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A flexible, robust and powerful Javascript string manipulation library.

  • 1.2.1
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

Version published


A flexible, robust and powerful Javascript string manipulation library. Contains the usual suspects and loads of very handy additions.

String.prototype is not affected by strings.js

Some quick examples:

// discover strings:
var strings= new Strings( 'asagcnaicrbtas' )
console.log( strings.$ );
// Strings!
strings.lower('s').remove('!').append( '.js' );
console.log( strings.$ );
// strings.js

// 33 character password from all printable ascii:
console.log( Strings.random(33) );
// 9&@w=Q+|Gxe`NzL='Q8?4IxAg0dUyq}]s (pseudo)

// or from numbers only:
console.log( Strings.random(33, Strings.ASCII_RANGE_NUMBERS) );
// 326579354237121359463402643861378

console.log( Strings.sort('326579354237121359463402643861378') );
// '011122223333333444455566667778899'

var sparse= '  \t\t max.   1  \t  consecutive   \t \tspace! \t ';
console.log( Strings.oneSpaceAndTrim(sparse) );
// max 1 consecutive space!

// there is much more! see below..

Made for browser and/or node.js. You can use `npm install strings.js` if you like.

___ General description: --------------------

Because strings.js is build upon types.js it is very robust. Almost any String type argument accepts a Number type and viceversa. All input and output is checked for type validity. If you expect a typeof 'string', you won't get undefined or any other type that can break following code.

IMHO we shouldn't accept n-1 for strings in Javascript, it sucks and is not necessary. All string indexes in strings.js are 1 based and translated to 0 based internally. Negative indexes can be used in most functions. -1 references the last character in the string, 1 references the first character in the string.

The new Strings() object is made for chaining operations on strings, most of it's methods return their own context. To return the actual value of the string, one can use .get() or .$ or .string.

Almost all functionality of Strings prototypes, and some extra functions, are available from Strings static function library.

types.js is included in strings.js as it is the fundament for strings.js. types.js and some other included tools can be used as static methods from Strings. Descriptions for all included methods can be found in the API below. The types.js API can be found in the phazelift/types.js repo.

Still working on the API.. For now I recommend to check the Jasmine tests to see what strings.js is capable of, and have some fun playing it.

Some examples:

var Strings= require("strings.js");					// with node.js

// all comments reflect the value of s.string, except for .wrap
var s= new Strings( 'HELLO STRINGS!' );

s.lower('ello', 'trings').insert(' library', -1);	// Hello Strings library!
s.lower('h').toCamel(' ').remove('!');				// helloStringsLibrary
s.unCamel(' ').upper(1, 7).push('!');				// Hello Strings library!
s.remove('Hello', 'library', ' ');					// Strings!
s.prepend('reversed ').reverse();						// !sgnirtS desrever
s.shuffle();										// getriever!nrss dS (random on every run)
s.set();											// (.set with no usable argument wipes the string)

s.set('Strings!').setWrap('<3 ').wrap;				// <3 Strings! (.wrap only returns the wrapped string)
s.applyWrap('I ', '!').get(88, 3, 4, 99);			// <3 (88 and 99 are out of range and thus ignored)
s.get();											// I <3 Strings! (wrap was applied to this.string)

// some static Methods
// all comments reflect the value of s
s= '      spaces        or tabs     in here?        ' ;
s= Strings.replace(s, 'not in s', 'ignored..');		//        spaces        or tabs     in here?
Strings.split(s+ '\t\t  \t ');						// [ 'spaces', 'or', 'tabs', 'in', 'here?' ]
s= Strings.oneSpaceAndTrim(s);						// spaces or tabs in here?
s= Strings.remove(s, ' in here?');					// spaces or tabs
s= Strings.xs(s, function(char, index){				// SpAcEs oR TaBs
    if (index %2 === 0)
        return char.toUpperCase();
    return true;
Strings.toCamel('a,comma,seperated,string?', ',');	// aCommaSeperatedString?
Strings.unCamel('aUnderscoredString', '_');			// a_underscored_string
Strings.times('A', 3);								// AAA
s= Strings.random(20);								// j#4-s,t0]`bRd86!,>=Z (create password/random string)
s= Strings.random(10, Strings.ASCII_RANGE_NUMBERS);
													// 6206002371	(create random string in specific range)
// etc...

