Space MVC
A TypeScript toolset to simplify building peer-to-peer applications using IPFS, Ethereum, and OrbitDb.
Our primary goals
- Provide a radically faster getting started experience for P2P app development.
- Make opinionated decisions to reduce boilerplate code.
- Implements simple, familiar MVC pattern.
- Serverless. In the real sense. There's no server.
- Easy to swap out new crypto technology. It changes so quickly.
- Apps work offline by default. Data is primarily stored in the user's browser.
SpaceMVC provides a pre-configured development environment with reasonable defaults. Start building real apps immediately.
Maintainable and Testable
- Object-oriented design and Inversify dependency injection helps you decouple your business logic and your UI to write maintainable and testable code.
- SpaceMVC relies heavily on Framework7 and the answers to many questions can be found in their excellent documentation. You can use it to build full featured iOS, Android & Desktop apps that look and feel native. It uses nothing but HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Important Technology
- Typescript - TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- Framework7 - Build full featured iOS, Android & Desktop apps with HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- IPFS - A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
- OrbitDB - OrbitDB is a serverless, distributed, peer-to-peer database
- The Ethers Project - A complete Ethereum wallet implementation and utilities in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
- Inversify - IoC container Inversify.
Getting Started
The fastest way to create a project is to clone the [Space MVC Example] ( project. //TODO: this will become a truffle box or similar
Add the following to your package.json
"dependencies": {
"space-mvc": "0.0.12-beta"
Build Info
- dist/index-browser.js - Browser build
- dist/index-node.js - Node build
- Create Framework 7 parameters.
- Define OrbitDb data storage schema.
- Set up Inversify container with dependencies.
import "core-js/stable"
import "regenerator-runtime/runtime"
import SpaceMVC from "space-mvc";
import { container } from "./inversify.config"
let f7Params = {
root: '#app',
id: 'example',
name: 'SpaceMVC Example',
theme: 'auto',
let schema = [{
name: "person", type: "mfsstore", load: 100, schema: {
id: { unique: true },
firstName: { unique: false },
lastName: { unique: false }
await SpaceMVC.init( container, f7Params, "0x88bfEE1f69e83aa5F146B2B6F527878866D39fE9", schema)
SpaceMVC exports the following classes.
- QueueService
- PagingService
- PagingViewModel
- UiService
- WalletService
- SchemaService
- IpfsService
- OrbitService
- RoutingService
- WalletController
- StoreDefinition
- ModelView
- PromiseView
- Schema
- Container
- SpaceComponent
- inject
- service
- controller
- dao
- Initializable
- routeMap
- initTestContainer
- spacemvc:initFinish - Fired when SpaceMVC has finished initializing.