Simple utility to spy on objects and functions. To improve the desperate experience of console.log
npm install spyjunk
Object Spy
import { makeObjectSpy } from "spyjunk";
const someFunc = (x, y) => x + y;
const target = {
n: 123,
s: "someString"
const spy = makeObjectSpy(target, "someSpy");
spy.z = 666;
someFunc(spy.n, spy.z);
This will produce the following output:
Creating object spy "someSpy" for object: {"n":123,"s":"someString"}
Writing value 666 to property "z" on spy "someSpy" in {"n":123,"s":"someString"}.
Reading property "n" on spy "someSpy" in {"n":123,"s":"someString","z":666}.
Reading property "z" on spy "someSpy" in {"n":123,"s":"someString","z":666}.
If no target object is specified, a new empty one will be used. If no name is provided, the default name will be used.
Function Spy
import { makeFunctionSpy } from "spyjunk";
const target = (x, y) => x + y;
const spy = makeFunctionSpy(target, "someSpy");
spy(123, "someString");
This will produce the following output:
Creating function spy someSpy for function: (x, y) => x + y
Called function spy "someSpy" with arguments [123,someString] and context: undefined.
If no target object is specified, a new empty function will be used. If no name is provided, the default name will be used.