// The included libs/tools. Most methods can be directly used from Strings, only a few specific overloaded methods.
Types= require("strings.js").Types;
Chars= require("strings.js").Chars;

// When I have a little time available I will try to update the examples to have it more meaningful and elaborate.
// For now, check the API, there's a lot more!


In this API, the type of a dynamic Strings object is denoted with <this>. Therefore, all methods returning <this> can be used for chaining.

this.string represents the actual state of the internal dynamic string.

This API is in development..

Strings constructor

<this> Strings( <string>/<number> string, [string1, ..., stringN] )

Calls .set internally, so .set rules apply, see below.

var string= new Strings( 'All those characters..' );


<string> string

Internal/contextual string, do not set directly, use .set() instead to prevent bugs. You can of course use .string as a getter to fetch the string.

	var myString= new Strings('The actual string');
	console.log( myString.string );
	// The actual string


<this> set( <string>/<number> string, [string1, ..., stringN] )

Sets this.string to string arguments, or resets this.string to '' if no argument is given. Arguments that are not of type String or Number will not be set.

var string= new Strings();
string.set('James ', 'Bond ', 'is ', 0, 0, 7);
// James Bond is 007


<this> sort()

Returns this.string's characters sorted by it's ordinal value.

var string= new Strings( 'sort', 'charcters', 'and', 5, 2, 9, 1 );
console.log( string.sort().$ );
// 1259aaccdehnorrrsstt


<this> random( <string>/<number> amount, <array> asciiRange= Chars.ASCII_RANGE_ALL )

Applies a random string with amount characters within asciiRange. asciiRange is an Array with two indices; [min, max]. If you want a custom range, you can better use: new Strings('mysecret007shuffle').shuffle()

// 10 random special characters
console.log( new Strings().random(10, Strings.ASCII_RANGE_SPECIAL_1) );
// &!! %.,./*


<string> xs( <function> callback(char, index){} )

Access every index of this.string and apply the result of the callback to it.

If the callback returns true, char is applied. If the callback returns false or undefined, char will be skipped. Any character, String or Number returned by callback will be applied to index in string.

var string= new Strings('It is easy to change characters in any way!');
string.xs( function(ch){
	return (ch === ' ')
		? ' * '
		: true;
console.log( string.$ );
// It * is * easy * to * change * characters * in * any * way!


<this> times( <string>/<number> amount )

Duplicates this.string by amount, or leaves this.string unchanged if no amount is given.

console.log( new Strings('<3 ').times(3).$ );
// <3 <3 <3


<string> get( <string>/<number> indexes, [index1, ..., [indexN] )

Returns one or more indexes in a new string, without affecting this.string. Without arguments get() returns the full this.string.

var string= new Strings('sdblaem');
console.log( string.get(5, 1, 1, -2, -1, 3, 4, -2, 2) );
// assembled


<string> $ (getter)

Returns this.get()


<string> copy( <string>/<number> offset, <string>/<number> amount )

Returns a substring of this.string from offset to offset+amount. If amount is not given, all characters from offset to end of this.string are returned. If no arguments are given, a full copy of this.string is returned.

var string= new Strings('copy a part');
console.log( string.copy(-4, 4) );
// part


<boolean> empty()

Returns true if this.string.length is < 1.

console.log( new Strings().empty() );
// true


<boolean> isAlpha()

Returns true if this.string is in the range ['a'..'z'] and/or ['A'..'Z']

console.log( new Strings('abcIsAlpha').isAlpha() );
// true


<boolean> isNumeric()

