Security News
Malicious npm Package Targets Solana Developers and Hijacks Funds
A malicious npm package targets Solana developers, rerouting funds in 2% of transactions to a hardcoded address.
Advanced tools
The spoonacular Nutrition, Recipe, and Food API allows you to access over thousands of recipes, thousands of ingredients, 800,000 food products, over 100,000 menu items, and restaurants. Our food ontology and semantic recipe search engine makes it possibl
SpoonacularApi - JavaScript client for spoonacular-api The spoonacular Nutrition, Recipe, and Food API allows you to access over thousands of recipes, thousands of ingredients, 800,000 food products, over 100,000 menu items, and restaurants. Our food ontology and semantic recipe search engine makes it possible to search for recipes using natural language queries, such as "gluten free brownies without sugar" or "low fat vegan cupcakes." You can automatically calculate the nutritional information for any recipe, analyze recipe costs, visualize ingredient lists, find recipes for what's in your fridge, find recipes based on special diets, nutritional requirements, or favorite ingredients, classify recipes into types and cuisines, convert ingredient amounts, or even compute an entire meal plan. With our powerful API, you can create many kinds of food and especially nutrition apps.
Special diets/dietary requirements currently available include: vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian, gluten free, grain free, dairy free, high protein, whole 30, low sodium, low carb, Paleo, ketogenic, FODMAP, and Primal. This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install spoonacular-api --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your spoonacular-api from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install ddsky/spoonacular-api-clients/tree/master/javascript/ --save
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var SpoonacularApi = require('spoonacular-api');
var defaultClient = SpoonacularApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: apiKeyScheme
var apiKeyScheme = defaultClient.authentications['apiKeyScheme'];
apiKeyScheme.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//apiKeyScheme.apiKeyPrefix['x-api-key'] = "Token"
var api = new SpoonacularApi.DefaultApi()
var analyzeRecipeRequest = {"title":"Spaghetti Carbonara","servings":2,"ingredients":["1 lb spaghetti","3.5 oz pancetta","2 Tbsps olive oil","1 egg","0.5 cup parmesan cheese"],"instructions":"Bring a large pot of water to a boil and season generously with salt. Add the pasta to the water once boiling and cook until al dente. Reserve 2 cups of cooking water and drain the pasta. "}; // {AnalyzeRecipeRequest} Example request body.
var opts = {
'language': "en", // {String} The input language, either \"en\" or \"de\".
'includeNutrition': false, // {Boolean} Whether nutrition data should be added to correctly parsed ingredients.
'includeTaste': false // {Boolean} Whether taste data should be added to correctly parsed ingredients.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.analyzeRecipe(analyzeRecipeRequest, opts, callback);
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SpoonacularApi.DefaultApi | analyzeRecipe | POST /recipes/analyze | Analyze Recipe |
SpoonacularApi.DefaultApi | createRecipeCardGet | GET /recipes/{id}/card | Create Recipe Card |
SpoonacularApi.DefaultApi | searchRestaurants | GET /food/restaurants/search | Search Restaurants |
SpoonacularApi.IngredientsApi | autocompleteIngredientSearch | GET /food/ingredients/autocomplete | Autocomplete Ingredient Search |
SpoonacularApi.IngredientsApi | computeIngredientAmount | GET /food/ingredients/{id}/amount | Compute Ingredient Amount |
SpoonacularApi.IngredientsApi | getIngredientInformation | GET /food/ingredients/{id}/information | Get Ingredient Information |
SpoonacularApi.IngredientsApi | getIngredientSubstitutes | GET /food/ingredients/substitutes | Get Ingredient Substitutes |
SpoonacularApi.IngredientsApi | getIngredientSubstitutesByID | GET /food/ingredients/{id}/substitutes | Get Ingredient Substitutes by ID |
SpoonacularApi.IngredientsApi | ingredientSearch | GET /food/ingredients/search | Ingredient Search |
SpoonacularApi.IngredientsApi | ingredientsByIDImage | GET /recipes/{id}/ingredientWidget.png | Ingredients by ID Image |
SpoonacularApi.IngredientsApi | mapIngredientsToGroceryProducts | POST /food/ingredients/map | Map Ingredients to Grocery Products |
SpoonacularApi.IngredientsApi | visualizeIngredients | POST /recipes/visualizeIngredients | Ingredients Widget |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | addMealPlanTemplate | POST /mealplanner/{username}/templates | Add Meal Plan Template |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | addToMealPlan | POST /mealplanner/{username}/items | Add to Meal Plan |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | addToShoppingList | POST /mealplanner/{username}/shopping-list/items | Add to Shopping List |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | clearMealPlanDay | DELETE /mealplanner/{username}/day/{date} | Clear Meal Plan Day |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | connectUser | POST /users/connect | Connect User |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | deleteFromMealPlan | DELETE /mealplanner/{username}/items/{id} | Delete from Meal Plan |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | deleteFromShoppingList | DELETE /mealplanner/{username}/shopping-list/items/{id} | Delete from Shopping List |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | deleteMealPlanTemplate | DELETE /mealplanner/{username}/templates/{id} | Delete Meal Plan Template |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | generateMealPlan | GET /mealplanner/generate | Generate Meal Plan |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | generateShoppingList | POST /mealplanner/{username}/shopping-list/{start_date}/{end_date} | Generate Shopping List |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | getMealPlanTemplate | GET /mealplanner/{username}/templates/{id} | Get Meal Plan Template |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | getMealPlanTemplates | GET /mealplanner/{username}/templates | Get Meal Plan Templates |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | getMealPlanWeek | GET /mealplanner/{username}/week/{start_date} | Get Meal Plan Week |
