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Comparing version 0.27.3 to 0.27.4

# Change Log
## [Unreleased](
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update Flag rest props and propTypes [\#359]( ([levithomason](
## [v0.27.3]( (2016-08-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix names of countries in \<Flag\> [\#358]( ([layershifter](
## [v0.27.2]( (2016-07-28)

@@ -4,0 +19,0 @@ [Full Changelog](



@@ -9,2 +9,6 @@ 'use strict';

var _classnames = require('classnames');
var _classnames2 = _interopRequireDefault(_classnames);
var _react = require('react');

@@ -14,6 +18,2 @@

var _classnames = require('classnames');
var _classnames2 = _interopRequireDefault(_classnames);
var _Meta = require('../../utils/Meta');

@@ -23,5 +23,7 @@

var _propUtils = require('../../utils/propUtils');
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; }
var names = ['ad', 'andorra', 'ae', 'united arab emirates', 'uae', 'af', 'afghanistan', 'ag', 'antigua', 'ai', 'anguilla', 'al', 'albania', 'am', 'armenia', 'an', 'netherlands antilles', 'ao', 'angola', 'ar', 'argentina', 'as', 'american samoa', 'at', 'austria', 'au', 'australia', 'aw', 'aruba', 'ax', 'aland islands', 'az', 'azerbaijan', 'ba', 'bosnia', 'bb', 'barbados', 'bd', 'bangladesh', 'be', 'belgium', 'bf', 'burkina faso', 'bg', 'bulgaria', 'bh', 'bahrain', 'bi', 'burundi', 'bj', 'benin', 'bm', 'bermuda', 'bn', 'brunei', 'bo', 'bolivia', 'br', 'brazil', 'bs', 'bahamas', 'bt', 'bhutan', 'bv', 'bouvet island', 'bw', 'botswana', 'by', 'belarus', 'bz', 'belize', 'ca', 'canada', 'cc', 'cocos islands', 'cd', 'congo', 'cf', 'central african republic', 'cg', 'congo brazzaville', 'ch', 'switzerland', 'ci', 'cote divoire', 'ck', 'cook islands', 'cl', 'chile', 'cm', 'cameroon', 'cn', 'china', 'co', 'colombia', 'cr', 'costa rica', 'cs', 'serbia', 'cu', 'cuba', 'cv', 'cape verde', 'cx', 'christmas island', 'cy', 'cyprus', 'cz', 'czech republic', 'de', 'germany', 'dj', 'djibouti', 'dk', 'denmark', 'dm', 'dominica', 'do', 'dominican republic', 'dz', 'algeria', 'ec', 'ecuador', 'ee', 'estonia', 'eg', 'egypt', 'eh', 'western sahara', 'er', 'eritrea', 'es', 'spain', 'et', 'ethiopia', 'eu', 'european union', 'fi', 'finland', 'fj', 'fiji', 'fk', 'falkland islands', 'fm', 'micronesia', 'fo', 'faroe islands', 'fr', 'france', 'ga', 'gabon', 'gb', 'united kingdom', 'gd', 'grenada', 'ge', 'georgia', 'gf', 'french guiana', 'gh', 'ghana', 'gi', 'gibraltar', 'gl', 'greenland', 'gm', 'gambia', 'gn', 'guinea', 'gp', 'guadeloupe', 'gq', 'equatorial guinea', 'gr', 'greece', 'gs', 'sandwich islands', 'gt', 'guatemala', 'gu', 'guam', 'gw', 'guinea-bissau', 'gy', 'guyana', 'hk', 'hong kong', 'hm', 'heard island', 'hn', 'honduras', 'hr', 'croatia', 'ht', 'haiti', 'hu', 'hungary', 'id', 