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A sorted list of key-value pairs in a fast, typed in-memory B+ tree with a powerful API.

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B+ tree

B+ trees are ordered collections of key-value pairs, sorted by key.

This is a fast B+ tree implementation, largely compatible with the standard Map, but with a much more diverse and powerful API. To use it, import BTree from 'sorted-btree'.

BTree is faster and/or uses less memory than other popular JavaScript sorted trees (see Benchmarks). However, data structures in JavaScript tend to be slower than the built-in Array and Map data structures in typical cases, because the built-in data structures are mostly implemented in a faster language such as C++. Even so, if you have a large amount of data that you want to keep sorted, the built-in data structures will not serve you well, and BTree offers features like fast cloning that the built-in types don't.


  • Requires ES5 only (Symbol.iterator is not required but is used if defined.)
  • Includes typings (BTree was written in TypeScript)
  • API similar to ES6 Map with methods such as size(), clear(), forEach((v,k,tree)=>{}), get(K), set(K,V), has(K), delete(K), plus iterator functions keys(), values() and entries().
  • Supports keys that are numbers, strings, arrays of numbers/strings, Date, and objects that have a valueOf() method that returns a number or string.
  • Other data types can also be supported with a custom comparator (second
    constructor argument).
  • Supports O(1) fast cloning with subtree sharing. This works by marking the root node as "shared between instances". This makes the tree read-only with copy-on-edit behavior; both copies of the tree remain mutable.
  • When a node fills up, items are shifted to siblings when possible to keep nodes near their capacity, to improve memory utilization.
  • Efficiently supports sets (keys without values). The collection does not allocate memory for values if the value undefined is associated with all keys in a given node.
  • Includes neat stuff such as Range methods for batch operations
  • Throws an exception if you try to use NaN as a key, but infinity is allowed.
  • No dependencies. Under 14K minified.

Additional operations supported on this B+ tree:

  • Set a value only if the key does not already exist: t.setIfNotPresent(k,v)
  • Set a value only if the key already exists: t.changeIfPresent(k,v)
  • Iterate in backward order: for (pair of t.entriesReversed()) {}
  • Iterate from a particular first element: for (let p of t.entries(first)) {}
  • Convert to an array: t.toArray(), t.keysArray(), t.valuesArray()
  • Get pairs for a range of keys ([K,V][]): t.getRange(loK, hiK, includeHi)
  • Delete a range of keys and their values: t.deleteRange(loK, hiK, includeHi)
  • Scan all items: t.forEachPair((key, value, index) => {...})
  • Scan a range of items: t.forRange(lowKey, highKey, includeHighFlag, (k,v) => {...})
  • Count the number of keys in a range: c = t.forRange(loK, hiK, includeHi, undefined)
  • Get smallest or largest key: t.minKey(), t.maxKey()
  • Freeze to prevent modifications: t.freeze() (you can also t.unfreeze())
  • Fast clone: t.clone()
  • For more information, see full documentation in the source code.

Note: Confusingly, the ES6 Map.forEach(c) method calls c(value,key) instead of c(key,value), in contrast to other methods such as set() and entries() which put the key first. I can only assume that they reversed the order on the theory that users would usually want to examine values and ignore keys. BTree's forEach() therefore works the same way, but a second method .forEachPair((key,value)=>{...}) is provided which sends you the key first and the value second; this method is slightly faster because it is the "native" for-each method for this class.

Note: Duplicate keys are not allowed (supporting duplicates properly is complex).

The "scanning" methods (forEach, forRange, editRange, deleteRange) will normally return the number of elements that were scanned. However, the callback can return {break:R} to stop iterating early and return a value R from the scanning method.


Custom comparator

Given a set of {name: string, age: number} objects, you can create a tree sorted by name and then by age like this:

  // First constructor argument is an optional list of pairs ([K,V][])
  var tree = new BTree(undefined, (a, b) => {
    if ( >
      return 1; // Return a number >0 when a > b
    else if ( <
      return -1; // Return a number <0 when a < b
    else // names are equal (or incomparable)
      return a.age - b.age; // Return >0 when a.age > b.age

  tree.set({name:"Bill", age:17}, "happy");
  tree.set({name:"Fran", age:40}, "busy & stressed");
  tree.set({name:"Bill", age:55}, "recently laid off");
  tree.forEachPair((k, v) => {
    console.log(`Name: ${} Age: ${k.age} Status: ${v}`);