SpoonacularApi.MealPlanningApi | getShoppingList | GET /mealplanner/{username}/shopping-list | Get Shopping List |
SpoonacularApi.MenuItemsApi | autocompleteMenuItemSearch | GET /food/menuItems/suggest | Autocomplete Menu Item Search |
SpoonacularApi.MenuItemsApi | getMenuItemInformation | GET /food/menuItems/{id} | Get Menu Item Information |
SpoonacularApi.MenuItemsApi | menuItemNutritionByIDImage | GET /food/menuItems/{id}/nutritionWidget.png | Menu Item Nutrition by ID Image |
SpoonacularApi.MenuItemsApi | menuItemNutritionLabelImage | GET /food/menuItems/{id}/nutritionLabel.png | Menu Item Nutrition Label Image |
SpoonacularApi.MenuItemsApi | menuItemNutritionLabelWidget | GET /food/menuItems/{id}/nutritionLabel | Menu Item Nutrition Label Widget |
SpoonacularApi.MenuItemsApi | searchMenuItems | GET /food/menuItems/search | Search Menu Items |
SpoonacularApi.MenuItemsApi | visualizeMenuItemNutritionByID | GET /food/menuItems/{id}/nutritionWidget | Menu Item Nutrition by ID Widget |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | detectFoodInText | POST /food/detect | Detect Food in Text |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | getARandomFoodJoke | GET /food/jokes/random | Random Food Joke |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | getConversationSuggests | GET /food/converse/suggest | Conversation Suggests |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | getRandomFoodTrivia | GET /food/trivia/random | Random Food Trivia |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | imageAnalysisByURL | GET /food/images/analyze | Image Analysis by URL |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | imageClassificationByURL | GET /food/images/classify | Image Classification by URL |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | searchAllFood | GET /food/search | Search All Food |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | searchCustomFoods | GET /food/customFoods/search | Search Custom Foods |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | searchFoodVideos | GET /food/videos/search | Search Food Videos |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | searchSiteContent | GET /food/site/search | Search Site Content |
SpoonacularApi.MiscApi | talkToChatbot | GET /food/converse | Talk to Chatbot |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | autocompleteProductSearch | GET /food/products/suggest | Autocomplete Product Search |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | classifyGroceryProduct | POST /food/products/classify | Classify Grocery Product |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | classifyGroceryProductBulk | POST /food/products/classifyBatch | Classify Grocery Product Bulk |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | getComparableProducts | GET /food/products/upc/{upc}/comparable | Get Comparable Products |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | getProductInformation | GET /food/products/{id} | Get Product Information |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | productNutritionByIDImage | GET /food/products/{id}/nutritionWidget.png | Product Nutrition by ID Image |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | productNutritionLabelImage | GET /food/products/{id}/nutritionLabel.png | Product Nutrition Label Image |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | productNutritionLabelWidget | GET /food/products/{id}/nutritionLabel | Product Nutrition Label Widget |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | searchGroceryProducts | GET /food/products/search | Search Grocery Products |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | searchGroceryProductsByUPC | GET /food/products/upc/{upc} | Search Grocery Products by UPC |
SpoonacularApi.ProductsApi | visualizeProductNutritionByID | GET /food/products/{id}/nutritionWidget | Product Nutrition by ID Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | analyzeARecipeSearchQuery | GET /recipes/queries/analyze | Analyze a Recipe Search Query |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | analyzeRecipeInstructions | POST /recipes/analyzeInstructions | Analyze Recipe Instructions |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | autocompleteRecipeSearch | GET /recipes/autocomplete | Autocomplete Recipe Search |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | classifyCuisine | POST /recipes/cuisine | Classify Cuisine |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | computeGlycemicLoad | POST /food/ingredients/glycemicLoad | Compute Glycemic Load |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | convertAmounts | GET /recipes/convert | Convert Amounts |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | createRecipeCard | POST /recipes/visualizeRecipe | Create Recipe Card |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | equipmentByIDImage | GET /recipes/{id}/equipmentWidget.png | Equipment by ID Image |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | extractRecipeFromWebsite | GET /recipes/extract | Extract Recipe from Website |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getAnalyzedRecipeInstructions | GET /recipes/{id}/analyzedInstructions | Get Analyzed Recipe Instructions |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getRandomRecipes | GET /recipes/random | Get Random Recipes |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getRecipeEquipmentByID | GET /recipes/{id}/equipmentWidget.json | Equipment by ID |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getRecipeInformation | GET /recipes/{id}/information | Get Recipe Information |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getRecipeInformationBulk | GET /recipes/informationBulk | Get Recipe Information Bulk |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getRecipeIngredientsByID | GET /recipes/{id}/ingredientWidget.json | Ingredients by ID |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getRecipeNutritionWidgetByID | GET /recipes/{id}/nutritionWidget.json | Nutrition by ID |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getRecipePriceBreakdownByID | GET /recipes/{id}/priceBreakdownWidget.json | Price Breakdown by ID |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getRecipeTasteByID | GET /recipes/{id}/tasteWidget.json | Taste by ID |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | getSimilarRecipes | GET /recipes/{id}/similar | Get Similar Recipes |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | guessNutritionByDishName | GET /recipes/guessNutrition | Guess Nutrition by Dish Name |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | parseIngredients | POST /recipes/parseIngredients | Parse Ingredients |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | priceBreakdownByIDImage | GET /recipes/{id}/priceBreakdownWidget.png | Price Breakdown by ID Image |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | quickAnswer | GET /recipes/quickAnswer | Quick Answer |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | recipeNutritionByIDImage | GET /recipes/{id}/nutritionWidget.png | Recipe Nutrition by ID Image |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | recipeNutritionLabelImage | GET /recipes/{id}/nutritionLabel.png | Recipe Nutrition Label Image |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | recipeNutritionLabelWidget | GET /recipes/{id}/nutritionLabel | Recipe Nutrition Label Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | recipeTasteByIDImage | GET /recipes/{id}/tasteWidget.png | Recipe Taste by ID Image |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | searchRecipes | GET /recipes/complexSearch | Search Recipes |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | searchRecipesByIngredients | GET /recipes/findByIngredients | Search Recipes by Ingredients |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | searchRecipesByNutrients | GET /recipes/findByNutrients | Search Recipes by Nutrients |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | summarizeRecipe | GET /recipes/{id}/summary | Summarize Recipe |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | visualizeEquipment | POST /recipes/visualizeEquipment | Equipment Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | visualizePriceBreakdown | POST /recipes/visualizePriceEstimator | Price Breakdown Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | visualizeRecipeEquipmentByID | GET /recipes/{id}/equipmentWidget | Equipment by ID Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | visualizeRecipeIngredientsByID | GET /recipes/{id}/ingredientWidget | Ingredients by ID Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | visualizeRecipeNutrition | POST /recipes/visualizeNutrition | Recipe Nutrition Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | visualizeRecipeNutritionByID | GET /recipes/{id}/nutritionWidget | Recipe Nutrition by ID Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | visualizeRecipePriceBreakdownByID | GET /recipes/{id}/priceBreakdownWidget | Price Breakdown by ID Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | visualizeRecipeTaste | POST /recipes/visualizeTaste | Recipe Taste Widget |
SpoonacularApi.RecipesApi | visualizeRecipeTasteByID | GET /recipes/{id}/tasteWidget | Recipe Taste by ID Widget |
SpoonacularApi.WineApi | getDishPairingForWine | GET /food/wine/dishes | Dish Pairing for Wine |
SpoonacularApi.WineApi | getWineDescription | GET /food/wine/description | Wine Description |
SpoonacularApi.WineApi | getWinePairing | GET /food/wine/pairing | Wine Pairing |
SpoonacularApi.WineApi | getWineRecommendation | GET /food/wine/recommendation | Wine Recommendation |
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
The spoonacular Nutrition, Recipe, and Food API allows you to access over thousands of recipes, thousands of ingredients, 800,000 food products, over 100,000 menu items, and restaurants. Our food ontology and semantic recipe search engine makes it possibl
The npm package spoonacular receives a total of 73 weekly downloads. As such, spoonacular popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that spoonacular demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Security News
A malicious npm package targets Solana developers, rerouting funds in 2% of transactions to a hardcoded address.
Security News
Socket researchers have discovered malicious npm packages targeting crypto developers, stealing credentials and wallet data using spyware delivered through typosquats of popular cryptographic libraries.
Security News
Socket's package search now displays weekly downloads for npm packages, helping developers quickly assess popularity and make more informed decisions.