String Kit
A string manipulation toolbox, featuring a string formatter (inspired by sprintf), a variable inspector
(output featuring ANSI colors and HTML) and various escape functions (shell argument, regexp, html, etc).
- License: MIT
- Current status: beta
- Platform: Node.js only (browser support is planned)
Use Node Package Manager:
npm install string-kit
.format( formatString , ... )
- formatString
a string containing some sprintf()
-like formating - ...
a variable list of arguments to insert into the formatString
This function is inspired by the C
's sprintf()
Basicly, if formatString
includes format specifiers (subsequences beginning with %), the additional arguments
following formatString
are formatted and inserted in the resulting string replacing their respective specifiers.
Also it diverges from C
in quite a few places.
New: Since v0.3.x we can add styles markup (color, bold, italic, and so on...) using the ^
See the format markup documentation.
Basic usage:
var format = require( 'string-kit' ).format ;
console.log( format( 'Hello %s %s, how are you?' , 'Joe' , 'Doe' ) ) ;
write a single %%s
or %i integer%u
unsigned integer%U
unsigned positive integer (>0)%h
unsigned hexadecimal%x
unsigned hexadecimal, force pair of symbols (e.g. 'f' -> '0f')%o
unsigned octal%b
unsigned binary%I
call string-kit's inspect()%Y
call string-kit's inspect(), but do not inspect non-enumerable%E
call string-kit's inspectError()%J
drop, the argument does not produce anything but is eaten anyway%F
filter function existing in the this context, e.g. %[filter:%a%a]F%a
argument for a filter function
Few examples:
var format = require( 'string-kit' ).format ;
console.log( format( 'This company regains %d%% of market share.' , 36 ) ) ;
console.log( format( '11/8=%f' , 11/8 ) ) ;
console.log( format( 'Hexa %h %x' , 11 , 11 ) ) ;
We can insert a number between the % sign and the letter of the specifier, this way, rather than using the next
argument, it uses the Nth argument, this is the absolute position:
console.log( format( '%2s%1s%3s' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' ) ) ;
Also, the internal pointer is moved anyway, so the Nth format specifier still use the Nth argument if it doesn't
specify any position:
console.log( format( '%2s%s%s' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' ) ) ;
If the number is preceded by a plus or a minus sign, the relative position is used rather than the absolute position.
console.log( format( '%+1s%-1s%s' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' ) ) ;
Use case: language.
var hello = {
en: 'Hello %s %s!' ,
jp: 'Konnichiwa %2s %1s!'
} ;
console.log( format( hello[ lang ] , firstName , lastName ) ) ;
The mysterious %[]F
format specifier is used when we want custom formatter.
Firstly we need to build an object containing one or many functions.
Then, format()
should be used with call()
, to pass the functions collection as the this context.
The %[
is followed by the function's name, followed by a :
, followed by a variable list of arguments using %a
It is still possible to use relative and absolute positionning.
The whole format specifier is finished when a ]F
is encountered.
var filters = {
fxy: function( a , b ) { return '' + ( a * a + b ) ; }
} ;
console.log( filters , '%s%[fxy:%a%a]F' , 'f(x,y)=' , 5 , 3 ) ) ;
console.log( filters , '%s%[fxy:%+1a%-1a]F' , 'f(x,y)=' , 5 , 3 ) ) ;
Style markup reference
Since v0.3.x we can add styles (color, bold, italic, and so on...) using the ^
var format = require( 'string-kit' ).format ;
console.log( format( 'This is ^rred^ and ^bblue^:!' , 'Joe' , 'Doe' ) ) ;
Style markup:
write a single caret ^
switch to blue^B
switch to bright blue^c
switch to cyan^C
switch to bright cyan^g
switch to green^G
switch to bright green^k
switch to black^K
switch to bright black^m
switch to magenta^M
switch to bright magenta^r
switch to red^R
switch to bright red^w
switch to white^W
switch to bright white^y
switch to yellow (i.e. brown or orange)^Y
switch to bright yellow (i.e. yellow)^_
switch to underline^/
switch to italic^!
switch to inverse (inverse background and foreground color)^+
switch to bold^-
switch to dim^:
reset the style^
(caret followed by a space) reset the style and write a single space^#
background modifier: next color will be a background color instead of a foreground color,
e.g.: 'Some ^#^r^bred background
text' will write red background in blue over red.
