeptTrue(value, msg)
10. softTrue(value, msg)
11. deepAssertKeyAbsence(actual, key, msg)
12. softAssertKeyAbsence(actual, key, msg)
13. softAssertAll()
Example Test for Soft Assert
Using softAssert, softContains, softAssertKey, softTrue, softAssertKeyAbsence asserts the value but does not throws the AssertionError, until softAssertAll is called.
softAssertAll - throws the error of all the previous soft assertion's error if any
String comparison in deepContains and softContains of JSON/String/JSON Array also supports Regex. Refer Tests for sample
Sample Test Link
Example :
it("softAssert test", function() {
let actual = _.cloneDeep(json);
let expected = _.cloneDeep(json);
jsonAssertion.softAssert(actual, expected, "assertion error for softAssert 1");
expected.glossary.GlossDiv.GlossList2 = "something";
jsonAssertion.softAssert(actual, expected, "assertion error for softAssert 2", ["GlossList2"]);
expected.glossary.GlossDiv.GlossList.GlossEntry.GlossDef.GlossSeeAlso = ["some2"];
delete expected.glossary.GlossDiv.GlossList.GlossEntry.GlossDef.para;
jsonAssertion.softAssert(actual, expected, "assertion error for softAssert 3");
jsonAssertion.softAssert(actual, expected, "assertion error for softAssert 4");
Sample Test Failure Screenshot :