'indonesia', 'ie', 'ireland', 'il', 'israel', 'in', 'india', 'io', 'indian ocean territory', 'iq', 'iraq', 'ir', 'iran', 'is', 'iceland', 'it', 'italy', 'jm', 'jamaica', 'jo', 'jordan', 'jp', 'japan', 'ke', 'kenya', 'kg', 'kyrgyzstan', 'kh', 'cambodia', 'ki', 'kiribati', 'km', 'comoros', 'kn', 'saint kitts and nevis', 'kp', 'north korea', 'kr', 'south korea', 'kw', 'kuwait', 'ky', 'cayman islands', 'kz', 'kazakhstan', 'la', 'laos', 'lb', 'lebanon', 'lc', 'saint lucia', 'li', 'liechtenstein', 'lk', 'sri lanka', 'lr', 'liberia', 'ls', 'lesotho', 'lt', 'lithuania', 'lu', 'luxembourg', 'lv', 'latvia', 'ly', 'libya', 'ma', 'morocco', 'mc', 'monaco', 'md', 'moldova', 'me', 'montenegro', 'mg', 'madagascar', 'mh', 'marshall islands', 'mk', 'macedonia', 'ml', 'mali', 'mm', 'myanmar', 'burma', 'mn', 'mongolia', 'mo', 'macau', 'mp', 'northern mariana islands', 'mq', 'martinique', 'mr', 'mauritania', 'ms', 'montserrat', 'mt', 'malta', 'mu', 'mauritius', 'mv', 'maldives', 'mw', 'malawi', 'mx', 'mexico', 'my', 'malaysia', 'mz', 'mozambique', 'na', 'namibia', 'nc', 'new caledonia', 'ne', 'niger', 'nf', 'norfolk island', 'ng', 'nigeria', 'ni', 'nicaragua', 'nl', 'netherlands', 'no', 'norway', 'np', 'nepal', 'nr', 'nauru', 'nu', 'niue', 'nz', 'new zealand', 'om', 'oman', 'pa', 'panama', 'pe', 'peru', 'pf', 'french polynesia', 'pg', 'new guinea', 'ph', 'philippines', 'pk', 'pakistan', 'pl', 'poland', 'pm', 'saint pierre', 'pn', 'pitcairn islands', 'pr', 'puerto rico', 'ps', 'palestine', 'pt', 'portugal', 'pw', 'palau', 'py', 'paraguay', 'qa', 'qatar', 're', 'reunion', 'ro', 'romania', 'rs', 'serbia', 'ru', 'russia', 'rw', 'rwanda', 'sa', 'saudi arabia', 'sb', 'solomon islands', 'sc', 'seychelles', 'gb sct', 'scotland', 'sd', 'sudan', 'se', 'sweden', 'sg', 'singapore', 'sh', 'saint helena', 'si', 'slovenia', 'sj', 'svalbard', 'jan mayen', 'sk', 'slovakia', 'sl', 'sierra leone', 'sm', 'san marino', 'sn', 'senegal', 'so', 'somalia', 'sr', 'suriname', 'st', 'sao tome', 'sv', 'el salvador', 'sy', 'syria', 'sz', 'swaziland', 'tc', 'caicos islands', 'td', 'chad', 'tf', 'french territories', 'tg', 'togo', 'th', 'thailand', 'tj', 'tajikistan', 'tk', 'tokelau', 'tl', 'timorleste', 'tm', 'turkmenistan', 'tn', 'tunisia', 'to', 'tonga', 'tr', 'turkey', 'tt', 'trinidad', 'tv', 'tuvalu', 'tw', 'taiwan', 'tz', 'tanzania', 'ua', 'ukraine', 'ug', 'uganda', 'um', 'us minor islands', 'us', 'america', 'united states', 'uy', 'uruguay', 'uz', 'uzbekistan', 'va', 'vatican city', 'vc', 'saint vincent', 've', 'venezuela', 'vg', 'british virgin islands', 'vi', 'us virgin islands', 'vn', 'vietnam', 'vu', 'vanuatu', 'gb wls', 'wales', 'wf', 'wallis and futuna', 'ws', 'samoa', 'ye', 'yemen', 'yt', 'mayotte', 'za', 'south africa', 'zm', 'zambia', 'zw', 'zimbabwe'];