Note: as soon as the format string has one style markup, a style reset will be added at the end of the string.
.format.count( formatString )
- formatString
a string containing some sprintf()
-like formating
It just counts the number of format specifier in the formatString
.inspect( [options] , variable )
- options
display options, the following key are possible:
- style
this is the style to use, the value can be:
- 'none': (default) normal output suitable for console.log() or writing into a file
- 'color': colorful output suitable for terminal
- 'html': html output
- depth: depth limit, default: 3
- noFunc: do not display functions
- noDescriptor: do not display descriptor information
- noType: do not display type and constructor
- enumOnly: only display enumerable properties
- funcDetails: display function's details
- proto: display object's prototype
- sort: sort the keys
- minimal: imply noFunc: true, noDescriptor: true, noType: true, enumOnly: true, proto: false and funcDetails: false.
Display a minimal JSON-like output.
- variable
anything we want to inspect/debug
It inspect a variable, and return a string ready to be displayed with console.log(), or even as HTML output.
It produces a slightly better output than node's util.inspect()
, with more options to control what should be displayed.
Since options
come first, it is possible to use bind()
to create some custom variable inspector.
For example:
var colorInspect = require( 'string-kit' ).inspect.bind( undefined , { style: 'color' } ) ;
Escape functions collection
.escape.shellArg( str )
- str
the string to filter
It escapes the string so that it will be suitable as a shell command's argument.
.escape.regExp( str ) , .escape.regExpPattern( str )
- str
the string to filter
It escapes the string so that it will be suitable to inject it in a regular expression's pattern as a literal string.
Example of a search and replace from a user's input:
var result = data.replace(
new RegExp( stringKit.escape.regExp( userInputSearch ) , 'g' ) ,
stringKit.escape.regExpReplacement( userInputReplace )
) ;
.escape.regExpReplacement( str )
- str
the string to filter
It escapes the string so that it will be suitable as a literal string for a regular expression's replacement.
.escape.html( str )
- str
the string to filter
It escapes the string so that it will be suitable as HTML content.
Only < > &
are replaced by HTML entities.
.escape.htmlAttr( str )
- str
the string to filter
It escapes the string so that it will be suitable as an HTML tag attribute's value.
Only < > & "
are replaced by HTML entities.
It assumes valid HTML: the attribute's value should be into double quote, not in single quote.
.escape.htmlSpecialChars( str )
- str
the string to filter
It escapes all HTML special characters, < > & " '
are replaced by HTML entities.
.escape.control( str )
- str
the string to filter
It escapes all ASCII control characters (code lesser than or equals to 0x1F, or backspace).
Carriage return, newline and tabulation are respectively replaced by \r
, \n
and \t
Other characters are replaced by the unicode notation, e.g. NUL
is replaced by \x00
Full BDD spec generated by Mocha:
should perform basic examples.
expect( format( 'Hello world' ) ) 'Hello world' ) ;
expect( format( 'Hello %s' , 'world' ) ) 'Hello world' ) ;
expect( format( 'Hello %s %s, how are you?' , 'Joe' , 'Doe' ) ) 'Hello Joe Doe, how are you?' ) ;
expect( format( 'I have %i cookies.' , 3 ) ) 'I have 3 cookies.' ) ;
expect( format( 'This company regains %d%% of market share.' , 36 ) ) 'This company regains 36% of market share.' ) ;
expect( format( '11/8=%f' , 11/8 ) ) '11/8=1.375' ) ;
expect( format( 'Binary %b %b' , 11 , 123 ) ) 'Binary 1011 1111011' ) ;
expect( format( 'Octal %o %o' , 11 , 123 ) ) 'Octal 13 173' ) ;
expect( format( 'Hexa %h %x %x' , 11 , 11 , 123 ) ) 'Hexa b 0b 7b' ) ;
expect( format( 'JSON %J' , {hello:'world',here:'is',my:{wonderful:'object'}} ) ) 'JSON {"hello":"world","here":"is","my":{"wonderful":"object"}}' ) ;
expect( format( 'Inspect %I' , {hello:'world',here:'is',my:{wonderful:'object'}} ) ) 'Inspect <Object> <object> {\n hello: "world" <string>(5)\n here: "is" <string>(2)\n my: <Object> <object> {\n wonderful: "object" <string>(6)\n }\n}\n' ) ;
%u should format unsigned integer.
