Basic SSR middleware for Express. Use to prerender your pages for bots so they can read your meta-data if you're using a client side rendering app, or if you want to boost your website SEO score.
Note: this module uses puppeteer. It also stores all the prendered pages to an internal cache store. It's fine for boosting SEO scores, and making the bots able to read meta-data (In case of a React CRA app for example) but it might not produce the desired effect when attempting to use it to serve your pages to users. If you need a more viable solution, I recommend using a framework that uses SSR by default.
$ npm install --save ssr-for-bots
Or if you're using yarn
$ yarn add ssr-for-bots
For a server where the ssr service should be applied:
const ssrForBots = require("ssr-for-bots");
const defaultOptions = {
prerender: [],
exclude: [],
useCache: true,
cacheRefreshRate: 86400,
Configuration options
Array containing the user-agents
that will trigger the ssr service uses Regex
Note: The array you pass will be added
to the default array list.
Defaults to ["bot","googlebot","Chrome-Lighthouse","DuckDuckBot","ia_archiver","bingbot","yandex","baiduspider","Facebot","facebookexternalhit","facebookexternalhit/1.1","twitterbot","rogerbot","linkedinbot","embedly","quora link preview","showyoubot","outbrain","pinterest","slackbot","vkShare","W3C_Validator"]
Array containing the paths
that will be excluded from the ssr service uses Regex
Note: The array you pass will be added
to the default array list.
Defaults to [".xml", ".ico", ".txt", ".json"]
Example if you're serving an API on /api
path add : ["/api/"]
it will exclude all paths that contains "/api/"
Determins if you want to use cache or not.
The service uses a map to cache all prerendered urls and will return them immediatly if they're cached.
Defaults to true
Cache refresh rate will determine the cache life span expressed in seconds
If a page has been cached for more than the cache refresh rate, it will be removed from cache, rerendered and put back to cache right after.
Defaults to 86400
: 24 hours
MIT © Montassar Laribi