@@ -32,4 +34,3 @@ function Flag(props) {

var rest = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ['className', 'name']);
var rest = (0, _propUtils.getUnhandledProps)(Flag, props);
var classes = (0, _classnames2.default)(name, className, 'flag');

@@ -40,4 +41,2 @@

var names = ['ad', 'andorra', 'ae', 'united arab emirates', 'uae', 'af', 'afghanistan', 'ag', 'antigua', 'ai', 'anguilla', 'al', 'albania', 'am', 'armenia', 'an', 'netherlands antilles', 'ao', 'angola', 'ar', 'argentina', 'as', 'american samoa', 'at', 'austria', 'au', 'australia', 'aw', 'aruba', 'ax', 'aland islands', 'az', 'azerbaijan', 'ba', 'bosnia', 'bb', 'barbados', 'bd', 'bangladesh', 'be', 'belgium', 'bf', 'burkina faso', 'bg', 'bulgaria', 'bh', 'bahrain', 'bi', 'burundi', 'bj', 'benin', 'bm', 'bermuda', 'bn', 'brunei', 'bo', 'bolivia', 'br', 'brazil', 'bs', 'bahamas', 'bt', 'bhutan', 'bv', 'bouvet island', 'bw', 'botswana', 'by', 'belarus', 'bz', 'belize', 'ca', 'canada', 'cc', 'cocos islands', 'cd', 'congo', 'cf', 'central african republic', 'cg', 'congo brazzaville', 'ch', 'switzerland', 'ci', 'cote divoire', 'ck', 'cook islands', 'cl', 'chile', 'cm', 'cameroon', 'cn', 'china', 'co', 'colombia', 'cr', 'costa rica', 'cs', 'serbia', 'cu', 'cuba', 'cv', 'cape verde', 'cx', 'christmas island', 'cy', 'cyprus', 'cz', 'czech republic', 'de', 'germany', 'dj', 'djibouti', 'dk', 'denmark', 'dm', 'dominica', 'do', 'dominican republic', 'dz', 'algeria', 'ec', 'ecuador', 'ee', 'estonia', 'eg', 'egypt', 'eh', 'western sahara', 'er', 'eritrea', 'es', 'spain', 'et', 'ethiopia', 'eu', 'european union', 'fi', 'finland', 'fj', 'fiji', 'fk', 'falkland islands', 'fm', 'micronesia', 'fo', 'faroe islands', 'fr', 'france', 'ga', 'gabon', 'gb', 'united kingdom', 'gd', 'grenada', 'ge', 'georgia', 'gf', 'french guiana', 'gh', 'ghana', 'gi', 'gibraltar', 'gl', 'greenland', 'gm', 'gambia', 'gn', 'guinea', 'gp', 'guadeloupe', 'gq', 'equatorial guinea', 'gr', 'greece', 'gs', 'sandwich islands', 'gt', 'guatemala', 'gu', 'guam', 'gw', 'guinea-bissau', 'gy', 'guyana', 'hk', 'hong kong', 'hm', 'heard island', 'hn', 'honduras', 'hr', 'croatia', 'ht', 'haiti', 'hu', 'hungary', 'id', 'indonesia', 'ie', 'ireland', 'il', 'israel', 'in', 'india', 'io', 'indian ocean territory', 'iq', 'iraq', 'ir', 'iran', 'is', 'iceland', 'it', 'italy', 'jm', 'jamaica', 'jo', 'jordan', 'jp', 'japan', 'ke', 'kenya', 'kg', 'kyrgyzstan', 'kh', 'cambodia', 'ki', 'kiribati', 'km', 'comoros', 'kn', 'saint kitts and nevis', 'kp', 'north korea', 'kr', 'south korea', 'kw', 'kuwait', 'ky', 'cayman islands', 'kz', 'kazakhstan', 'la', 'laos', 