expect( format( '%u' , 123 ) ) '123' ) ;
expect( format( '%u' , 0 ) ) '0' ) ;
expect( format( '%u' , -123 ) ) '0' ) ;
expect( format( '%u' ) ) '0' ) ;
%U should format positive unsigned integer.
expect( format( '%U' , 123 ) ) '123' ) ;
expect( format( '%U' , 0 ) ) '1' ) ;
expect( format( '%U' , -123 ) ) '1' ) ;
expect( format( '%U' ) ) '1' ) ;
%z should format as base64.
expect( format( '%z' , 'some text' ) ) 'c29tZSB0ZXh0' ) ;
expect( format( '%z' , Buffer.from( 'some text' ) ) ) 'c29tZSB0ZXh0' ) ;
expect( format( '%z' , 'some longer text' ) ) 'c29tZSBsb25nZXIgdGV4dA==' ) ;
expect( format( '%z' , Buffer.from( 'some longer text' ) ) ) 'c29tZSBsb25nZXIgdGV4dA==' ) ;
expect( format( '%z' , Buffer.from( '+/c=' , 'base64' ) ) ) '+/c=' ) ;
%Z should format as base64.
expect( format( '%Z' , 'some text' ) ) 'c29tZSB0ZXh0' ) ;
expect( format( '%Z' , Buffer.from( 'some text' ) ) ) 'c29tZSB0ZXh0' ) ;
expect( format( '%Z' , 'some longer text' ) ) 'c29tZSBsb25nZXIgdGV4dA' ) ;
expect( format( '%Z' , Buffer.from( 'some longer text' ) ) ) 'c29tZSBsb25nZXIgdGV4dA' ) ;
expect( format( '%Z' , Buffer.from( '+/c=' , 'base64' ) ) ) '-_c' ) ;
should perform well the argument's index feature.
expect( format( '%s%s%s' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' ) ) 'ABC' ) ;
expect( format( '%+1s%-1s%s' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' ) ) 'BAC' ) ;
expect( format( '%3s%s' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' ) ) 'CBC' ) ;
should perform well the mode arguments feature.
expect( format( '%[f0]f' , 1/3 ) ) '0' ) ;
expect( format( '%[f1]f' , 1/3 ) ) '0.3' ) ;
expect( format( '%[f2]f' , 1/3 ) ) '0.33' ) ;
expect( format( '%[f0]f' , 0.1 ) ) '0' ) ;
expect( format( '%[f1]f' , 0.1 ) ) '0.1' ) ;
expect( format( '%[f2]f' , 0.1 ) ) '0.10' ) ;
format.count() should count the number of arguments found.
expect( format.count( 'blah blih blah' ) ) 0 ) ;
expect( format.count( 'blah blih %% blah' ) ) 0 ) ;
expect( format.count( '%i %s' ) ) 2 ) ;
expect( format.count( '%1i %1s' ) ) 1 ) ;
expect( format.count( '%5i' ) ) 5 ) ;
expect( format.count( '%[unexistant]F' ) ) 0 ) ;
expect( format.count( '%[unexistant:%a%a]F' ) ) 2 ) ;
format.hasFormatting() should return true if the string has formatting and thus need to be interpreted, or false otherwise.
expect( format.hasFormatting( 'blah blih blah' ) ) false ) ;
expect( format.hasFormatting( 'blah blih %% blah' ) ) true ) ;
expect( format.hasFormatting( '%i %s' ) ) true ) ;
expect( format.hasFormatting( '%[unexistant]F' ) ) true ) ;
expect( format.hasFormatting( '%[unexistant:%a%a]F' ) ) true ) ;
when using a filter object as the this context, the %[functionName]F format should use a custom function to format the input.
var formatter = {
format: formatMethod ,
fn: {
fixed: function() { return 'f' ; } ,
double: function( str ) { return '' + str + str ; } ,
fxy: function( a , b ) { return '' + ( a * a + b ) ; }
} ;
expect( formatter.format( '%[fixed]F' ) ) 'f' ) ;
expect( formatter.format( '%[fixed]F%s%s%s' , 'A' , 'B' , 'C' ) ) 'fABC' ) ;
expect( formatter.format( '%s%[fxy:%a%a]F' , 'f(x,y)=' , 5 , 3 ) ) 'f(x,y)=28' ) ;
expect( formatter.format( '%s%[fxy:%+1a%-1a]F' , 'f(x,y)=' , 5 , 3 ) ) 'f(x,y)=14' ) ;
expect( formatter.format( '%[unexistant]F' ) ) '' ) ;
'^' should add markup, defaulting to ansi markup.
