StackOverflow Careers API for Javascript applications.
An unofficial, maintained API to scrape the latest jobs from Stackoverflow Careers Jobs/RSS feeds.
Unfortunately, due to limitations of the RSS feeds, only the latest 25 listings are available for any query. Make them more specific if you'd like deeper results.
Before use, make sure you install the library with the following command:
npm install stackoverflow-careers --save-dev
where --save-dev
will add it to your package.json
Next, add the following into your Nodejs project:
let StackOverflow = require('stackoverflow-careers');
location: "london", // Location for the job. Making this more specific will yield better results.
query: "contractor positions", // Any additional requirements, such as part time, contractor, startup etc.
tl: ["javascript", "java", "c"], // Tech liked
td: ["perl", "rust", "fortran"], // Tech disliked
unit: "miles" // Unit of measurement.
}, (jobs) => {
jobs.forEach((job) => {