'lb', 'lebanon', 'lc', 'saint lucia', 'li', 'liechtenstein', 'lk', 'sri lanka', 'lr', 'liberia', 'ls', 'lesotho', 'lt', 'lithuania', 'lu', 'luxembourg', 'lv', 'latvia', 'ly', 'libya', 'ma', 'morocco', 'mc', 'monaco', 'md', 'moldova', 'me', 'montenegro', 'mg', 'madagascar', 'mh', 'marshall islands', 'mk', 'macedonia', 'ml', 'mali', 'mm', 'myanmar', 'burma', 'mn', 'mongolia', 'mo', 'macau', 'mp', 'northern mariana islands', 'mq', 'martinique', 'mr', 'mauritania', 'ms', 'montserrat', 'mt', 'malta', 'mu', 'mauritius', 'mv', 'maldives', 'mw', 'malawi', 'mx', 'mexico', 'my', 'malaysia', 'mz', 'mozambique', 'na', 'namibia', 'nc', 'new caledonia', 'ne', 'niger', 'nf', 'norfolk island', 'ng', 'nigeria', 'ni', 'nicaragua', 'nl', 'netherlands', 'no', 'norway', 'np', 'nepal', 'nr', 'nauru', 'nu', 'niue', 'nz', 'new zealand', 'om', 'oman', 'pa', 'panama', 'pe', 'peru', 'pf', 'french polynesia', 'pg', 'new guinea', 'ph', 'philippines', 'pk', 'pakistan', 'pl', 'poland', 'pm', 'saint pierre', 'pn', 'pitcairn islands', 'pr', 'puerto rico', 'ps', 'palestine', 'pt', 'portugal', 'pw', 'palau', 'py', 'paraguay', 'qa', 'qatar', 're', 'reunion', 'ro', 'romania', 'rs', 'serbia', 'ru', 'russia', 'rw', 'rwanda', 'sa', 'saudi arabia', 'sb', 'solomon islands', 'sc', 'seychelles', 'gb sct', 'scotland', 'sd', 'sudan', 'se', 'sweden', 'sg', 'singapore', 'sh', 'saint helena', 'si', 'slovenia', 'sj', 'svalbard', 'jan mayen', 'sk', 'slovakia', 'sl', 'sierra leone', 'sm', 'san marino', 'sn', 'senegal', 'so', 'somalia', 'sr', 'suriname', 'st', 'sao tome', 'sv', 'el salvador', 'sy', 'syria', 'sz', 'swaziland', 'tc', 'caicos islands', 'td', 'chad', 'tf', 'french territories', 'tg', 'togo', 'th', 'thailand', 'tj', 'tajikistan', 'tk', 'tokelau', 'tl', 'timorleste', 'tm', 'turkmenistan', 'tn', 'tunisia', 'to', 'tonga', 'tr', 'turkey', 'tt', 'trinidad', 'tv', 'tuvalu', 'tw', 'taiwan', 'tz', 'tanzania', 'ua', 'ukraine', 'ug', 'uganda', 'um', 'us minor islands', 'us', 'america', 'united states', 'uy', 'uruguay', 'uz', 'uzbekistan', 'va', 'vatican city', 'vc', 'saint vincent', 've', 'venezuela', 'vg', 'british virgin islands', 'vi', 'us virgin islands', 'vn', 'vietnam', 'vu', 'vanuatu', 'gb wls', 'wales', 'wf', 'wallis and futuna', 'ws', 'samoa', 'ye', 'yemen', 'yt', 'mayotte', 'za', 'south africa', 'zm', 'zambia', 'zw', 'zimbabwe'];
Flag._meta = {

@@ -57,5 +56,5 @@ library: _Meta2.default.library.semanticUI,

/** Flag name, can use the two digit country code, the full name, or a common alias */
name: _react.PropTypes.oneOf(names).isRequired
name: _react.PropTypes.oneOf(
exports.default = Flag;