expect( format( 'this is ^^ a caret' ) ) 'this is ^ a caret' ) ;
expect( format( 'this is ^_underlined^: this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.underline + 'underlined' + ansi.reset + ' this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
expect( format( 'this is ^_underlined^ this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.underline + 'underlined' + ansi.reset + ' this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
expect( format( 'this is ^_underlined^:this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.underline + 'underlined' + ansi.reset + 'this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
expect( format( 'this is ^Bblue^: this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.brightBlue + 'blue' + ansi.reset + ' this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
expect( format( 'this is ^Bblue^ this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.brightBlue + 'blue' + ansi.reset + ' this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
'^' markup: shift feature.
expect( format( 'this background is ^#^bblue^ this is ^wwhite' ) ) 'this background is ' + ansi.bgBlue + 'blue' + ansi.reset + ' this is ' + ansi.white + 'white' + ansi.reset ) ;
should expose a stand-alone markup only method.
expect( string.markup( 'this is ^^ a caret' ) ) 'this is ^ a caret' ) ;
expect( string.markup( 'this is ^_underlined^: this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.underline + 'underlined' + ansi.reset + ' this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
expect( string.markup( 'this is ^_underlined^ this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.underline + 'underlined' + ansi.reset + ' this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
expect( string.markup( 'this is ^_underlined^:this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.underline + 'underlined' + ansi.reset + 'this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
expect( string.markup( 'this is ^Bblue^: this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.brightBlue + 'blue' + ansi.reset + ' this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
expect( string.markup( 'this is ^Bblue^ this is not' ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.brightBlue + 'blue' + ansi.reset + ' this is not' + ansi.reset ) ;
expect( string.markup( 'this is ^Bblue^ this is not %d' , 5 ) ) 'this is ' + ansi.brightBlue + 'blue' + ansi.reset + ' this is not %d' + ansi.reset ) ;
should expose a stand-alone markup only method.
var wwwFormatter = {
endingMarkupReset: true ,
markupReset: function( markupStack ) {
var str = '</span>'.repeat( markupStack.length ) ;
markupStack.length = 0 ;
return str ;
} ,
markup: {
":": function( markupStack ) {
var str = '</span>'.repeat( markupStack.length ) ;
markupStack.length = 0 ;
return str ;
} ,
" ": function( markupStack ) {
var str = '</span>'.repeat( markupStack.length ) ;
markupStack.length = 0 ;
return str + ' ' ;
} ,
"+": '<span style="font-weight:bold">' ,
"b": '<span style="color:blue">'
} ;
var markup = string.markupMethod.bind( wwwFormatter ) ;
var format = string.formatMethod.bind( wwwFormatter ) ;
expect( markup( 'this is ^^ a caret' ) ) 'this is ^ a caret' ) ;
expect( markup( 'this is ^+bold^: this is not' ) ) 'this is <span style="font-weight:bold">bold</span> this is not' ) ;
expect( markup( 'this is ^+bold^ this is not' ) ) 'this is <span style="font-weight:bold">bold</span> this is not' ) ;
expect( markup( 'this is ^+bold^:this is not' ) ) 'this is <span style="font-weight:bold">bold</span>this is not' ) ;
expect( markup( 'this is ^b^+blue bold' ) ) 'this is <span style="color:blue"><span style="font-weight:bold">blue bold</span></span>' ) ;
expect( format( 'this is ^b^+blue bold' ) ) 'this is <span style="color:blue"><span style="font-weight:bold">blue bold</span></span>' ) ;
Escape collection
escape.control() should escape control characters.
