Sully.js CLI
Sully is a "WVC" (Whatever View Controller) framework. We make no assumptions about your data layer, whilst providing a structure for logic and templating.
Getting started
$ npm i sully -g
Because the tool is only for creating and building projects, it's appropriate and more convenient to install it globally.
Creating a new project
$ sully new <project-name> <template>
The new command will pull a project template and extract it and ensure you are all ready to go. We recommend using "starter" (without the quotes) as your template; however, you can pop any url in here which points to a Sully template (zipped).
Building a project
$ sully build <options>
The build command will compile your controllers, middleware, and views. The "--prod" flag is optional, and will minify and compile the build to your specified production location. If the "--prod" flag is not specified, the build will not be minified and will be compiled to your specified development location.
Please just clone and submit a pull request!
The website is coming soon!