@@ -303,3 +303,5 @@ 'use strict';

var search =;
var _this$props2 = _this.props;
var search = _this$;
var onSearchChange = _this$props2.onSearchChange;
var open =;

@@ -309,2 +311,4 @@

if (onSearchChange) onSearchChange(e, newQuery);
// open search dropdown on search query

@@ -318,6 +322,6 @@ if (search && newQuery && !open);

}, _this.getMenuOptions = function () {
var _this$props2 = _this.props;
var multiple = _this$props2.multiple;
var options = _this$props2.options;
var search = _this$;
var _this$props3 = _this.props;
var multiple = _this$props3.multiple;
var options = _this$props3.options;
var search = _this$;
var _this$state2 = _this.state;

@@ -461,7 +465,7 @@ var searchQuery = _this$state2.searchQuery;

}, _this.renderText = function () {
var _this$props3 = _this.props;
var multiple = _this$props3.multiple;
var placeholder = _this$props3.placeholder;
var search = _this$;
var text = _this$props3.text;
var _this$props4 = _this.props;
var multiple = _this$props4.multiple;
var placeholder = _this$props4.placeholder;
var search = _this$;
var text = _this$props4.text;
var _this$state3 = _this.state;

@@ -491,6 +495,6 @@ var searchQuery = _this$state3.searchQuery;

var value = _this.state.value;
var _this$props4 = _this.props;
var multiple = _this$props4.multiple;
var name = _this$;
var selection = _this$props4.selection;
var _this$props5 = _this.props;
var multiple = _this$props5.multiple;
var name = _this$;
var selection = _this$props5.selection;

@@ -543,5 +547,5 @@ debug('name: ' + name);

}, _this.renderOptions = function () {
var _this$props5 = _this.props;
var multiple = _this$props5.multiple;
var search = _this$;
var _this$props6 = _this.props;
var multiple = _this$props6.multiple;
var search = _this$;
var _this$state4 = _this.state;

@@ -833,2 +837,5 @@ var selectedIndex = _this$state4.selectedIndex;

/** Called with the React Synthetic Event and current value on search input change. */
onSearchChange: _react.PropTypes.func,
/** Called with the React Synthetic Event on Dropdown click. */

@@ -835,0 +842,0 @@ onClick: _react.PropTypes.func,

"name": "stardust",
"version": "0.27.3",
"version": "0.27.4",
"description": "The official Semantic-UI-React integration.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -0,16 +1,7 @@

import cx from 'classnames'
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'
import cx from 'classnames'
import META from '../../utils/Meta'
import { getUnhandledProps } from '../../utils/propUtils'
function Flag(props) {
const { className, name, } = props
const classes = cx(
return <i className={classes} {} />
const names = [

@@ -60,2 +51,10 @@ 'ad', 'andorra', 'ae', 'united arab emirates', 'uae', 'af', 'afghanistan', 'ag', 'antigua', 'ai', 'anguilla', 'al',

function Flag(props) {
const { className, name } = props
const rest = getUnhandledProps(Flag, props)
const classes = cx(name, className, 'flag')
return <i className={classes} {} />
Flag._meta = {

@@ -75,3 +74,3 @@ library: META.library.semanticUI,

/** Flag name, can use the two digit country code, the full name, or a common alias */
name: PropTypes.oneOf(names).isRequired,
name: PropTypes.oneOf(,

@@ -78,0 +77,0 @@

@@ -111,2 +111,5 @@ import _ from 'lodash'

/** Called with the React Synthetic Event and current value on search input change. */
onSearchChange: PropTypes.func,
/** Called with the React Synthetic Event on Dropdown click. */

@@ -452,6 +455,8 @@ onClick: PropTypes.func,

const { search } = this.props
const { search, onSearchChange } = this.props
const { open } = this.state
const newQuery =
if (onSearchChange) onSearchChange(e, newQuery)
// open search dropdown on search query

@@ -458,0 +463,0 @@ if (search && newQuery && !open)

@@ -214,2 +214,1 @@ import _ from 'lodash'

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