You can scan a range of items and selectively delete or change some of them using t.editRange. For example, the following code adds an exclamation mark to each non-boring value and deletes key number 4:

var t = new BTree().setRange([[1,"fun"],[2,"yay"],[4,"whee"],[8,"zany"],[10,"boring"]);
t.editRange(t.minKey(), t.maxKey(), true, (k, v) => {
  if (k === 4) 
    return {delete: true};
  if (v !== "boring")
    return {value: v + '!'};

Benchmarks (in milliseconds for integer keys/values)

  • These benchmark results were gathered on my PC in Node v10.4.1
  • BTree is 3 to 5 times faster than SortedMap and SortedSet in the collections package
  • BTree has similar speed to RBTree at smaller sizes, but is faster at very large sizes and uses less memory because it packs many keys into one array instead of allocating an extra heap object for every key.
  • If you need a persistent tree, functional-red-black-tree is faster than I expected, but BTree should require less memory.
  • B+ trees normally use less memory than hashtables (such as the standard Map), although in JavaScript this is not guaranteed because the B+ tree's memory efficiency depends on avoiding wasted space in the arrays for each node, and JavaScript provides no way to detect or control the capacity of an array's underlying memory area. Also, Map should be faster because it does not sort its keys.
  • "Sorted array" refers to SortedArray<K,V>, a wrapper class for an array of [K,V] pairs. Benchmark results were not gathered for sorted arrays with one million elements (it takes too long)

Insertions at random locations: sorted-btree vs the competition

0.8     Insert 1000 pairs in sorted-btree's BTree
0.4     Insert 1000 pairs in sorted-btree's BTree set (no values)
2.7     Insert 1000 pairs in collections' SortedMap
1.8     Insert 1000 pairs in collections' SortedSet (no values)
0.6     Insert 1000 pairs in functional-red-black-tree
0.5     Insert 1000 pairs in bintrees' RBTree (no values)

8.5     Insert 10000 pairs in sorted-btree's BTree
5.4     Insert 10000 pairs in sorted-btree's BTree set (no values)
37.7    Insert 10000 pairs in collections' SortedMap
25.8    Insert 10000 pairs in collections' SortedSet (no values)
10.7    Insert 10000 pairs in functional-red-black-tree
6.4     Insert 10000 pairs in bintrees' RBTree (no values)

113.2   Insert 100000 pairs in sorted-btree's BTree
73.6    Insert 100000 pairs in sorted-btree's BTree set (no values)
686     Insert 100000 pairs in collections' SortedMap
390.5   Insert 100000 pairs in collections' SortedSet (no values)
194.3   Insert 100000 pairs in functional-red-black-tree
108     Insert 100000 pairs in bintrees' RBTree (no values)

1506    Insert 1000000 pairs in sorted-btree's BTree
1085    Insert 1000000 pairs in sorted-btree's BTree set (no values)
10327   Insert 1000000 pairs in collections' SortedMap
5975    Insert 1000000 pairs in collections' SortedSet (no values)
3703    Insert 1000000 pairs in functional-red-black-tree
2013    Insert 1000000 pairs in bintrees' RBTree (no values)

Insert in order, delete: sorted-btree vs the competition

0.8     Insert 1000 sorted pairs in B+ tree
0.4     Insert 1000 sorted keys in B+ tree (no values)
0.7     Insert 1000 sorted pairs in collections' SortedMap
0.4     Insert 1000 sorted keys in collections' SortedSet (no values)
0.7     Insert 1000 sorted pairs in functional-red-black-tree
0.5     Insert 1000 sorted keys in bintrees' RBTree (no values)
5       Delete every second item in B+ tree
3       Delete every second item in B+ tree set
1       Bulk-delete every second item in B+ tree set
16      Delete every second item in collections' SortedMap
6       Delete every second item in collections' SortedSet
9       Delete every second item in functional-red-black-tree
15      Delete every second item in bintrees' RBTree

7.4     Insert 10000 sorted pairs in B+ tree
4.4     Insert 10000 sorted keys in B+ tree (no values)
7.7     Insert 10000 sorted pairs in collections' SortedMap
4.6     Insert 10000 sorted keys in collections' SortedSet (no values)
13.6    Insert 10000 sorted pairs in functional-red-black-tree
6.6     Insert 10000 sorted keys in bintrees' RBTree (no values)
22      Delete every second item in B+ tree
7       Delete every second item in B+ tree set
4       Bulk-delete every second item in B+ tree set
17      Delete every second item in collections' SortedMap
5       Delete every second item in collections' SortedSet
17      Delete every second item in functional-red-black-tree
37      Delete every second item in bintrees' RBTree