Returns true if this.string is in the range ['0'..'9']

console.log( new Strings('123').isNumeric() );
// true


<boolean> isAlphaNumeric()

Returns true if this.string is in the range ['a'..'z'] and/or ['A'..'Z'] and/or ['0'..'9']

console.log( new Strings('abc123').isAlphaNumeric() );
// true


<boolean> isSpecial()

Returns true if this.string is NOT in the range ['a'..'z'] and/or ['A'..'Z'] and/or ['0'..'9'], but in the range of all printable ascii characters.

console.log( new Strings('!@ #$').isSpecial() );
// true
// note that space is a special character!


<boolean> isSpace()

Returns true if this.string contains no characters other than spaces and/or horizontal tabs.

console.log( new Strings(' \t ').isSpace() );
// true


<this> push ( <string>/<number> string, [string1, ..., stringN] )

Append string(s) to this.string.

var string= new Strings('add to this ').push('string', '?');
console.log( string.$ );
// add to this string?


<this> pop ( <string>/<number> amount )

Removes amount characters starting from the end of this.string going backwards, no arguments pops only one character.

var string= new Strings('remove characters from the end').pop(13);
console.log( string.$ );
// remove characters


<this> prepend ( <string>/<number> string, [string1, ..., stringN] )

Prepend this.string with string(s).

var string= new Strings('to prepend').prepend(1, '. some', ' strings ');
console.log( string.$ );
// 1. some strings to prepend

> `<this> insert ( <string>/<number> insertion, <string>/<number> pos, [pos, ..., posN] )`

> Insert insertion at pos in this.string, the insertion will be inserted before the character at pos. If insertion is invalid,
> or index is less than the negative length of the string, insertion will be prepended to the string. If pos is greater than
> the length of the string, insertion will be appended to the string.

> Multiple positions are allowed, but duplicate positions ignored. Positions are relative to the string before insertion,
> so, if our string is `'123'` and we insert `'-'` at position 2 and 3, we will get `'1-2-3'`.
var string= new Strings('wherearethespaces?').insert(' ', 6, 9, 12 );
console.log( string.$ );
// where are the spaces?

> `<this> trim()`

> Removes white space characters, including spaces, tabs, form feeds, line feeds and other Unicode spaces, from the
> beginning and the end of the string.
var string= new Strings('   \t remove leading and trailing tabs and spaces    \t').trim();
console.log( string.$ );
// remove leading and trailing tabs and spaces


<this> trimLeft()

Removes white space characters, including spaces, tabs, form feeds, line feeds and other Unicode spaces from the start of this.string.


<this> trimRight()

Removes white space characters, including spaces, tabs, form feeds, line feeds and other Unicode spaces from the end of this.string.


<this> oneSpace()

Reduces all consecutive horizontal tabs and/or spaces found in this.string to a maximum of one.

var string= new Strings('sparse   	 	 strings   \t  cleaned  up!').oneSpace();
console.log( string.$ );
// sparse strings cleaned up!

> `<this> oneSpaceAndTrim()`

>	Applies this.trim() and this.oneSpace() on this.string.
var string= new Strings('  \t  sparse    strings   \t  cleaned  up!  \t ').oneSpaceAndTrim();
console.log( string.$ );
// sparse strings cleaned up!

> `<array> find( <string>/<number> substring, <string> flags )`

> Returns an array containing all indexes where substring is found, or an empty array if there is no match.
> If flags is set to an empty string, only the first occurance of the found substring will be pushed into the array.
> find internally uses RegExp, so flags is 100% compatible with RegExp flags.
console.log( new Strings('find character positions').find(' ') );
// [ 5, 15 ]


<number> count( <string>/<number> substring )

Returns the amount of times substring is found in this.string.

console.log( new Strings('now count the spaces in this string').count(' ') );
// 6
console.log( new Strings('count substrings in this string').count('string') );
// 2