expect( string.escape.control( 'Hello\n\t... world!' ) ) 'Hello\\n\\t... world!' ) ;
expect( string.escape.control( 'Hello\\n\\t... world!' ) ) 'Hello\\n\\t... world!' ) ;
expect( string.escape.control( 'Hello\\\n\\\t... world!' ) ) 'Hello\\\\n\\\\t... world!' ) ;
expect( string.escape.control( 'Hello\\\\n\\\\t... world!' ) ) 'Hello\\\\n\\\\t... world!' ) ;
expect( string.escape.control( 'Nasty\x00chars\x1bhere\x7f!' ) ) 'Nasty\\x00chars\\x1bhere\\x7f!' ) ;
escape.shellArg() should escape a string so that it will be suitable as a shell command's argument.
expect( string.escape.shellArg( "Here's my shell's argument" ) ) "'Here'\\''s my shell'\\''s argument'" ) ;
escape.jsSingleQuote() should escape a string so that it will be suitable as a JS string code.
expect( string.escape.jsSingleQuote( "A string with 'single' quotes" ) ) "A string with \\'single\\' quotes" ) ;
expect( string.escape.jsSingleQuote( "A string with 'single' quotes\nand new\nlines" ) ) "A string with \\'single\\' quotes\\nand new\\nlines" ) ;
escape.jsDoubleQuote() should escape a string so that it will be suitable as a JS string code.
expect( string.escape.jsDoubleQuote( 'A string with "double" quotes' ) ) 'A string with \\"double\\" quotes' ) ;
expect( string.escape.jsDoubleQuote( 'A string with "double" quotes\nand new\nlines' ) ) 'A string with \\"double\\" quotes\\nand new\\nlines' ) ;
escape.regExp() should escape a string so that it will be suitable as a literal string into a regular expression pattern.
expect( string.escape.regExp( "(This) {is} [my] ^$tring^... +doesn't+ *it*? |yes| \\no\\ /maybe/" ) ) "\\(This\\) \\{is\\} \\[my\\] \\^\\$tring\\^\\.\\.\\. \\+doesn't\\+ \\*it\\*\\? \\|yes\\| \\\\no\\\\ \\/maybe\\/" ) ;
escape.regExpReplacement() should escape a string so that it will be suitable as a literal string into a regular expression replacement.
expect( string.escape.regExpReplacement( "$he love$ dollar$ $$$" ) ) "$$he love$$ dollar$$ $$$$$$" ) ;
'$he love$ dollar$ $$$'.replace(
new RegExp( string.escape.regExp( '$' ) , 'g' ) ,
string.escape.regExpReplacement( '$1' )
) "$1he love$1 dollar$1 $1$1$1" ) ;
escape.html() should escape a string so that it will be suitable as HTML content.
expect( string.escape.html( "<This> isn't \"R&D\"" ) ) "<This> isn't \"R&D\"" ) ;
escape.htmlAttr() should escape a string so that it will be suitable as an HTML tag attribute's value.
expect( string.escape.htmlAttr( "<This> isn't \"R&D\"" ) ) "<This> isn't "R&D"" ) ;
escape.htmlSpecialChars() should escape all HTML special characters.
expect( string.escape.htmlSpecialChars( "<This> isn't \"R&D\"" ) ) "<This> isn't "R&D"" ) ;
Camel case
.toCamelCase() should transform a string composed of alphanum - minus - underscore to a camelCase string.
expect( string.toCamelCase( 'one-two-three' ) ) 'oneTwoThree' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase( 'one_two_three' ) ) 'oneTwoThree' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase( 'OnE-tWo_tHree' ) ) 'oneTwoThree' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase( 'ONE-TWO-THREE' ) ) 'oneTwoThree' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase( 'a-b-c' ) ) 'aBC' ) ;
.toCamelCase() edge cases.
expect( string.toCamelCase( '' ) ) '' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase() ) '' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase( 'u' ) ) 'u' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase( 'U' ) ) 'u' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase( 'U-b' ) ) 'uB' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase( 'U-' ) ) 'u' ) ;
expect( string.toCamelCase( '-U' ) ) 'u' ) ;
.camelCaseToDashed() should transform a string composed of alphanum - minus - underscore to a camelCase string.
expect( string.camelCaseToDashed( 'oneTwoThree' ) ) 'one-two-three' ) ;
expect( string.camelCaseToDashed( 'OneTwoThree' ) ) 'one-two-three' ) ;
expect( string.camelCaseToDashed( 'aBC' ) ) 'a-b-c' ) ;
.latinize() should transform to regular latin letters without any accent.