79.3    Insert 100000 sorted pairs in B+ tree
51.7    Insert 100000 sorted keys in B+ tree (no values)
107.2   Insert 100000 sorted pairs in collections' SortedMap
68      Insert 100000 sorted keys in collections' SortedSet (no values)
151.3   Insert 100000 sorted pairs in functional-red-black-tree
99.8    Insert 100000 sorted keys in bintrees' RBTree (no values)
88      Delete every second item in B+ tree
40      Delete every second item in B+ tree set
25      Bulk-delete every second item in B+ tree set
191     Delete every second item in collections' SortedMap
47      Delete every second item in collections' SortedSet
69      Delete every second item in functional-red-black-tree
57      Delete every second item in bintrees' RBTree

784     Insert 1000000 sorted pairs in B+ tree
520     Insert 1000000 sorted keys in B+ tree (no values)
1210    Insert 1000000 sorted pairs in collections' SortedMap
714     Insert 1000000 sorted keys in collections' SortedSet (no values)
2111    Insert 1000000 sorted pairs in functional-red-black-tree
1076    Insert 1000000 sorted keys in bintrees' RBTree (no values)
504     Delete every second item in B+ tree
346     Delete every second item in B+ tree set
194     Bulk-delete every second item in B+ tree set
1561    Delete every second item in collections' SortedMap
754     Delete every second item in collections' SortedSet
673     Delete every second item in functional-red-black-tree
613     Delete every second item in bintrees' RBTree

Insertions at random locations: sorted-btree vs Array vs Map

0.5     Insert 1000 pairs in sorted array
0.7     Insert 1000 pairs in B+ tree
0.1     Insert 1000 pairs in ES6 Map (hashtable)

16.1    Insert 10000 pairs in sorted array
8.6     Insert 10000 pairs in B+ tree
1.7     Insert 10000 pairs in ES6 Map (hashtable)

57498   Insert 100000 pairs in sorted array
127.5   Insert 100000 pairs in B+ tree
20.1    Insert 100000 pairs in ES6 Map (hashtable)

SLOW!   Insert 1000000 pairs in sorted array
1552    Insert 1000000 pairs in B+ tree
311     Insert 1000000 pairs in ES6 Map (hashtable)

Insert in order, scan, delete: sorted-btree vs Array vs Map

0.4     Insert 1000 sorted pairs in array
0.7     Insert 1000 sorted pairs in B+ tree
0.1     Insert 1000 sorted pairs in Map hashtable
0       Sum of all values with forEach in sorted array: 27554680
0       Sum of all values with forEachPair in B+ tree: 27554680
0.1     Sum of all values with forEach in B+ tree: 27554680
0       Sum of all values with forEach in Map: 27554680
0.1     Delete every second item in sorted array
0.1     Delete every second item in B+ tree
0       Delete every second item in Map hashtable

4.5     Insert 10000 sorted pairs in array
7.9     Insert 10000 sorted pairs in B+ tree
1.5     Insert 10000 sorted pairs in Map hashtable
0.2     Sum of all values with forEach in sorted array: 2753952560
0.3     Sum of all values with forEachPair in B+ tree: 2753952560
0.5     Sum of all values with forEach in B+ tree: 2753952560
0.2     Sum of all values with forEach in Map: 2753952560
1.4     Delete every second item in sorted array
1       Delete every second item in B+ tree
0.3     Delete every second item in Map hashtable

75.7    Insert 100000 sorted pairs in array
85.7    Insert 100000 sorted pairs in B+ tree
21.6    Insert 100000 sorted pairs in Map hashtable
2.9     Sum of all values with forEach in sorted array: 275508340940
3.5     Sum of all values with forEachPair in B+ tree: 275508340940
5.4     Sum of all values with forEach in B+ tree: 275508340940
2.5     Sum of all values with forEach in Map: 275508340940
2794    Delete every second item in sorted array
15      Delete every second item in B+ tree
4.3     Delete every second item in Map hashtable

1042    Insert 1000000 sorted pairs in array
879     Insert 1000000 sorted pairs in B+ tree
363     Insert 1000000 sorted pairs in Map hashtable
27.7    Sum of all values with forEach in sorted array: 27486298443010
36.6    Sum of all values with forEachPair in B+ tree: 27486298443010
52.2    Sum of all values with forEach in B+ tree: 27486298443010
24.4    Sum of all values with forEach in Map: 27486298443010
SLOW!   Delete every second item in sorted array
516     Delete every second item in B+ tree
101.4   Delete every second item in Map hashtable


♥ This package was made to help people learn TypeScript & React.

Are you a C# developer? You might like the similar data structures I made for C#: BDictionary, BList, etc. See



Package last updated on 27 Jul 2018

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