Traversal functions for solidity-parser generated AST
sol-explore provides Depth-First Traversal of the abstract syntax tree that solidity-parser creates for your solidity code.
You provide the AST and specifiy the callbacks that get called upon entering and leaving a particular node during the traversal.
#Run in Browser
<script src="sol-explore-bundle.js"></script>
Then access the object using window.SolExplore
or simply SolExplore
#Install in Node
npm install --save sol-explore
exports a function traverse
and an object traversalOptions
. traverse
expects 2 arguments - the first is the AST generated by solidity-parser (or any other parser of your choice which follows a similar Solidity Tree Pattern) and the second is either a function or an object.
If the 2nd argument is simply a function, it is treated as the callback to call when entering an un-explored node. If the argument is an object, the object must have 2 properties:
object.enter = function () {...} //callback to call when entering an un-explored node
object.leave = function () {...} //callback to call when leaving an explored node
You may use 2 additional features inside these functions:
this.stopTraversal () /*OR*/ return solExplorer.traversalOptions.STOP_TRAVERSAL //stop tree traversal immediately
this.skipNodesBelow () /*OR*/ return solExplorer.traversalOptions.SKIP_NODES_BELOW //skip the child nodes of the current node
solExplore.traverse (ast, {
enter: function (node, parent) {
console.log ('Entering', node.type);
if (node.type === 'StructDeclaration') {
this.stopTraversal ();
leave: function (node) {
console.log ('Leaving', node.type);