expect( string.latinize( 'éàèùâêîôûÂÊÎÔÛäëïöüÄËÏÖÜæÆŧøþßðđħł' ) ) 'eaeuaeiouAEIOUaeiouAEIOUaeAEtothssdhdhl' ) ;
.wordwrap() should wrap words.
expect( string.wordwrap( 'one two three four five six seven' , 10 ) ) 'one two\nthree\nfour five\nsix seven' ) ;
expect( string.wordwrap( 'one two three four five six seven' , 10 , '<br />\n' ) ) 'one two<br />\nthree<br />\nfour five<br />\nsix seven' ) ;
expect( string.wordwrap( 'one two three four five six seven' , 10 , null ) ).to.eql( [ 'one two' , 'three' , 'four five' , 'six seven' ] ) ;
expect( string.wordwrap( 'one\ntwo three four five six seven' , 10 ) ) 'one\ntwo three\nfour five\nsix seven' ) ;
expect( string.wordwrap( ' one\ntwo three four five six seven' , 10 ) ) 'one\ntwo three\nfour five\nsix seven' ) ;
expect( string.wordwrap( ' one \ntwo three four five six seven' , 10 ) ) 'one\ntwo three\nfour five\nsix seven' ) ;
should inspect a variable with default options accordingly.
var MyClass = function MyClass() {
this.variable = 1 ;
} ; = function report() { console.log( 'Variable value:' , this.variable ) ; } ;
MyClass.staticFunc = function staticFunc() { console.log( 'Static function.' ) ; } ;
var sparseArray = [] ;
sparseArray[ 3 ] = 'three' ;
sparseArray[ 10 ] = 'ten' ;
sparseArray[ 20 ] = 'twenty' ;
sparseArray.customProperty = 'customProperty' ;
var object = {
a: 'A' ,
b: 2 ,
str: 'Woot\nWoot\rWoot\tWoot' ,
sub: {
u: undefined ,
n: null ,
t: true ,
f: false
} ,
emptyString: '' ,
emptyObject: {} ,
list: [ 'one','two','three' ] ,
emptyList: [] ,
sparseArray: sparseArray ,
hello: function hello() { console.log( 'Hello!' ) ; } ,
anonymous: function() { console.log( 'anonymous...' ) ; } ,
class: MyClass ,
instance: new MyClass() ,
buf: new Buffer( 'This is a buffer!' )
} ;
object.sub.circular = object ;
Object.defineProperties( object , {
c: { value: '3' } ,
d: {
get: function() { throw new Error( 'Should not be called by the test' ) ; } ,
set: function( value ) {}
} ) ;
var actual = string.inspect( object ) ;
var expected = '<Object> <object> {\n a: "A" <string>(1)\n b: 2 <number>\n str: "Woot\\nWoot\\rWoot\\tWoot" <string>(19)\n sub: <Object> <object> {\n u: undefined\n n: null\n t: true\n f: false\n circular: <Object> <object> [circular]\n }\n emptyString: "" <string>(0)\n emptyObject: <Object> <object> {}\n list: <Array>(3) <object> {\n [0] "one" <string>(3)\n [1] "two" <string>(3)\n [2] "three" <string>(5)\n length: 3 <number> <-conf -enum>\n }\n emptyList: <Array>(0) <object> {\n length: 0 <number> <-conf -enum>\n }\n sparseArray: <Array>(21) <object> {\n [3] "three" <string>(5)\n [10] "ten" <string>(3)\n [20] "twenty" <string>(6)\n length: 21 <number> <-conf -enum>\n customProperty: "customProperty" <string>(14)\n }\n hello: <Function> hello(0) <function>\n anonymous: <Function> anonymous(0) <function>\n class: <Function> MyClass(0) <function>\n instance: <MyClass> <object> {\n variable: 1 <number>\n }\n buf: <Buffer 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 62 75 66 66 65 72 21> <Buffer>(17)\n c: "3" <string>(1) <-conf -enum -w>\n d: <getter/setter> {\n get: <Function> get(0) <function>\n set: <Function> set(1) <function>\n }\n}\n' ;
expect( actual ) expected ) ;
should pass the Array circular references bug.
var array = [ [ 1 ] ] ;
expect( string.inspect( array ) ) '<Array>(1) <object> {\n [0] <Array>(1) <object> {\n [0] 1 <number>\n length: 1 <number> <-conf -enum>\n }\n length: 1 <number> <-conf -enum>\n}\n' ) ;
Title case
Basic .toTitleCase() usages.