<boolean> contains( <string>/<number> string )

Returns true if string is a substring of this.string, false if not.

console.log( new Strings('any spaces in here?').contains('spaces') );
// true


<string> between( <string>/<number> before, <string>/<number> after )

Returns the string between before and after. The first occurance of before and the last occurance of after are matched. An empty string is returned in case of no match.

console.log( new Strings('what is (between) the braces?').between('(', ')') );
// between


<this> slice( <string>/<number> offset, <string>/<number> amount )

Crop this.string from offset with amount.

console.log( new Strings('fetch a slice of this').slice(9, 5).$ );
// slice


An alias for slice.


<this> truncate( <string>/<number> offset, <string>/<number> suffix )

Removes all characters after offset from this.string, and optionally add a suffix.

var string= new Strings('is truncate pop with a suffix?')
	.truncate(15, '? No, it counts from the start, and you can add a suffix.');
console.log( string.$ );
// is truncate pop? No, it counts from the start and you can add a suffix.


<this> remove( <string>/<number> string, [string1, ..., stringN] )

  • Arguments are substrings - Remove all found/matching strings given as arguments from this.string.
var string= new Strings('what is the lifetime of a string?');
console.log( string.remove( 'what', 'is ', '?').$ );
// the lifetime of a string


<this> removeRange( <string>/<number> index, <string>/<number> amount= 1 )

Removes amount character(s) from this.string, starting from index.

var string= new Strings('what is the lifetime of a string?');
console.log( string.removeRange(8, 16).$ );
// what is a string?


<this> removePos( <string>/<number> positions, [pos1, ..., posN] )

  • Arguments are indices - Remove all (one character) positions given as arguments, from this.string.
var string= new Strings('remove single characters from this string?');
console.log( string.removePos(-1, 1, 2) );
// move single characters from this string


<this> replace( <string>/<number>/<regexp> subString, <string>/<number> replacement, <string> flags )

Replace the first or every occurence of subString in this.string with replacement depending on flags. As Strings.replace internally uses RegExp you can set flags to your liking. flags defaults to 'g' (global)

console.log( new Strings('almost standard..').replace('almost', 'not so').$ );
// not so standard


<this> reverse()

Reverses this.string.

console.log( new Strings('desrever').reverse().$ );
// reversed


<this> upper( <string>/<number> arg, [arg1, ..., argN] )

If arg(s) are number(s), the character(s) in this.string at index or indexes are changed to uppercase. If arg(s) are character, all matching characters in this.string are changed to uppercase. Multiple character strings are matched as well.

console.log( new Strings('change case').upper('c').$ );
// Change Case
console.log( new Strings('change case').upper(1, 3, 5, -2, -4).$ );
// ChAnGe CaSe


<this> lower( <string>/<number> arg, [arg1, ..., argN] )

Same as .upper, it only changes uppercase characters to lowercase.


<this> shuffle()

Randomizes(pseudo) the position of each character in this.string.

console.log( new Strings('shuffle').shuffle().$ );
// fsfluhe (pseudo random)


<this> toCamel( <string> char= '-' )

Converts every following character matching char in this.string to uppercase, and removes char.

console.log( new Strings('underscores_to_camels').toCamel('_').$ );


<this> unCamel( <string>/<number> insertion= '-' )

Converts this.string camels to lower-case with insertion prepended. Insertion defaults to dashes, but can be set to any character of your liking.

console.log( new Strings('underscoresFromCamels').unCamel('_').$ );


<boolean> startsWith( <string>/<number> start )

Returns true if this.string starts with start, false if not.

console.log( new Strings('abc 123').startsWith('ab') );
// true


<boolean> endsWith( <string>/<number> ending )

Returns true if this.string ends with ending, false if not.

console.log( new Strings('abc 123').endsWith('23') );
// true


<this> setWrap( <string>/<number> prepend, <string>/<number> append )

Sets a wrapper that wraps this.string between prepend and append. Output of .get() or .$ is not affected by setWrap. Fetch .wrap to return the wrapped this.string

You can add to prepend and append (outwards) by calling .setWrap again.

var string= new Strings('<3').setWrap( 'she ', ' me');
console.log( string.$ );
// <3
console.log( string.wrap );
// she <3 me
string.setWrap('would ', ' forever?');
console.log( string.wrap );
// would she <3 me forever?
console.log( string.$+ '..' );
// <3..


