Sucrase is an alternative to Babel that allows super-fast development builds.
Instead of compiling a large range of JS features down to ES5, Sucrase assumes
that you're targeting a modern JS runtime and compiles non-standard language
extensions (JSX, TypeScript, and Flow) down to standard JavaScript. It also
compiles import
to require
in the same style as Babel. Because of this
smaller scope, Sucrase can get away with an architecture that is much more
performant, but requires more work to implement and maintain each transform.
Current state: The project is under development and you may see bugs if you
run it on a large codebase. You probably shouldn't use it in production, but you
may find it useful in development. Feel free to file issues!
Sucrase can convert the following codebases with all tests passing:
yarn add sucrase # Or npm install sucrase
Run on a directory:
sucrase ./srcDir --transforms imports,flow -d ./outDir
Register a require hook with some reasonable defaults:
import "sucrase/register/ts";
import "sucrase/register";
Call from JS directly:
import {transform} from "sucrase";
const compiledCode = transform(code, {transforms: ["imports", "flow"]});
Current assumptions
Sucrase currently makes some simplifying assumptions about your code, which are
often seen as good practice anyway:
- It assumes that imported names are never shadowed by variable names. If you
use ESLint, no-shadow and TSLint
can enforce this rule.
- It assumes your code uses semicolons rather than relying on automatic
semicolon insertion. ESLint semi and
TSLint semicolon can
enforce and autofix this rule.
- It assumes you don't have variables with the same name as non-reserved
keywords, like
. Some steps may run into trouble if you do.
Supported transforms
Analogous to babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx.
Converts JSX syntax to React.createElement
, e.g. <div a={b} />
React.createElement('div', {a: b})
Analogous to babel-plugin-transform-typescript.
Compiles TypeScript code to JavaScript, removing type annotations and handling
features like class fields.
- Does not handle static class fields yet.
- Some syntax, like
, is not yet supported. - There are minor differences in import semantics. For example, TypeScript
allows you to import a function
from a CommonJS module using
import * as f from "f";
, but Babel and Sucrase do not. - Only removes types; no type checking.
Analogous to babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types.
Removes Flow types, e.g. const f = (x: number): string => "hi";
const f = (x) => "hi";
- Some syntax, such as
, has not been implemented yet. - Only removes types; no type checking.
Analogous to babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name
Detect and add display name to React component created using React.createClass
or createReactClass
- Does not use the filename as the display name when declaring a class in an
export default
position, since the Sucrase API currently does not accept the
Analogous to babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs
Converts ES Modules (import
) to CommonJS (require
using the same approach as Babel.
- Complex assignments to exported names do not update the live bindings
properly. For example, after
export let a = 1;
, a = 2;
works, but
[a] = [3];
will not cause imported usages of a
to update. - Imports are not hoisted to the top of the file.
Analogous to babel-plugin-add-module-exports
Add a snippet to emulate the Babel 5 approach to CommonJS interop: if a module
has only a default export, that default export is used as the module body, which
avoids the need for code like require('./MyModule').default
As JavaScript implementations mature, it becomes more and more reasonable to
disable Babel transforms, especially in development when you know that you're
targeting a modern runtime. You might hope that you could simplify and speed up
the build step by eventually disabling Babel entirely, but this isn't possible
if you're using a non-standard language extension like JSX, Flow, or TypeScript.
Unfortunately, disabling most transforms in Babel doesn't speed it up as much as
you might expect. To understand, let's take a look at how Babel works:
- Tokenize the input source code into a token stream.
- Parse the token stream into an AST.
- Walk the AST to compute the scope information for each variable.
- Apply all transform plugins in a single traversal, resulting in a new AST.
- Print the resulting AST.
Only step 4 gets faster when disabling plugins, so there's always a fixed cost
to running Babel regardless of how many transforms are enabled.
Sucrase bypasses most of these steps, and works like this:
- Tokenize the input source code into a token stream using a fork of Babel's
- Scan through the tokens, computing preliminary information like all
imported/exported names and additional info on the role of each token.
- Run the transform by doing a pass through the tokens and performing a number
of careful find-and-replace operations, like replacing
Currently, Sucrase runs about 4-5x faster than Babel (even when Babel only runs
the relevant transforms). Here's the output of one run of npm run benchmark
Simulating transpilation of 100,000 lines of code:
Sucrase: 2298.723ms
TypeScript: 3420.195ms
Babel: 9364.096ms
Previous iterations have been 15-20x faster, and hopefully additional
performance work will bring it back to that speed.
Project vision and future work
New features
- Improve correctness issues in the import transform, e.g. implement proper
variable shadowing detection and automatic semicolon insertion.
- Test the Flow and TypeScript transforms more thoroughly and implement any
remaining missing features.
- Emit proper source maps. (The line numbers already match up, but this would
help with debuggers and other tools.)
- Explore the idea of extending this approach to other tools, e.g. module
Performance improvements
- Simplify the Babylon fork to the essentials of what's needed for this project,
with a focus on performance.
- Rewrite the code to be valid AssemblyScript,
which will allow it to be compiled to wasm and hopefully improve performance
even more.
- Explore the idea of a JIT to optimize the various token patterns that need to
be matched as part of code transformation.
- Explore more ad-hoc optimizations, like reducing the number of passes,
avoiding any unneeded work, and rewriting slow spots.
Correctness and stability
- Set up a test suite that runs the compiled code and ensures that it is
- Set up Sucrase on a large collection of open source projects and work through
any bugs discovered.
- Add integrity checks to compare intermediate Sucrase results (like tokens and
the role of each identifier and pair of curly braces) with the equivalent
information from Babel.
Why the name?
Sucrase is an enzyme that processes sugar. Get it?