expect( string.toTitleCase( 'bob bill booo électron hétérogénéité ALLCAPS McDowell jean-michel' ) ) 'Bob Bill Booo Électron Hétérogénéité ALLCAPS McDowell Jean-Michel' ) ;
expect( string.toTitleCase( 'bob bill booo électron hétérogénéité ALLCAPS McDowell jean-michel' , { zealous: true } ) ) 'Bob Bill Booo Électron Hétérogénéité Allcaps Mcdowell Jean-Michel' ) ;
expect( string.toTitleCase( 'bob bill booo électron hétérogénéité ALLCAPS McDowell jean-michel' , { zealous: true , preserveAllCaps: true } ) ) 'Bob Bill Booo Électron Hétérogénéité ALLCAPS Mcdowell Jean-Michel' ) ;
expect( string.resize( 'bobby' , 3 ) ) 'bob' ) ;
expect( string.resize( 'bobby' , 5 ) ) 'bobby' ) ;
expect( string.resize( 'bobby' , 8 ) ) 'bobby ' ) ;
unicode.length() should report correctly the length of a string.
expect( string.unicode.length( '' ) ) 0 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( 'a' ) ) 1 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( 'abc' ) ) 3 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( '\x1b[' ) ) 2 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( '𝌆' ) ) 1 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( 'a𝌆' ) ) 2 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( 'a𝌆a𝌆a' ) ) 5 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( 'é𝌆é𝌆é' ) ) 5 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( '䷆䷆' ) ) 2 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( '備' ) ) 1 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( '備備' ) ) 2 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.length( '備-備' ) ) 3 ) ;
unicode.toArray() should produce an array of character.
expect( string.unicode.toArray( '' ) ).to.eql( [] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( 'a' ) ).to.eql( [ 'a' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( 'abc' ) ).to.eql( [ 'a' , 'b' , 'c' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( '\x1b[' ) ).to.eql( [ '\x1b' , '[' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( '𝌆' ) ).to.eql( [ '𝌆' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( 'a𝌆' ) ).to.eql( [ 'a' , '𝌆' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( 'a𝌆a𝌆a' ) ).to.eql( [ 'a' , '𝌆' , 'a' , '𝌆' , 'a' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( 'é𝌆é𝌆é' ) ).to.eql( [ 'é' , '𝌆' , 'é' , '𝌆' , 'é' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( '䷆䷆' ) ).to.eql( [ '䷆' , '䷆' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( '備' ) ).to.eql( [ '備' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( '備備' ) ).to.eql( [ '備' , '備' ] ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toArray( '備-備' ) ).to.eql( [ '備' , '-' , '備' ] ) ;
unicode.surrogatePair() should return 0 for single char, 1 for leading surrogate, -1 for trailing surrogate.
expect( string.unicode.surrogatePair( 'a' ) ) 0 ) ;
expect( '𝌆'.length ) 2 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.surrogatePair( '𝌆'[0] ) ) 1 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.surrogatePair( '𝌆'[1] ) ) -1 ) ;
expect( '備'.length ) 2 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.surrogatePair( '備'[0] ) ) 1 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.surrogatePair( '備'[1] ) ) -1 ) ;
expect( '䷆'.length ) 1 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.surrogatePair( '䷆'[0] ) ) 0 ) ;
unicode.isFullWidth() should return true if the char is full-width.
expect( string.unicode.isFullWidth( 'a' ) ) false ) ;
expect( string.unicode.isFullWidth( '@' ) ) true ) ;
expect( string.unicode.isFullWidth( '𝌆' ) ) false ) ;
expect( string.unicode.isFullWidth( '備' ) ) true ) ;
expect( string.unicode.isFullWidth( '䷆' ) ) false ) ;
.toFullWidth() should transform a character to its full-width variant, if it exist.
expect( string.unicode.toFullWidth( '@' ) ) '@' ) ;
expect( string.unicode.toFullWidth( 'é' ) ) 'é' ) ;
.width() should return the width of a string when displayed on a terminal or a monospace font.
expect( string.unicode.width( 'aé@à' ) ) 4 ) ;
expect( string.unicode.width( 'aé@à' ) ) 5 ) ;