<this> removeWrap()

Removes the wrapper.


<this> applyWrap( <string>/<number> prepend, <string>/<number> append )

Calls setWrap and wraps the wrapper with prepend and append if set already. Then the total wrap is applied to this.string. Finally the wrapper method will be reset with removeWrap.

var string= new Strings('<3').applyWrap( 'She ', '\'s me!');
console.log( string.$ );
// She <3's me!


<string> wrap (getter)

Returns this.string wrapped by the text set with setWrap(). If setWrap() has not been called yet, only this.string will return.

Static functions

See descriptions for similar functions above.


<string> Strings.create( <string>/<number> string, [string1, ..., stringN] )

Returns an assembled string from given arguments of type String. Non String arguments are omitted. If no valid arguments are given, an empty string will be returned.


<string> Strings.get( <string>/<number> string, [<number> position1, ..., positionN] )

Returns a string containing every position from string given, in the order they were given. Invalid positions are ignored and won't disrupt the process.


<string> Strings.sort( <string>/<number> string )


<string> Strings.random( <string>/<number> amount= 1, <array> asciiRange= Chars.ASCII_RANGE_ALL )


<string> Strings.times( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> amount )


<string> Strings.regEscape( <string>/<number> string )

Returns string with all found special regular expression characters in string escaped.


<boolean> Strings.empty( <string>/<number> string )


<boolean> Strings.isAlpha( <string>/<number> string, [string1, ..., stringN] )


<boolean> Strings.isNumeric( <string>/<number> string, [string1, ..., stringN] )


<boolean> Strings.isAlphaNumeric( <string>/<number> string, [string1, ..., stringN] )


<boolean> Strings.isSpecial( <string>/<number> string )

Returns true if string contains only special ascii characters.


<boolean> Strings.isSpace( <string>/<number> string )


<string> Strings.xs( <string>/<number> string, <function> callback( <string> char, <number> index ){} )


<string> Strings.copy( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> offset, <string>/<number> amount )


<string> Strings.replace( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number>/<regexp> toReplace, <string>/<number> replacement, <string> flags )


<boolean> Strings.trim( <string>/<number> string )


<boolean> Strings.trimLeft( <string>/<number> string )


<boolean> Strings.trimRight( <string>/<number> string )


<boolean> Strings.oneSpace( <string>/<number> string )


<boolean> Strings.oneSpaceAndTrim( <string>/<number> string )


<string> Strings.toCamel( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> char= '-' )


<string> Strings.unCamel( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> insertion= '-' )


<string> Strings.shuffle( <string>/<number> string )


<array> Strings.find( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> query, <string> flags )


<number> Strings.count( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> query )


<boolean> Strings.contains( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> subString )


<string> Strings.between( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> before, <string>/<number> after )


<string> Strings.slice( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> start, <string>/<number> size )


An alias for Strings.slice.


<string> Strings.truncate( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> length, <string>/<number> suffix= '' )


<string> Strings.pop( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> amount)


<array> Strings.split( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> delimiter )

Warning, this is a custom .split. It splits the string into an array by delimiter, with the difference that it destroys spaces, tabs, line-feeds, carriage-returns and skips empty strings to avoid ending up with a sparse array.

The default delimiter is a (white)space. delimiter is truncated to 1 character.


