This directive allows to scroll to a custom Node list array element inside a parent container.
Can be used along with stz-image-load directive if all of the child elements are images or contain images to scroll to a particular element only when all images are loaded or with stz-last-repeat directive to consider the ng-repeat presence and scroll after ng-repeat is rendered. Or can make use of both ng-repeat and images combined.
Static List Example:
By default the list view will be scrolled to the element that has [stz-s-i-v-ele="true"]
<ul stz-scroll-into-view>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="false">Hidden</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="not-to-me">Hidden</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="">Hidden</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="true">Visible</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="scroll-to-the-guy-above-me">Maybe visible, too.</li>
Static List Example With Watcher:
where isTimeToScrollScopeVar
will be resolved to 'scroll-to-me'
<ul stz-scroll-into-view="isTimeToScrollScopeVar">
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="false">Hidden</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="false">Hidden</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="scroll-to-me">Hidden</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="false">Hidden</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="false">Hidden</li>
Static List Example With Images:
<div stz-scroll-into-view stz-s-i-v-img>
<img src="" stz-s-i-v-ele="false" stz-image-load alt="I think I deserve to be scrolled to!"/>
<img src="" stz-s-i-v-ele="true" stz-image-load alt="I think I deserve to be scrolled to!"/>
<img src="" stz-s-i-v-ele="false" stz-image-load alt="I think I deserve to be scrolled to!"/>
<img src="" stz-s-i-v-ele="no" stz-image-load alt="I think I deserve to be scrolled to!"/>
<img src="" stz-s-i-v-ele stz-image-load alt="I think I deserve to be scrolled to!"/>
element is used by default.
<section id="content">
<h1>The most amazing title ever!!!</h1>
<ul stz-scroll-into-view stz-s-i-v-parent-id="content">
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="0">Maybe visible, too.</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="false">Maybe noticable, too.</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="no-scroll-for-me">Maybe valuable, too.</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="true">Maybe managable, too.</li>
<li stz-s-i-v-ele="scroll-to-the-guy-above-me">Maybe available, too.</li>
Dynamic List Example:
where scroll.isActive
is expected to be true
<ul stz-scroll-into-view stz-s-i-v-ng-repeat>
<li ng-repeat="scroll in scrollSuperCollection" stz-s-i-v-ele="{{scroll.isActive}}" stz-last-repeat>{{scroll.title}}</li>
Dynamic List Example With Watcher:
where scrollAwesomeIndex
can be watched to be defined or any other scope param can be passed.
Let it be resolved to say 7 here and scrollAwesomeList will have 10 elements.
<ul stz-scroll-into-view="scrollAwesomeIndex" stz-s-i-v-ng-repeat>
<li ng-repeat="scroll in scrollAwesomeList track by $index" stz-s-i-v-ele="{{$index}}" stz-last-repeat>{{scroll.title}}</li>
Dynamic List Example With Images:
where scroll.isActive
is expected to be true
<ul stz-scroll-into-view stz-s-i-v-ng-repeat stz-s-i-v-img>
<li ng-repeat="scroll in scrollAwesomeList track by $index" stz-s-i-v-ele="{{scroll.isActive}}" stz-last-repeat>
<img ng-src="{{$index % 5}}0x6{{$index % 10}}0/8A8BA6/CACBF2/" stz-image-load alt="I think I deserve to be scrolled to!"/>
Dynamic List Example With Images and Watcher:
where scrollAwesomeIndex
can be watched to be defined or any other scope param can be passed.
Let it be resolved to say 7 here and scrollAwesomeList will have 10 elements.
The scroll will happen only when ng-repeat is rendered, all images are loaded and scrollAwesomeIndex
is resolved.
<ul stz-scroll-into-view="scrollAwesomeIndex" stz-s-i-v-ng-repeat stz-s-i-v-img>
<li ng-repeat="scroll in scrollAwesomeList track by $index" stz-s-i-v-ele="{{$index}}" stz-last-repeat>
<img ng-src="{{$index % 5}}0x6{{$index % 10}}0/8A8BA6/CACBF2/" stz-image-load alt="I think I deserve to be scrolled to!"/>