<string> Strings.reverse( <string>/<number> string )


<string> Strings.upper( <string> string, <string>/<number> args [args1, ..., argsN] )


<string> Strings.lower( <string> string, <string>/<number> args [args1, ..., argsN] )


<string> Strings.insert( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> index, <string>/<number> insertion )


<string> Strings.removeRange( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> offset, <string>/<number> amount )


<string> removePos( <string>/<number> positions, [pos1, ..., posN] )


<string> Strings.remove( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> toRemove )


<boolean> Strings.startsWith( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> start )


<boolean> Strings.endsWith( <string>/<number> string, <string>/<number> end )


<object> Strings.wrap( <string>/<number> prepend, <string>/<number> append )

A functional method. Returns a function that takes a string as argument. The string passed as argument when calling the function will be returned wrapped, by prepend and append.

You can add to prepend and append by calling .wrap on the wrapper as in myWrapper.wrap( 'outer prepend', 'outer append' );

###Tools and imports from my other libraries:


RangeOrdinal rangeCharacters found in range
Strings.ASCII_RANGE_SPECIAL_1[32,47] !"#$%&'()*+,-./
Strings.ASCII_RANGE_ALL(printable)[32,126] !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_``abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{



An array holding all special characters used in regular expressions.


<string> Strings.ascii( <string>/<number> ordinalNr )

Returns the ascii character with ordinalNr.


<number> Strings.ordinal( <string>/<number> char )

Returns the ordinal value of an Ascii character.


Strings.random( asciiRange= Strings.ASCII_RANGE_ALL )

Returns a random character within the given asciiRange. See format above.


<boolean> Strings.inRange( <string>/<number> nr, <array> range )

Returns true if nr is in range, including the bounds of range. range is an Array with two indices; [min, max].


<number> Strings.limitNumber( <string>/<number> nr, <array> range )

Returns nr limited to range. range is an Array with two indices; [min, max].


<number> Strings.randomNumber( <string>/<number> min, <string>/<number> max )

Returns a (pseudo) random number in the range min..max.


<array> Strings.shuffleArray( <array> array )

Returns array (pseudo)randomly shuffled.


<number> Strings.positiveIndex( <string>/<number> index, <string>/<number> limit )

Returns an absolute, 0 based index from a 1 based index positive or negative number. If index is negative then it`s relative positive number will be returned. If index is 0 or exceeding limit, false is returned.


<array> Strings.insertSort( <array> array )

A basic insert-sort on array. Return value is just for convenience.


<array> Strings.noDupAndReverse( <array> array )

Removes duplicates from, and reverses the array. Only works on sorted arrays, which you can do with insertSort.


The full library (1.8kb) is included in strings.js. Check my phazelift repository for general info and API.

change log


Started improving the running-speed of all methods. It's a work in progress.

Removed due to optimization:

  • Chars.isUpper, Chars.isLower, Chars.isAlpha, Chars.isNumeric, Chars.isSpecial, Chars.isAlphaNumeric

Optimized (some stage..):

  • Strings.isUpper, Strings.isLower, Strings.isAlpha, Strings.isNumeric, Strings.isSpecial, Strings.isAlphaNumeric, Strings.startsWith

Added elementary running-speed results, to be found in tests.

Updated Jasmine tests and readme.


Made available Strings.insertSort() and Strings.noDupAndReverse() in the Tools section, I can now remove them from words.js.

Updated readme.



  • Strings.sort( string ), Strings.prototype.sort(), now you can sort the characters of your string by ordinal value.


  • Strings.insert now allows for inserting to multiple positions. Invalid or no index given will now return the original string.


  • Readme
  • Jasmine tests


Updated types.js to version 1.3.4


Added Jasmine tests for the static part of the library. The dynamic part was thorougly tested already, but I hope to add soon some tests for that as well.

types.js included in strings.js is updated to the latest version now.

Many little enhancements and a few minor bug fixes.


  • Strings.get().


  • Strings.force, as force is now implemented in types.js. Use Strings.forceString, or the other force'Types' from types.js.



Package last updated on 28 Oct 2014

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