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Comparing version 0.0.4 to 0.0.5



@@ -1,4 +0,1 @@

type SuperQsValue = any;
export declare function stringify(obj: SuperQsValue): string;
export declare function parse(str: string): unknown;
export {};

@@ -1,532 +0,4 @@

class j {
constructor() {
this.keyToValue = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.valueToKey = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
set(t, r) {
this.keyToValue.set(t, r), this.valueToKey.set(r, t);
getByKey(t) {
return this.keyToValue.get(t);
getByValue(t) {
return this.valueToKey.get(t);
clear() {
this.keyToValue.clear(), this.valueToKey.clear();
class U {
constructor(t) {
this.generateIdentifier = t, this.kv = new j();
register(t, r) {
this.kv.getByValue(t) || (r || (r = this.generateIdentifier(t)), this.kv.set(r, t));
clear() {
getIdentifier(t) {
return this.kv.getByValue(t);
getValue(t) {
return this.kv.getByKey(t);
class J extends U {
constructor() {
super((t) =>, this.classToAllowedProps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
register(t, r) {
typeof r == "object" ? (r.allowProps && this.classToAllowedProps.set(t, r.allowProps), super.register(t, r.identifier)) : super.register(t, r);
getAllowedProps(t) {
return this.classToAllowedProps.get(t);
function ee(e) {
if ("values" in Object)
return Object.values(e);
const t = [];
for (const r in e)
e.hasOwnProperty(r) && t.push(e[r]);
return t;
function te(e, t) {
const r = ee(e);
if ("find" in r)
return r.find(t);
const n = r;
for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s++) {
const i = n[s];
if (t(i))
return i;
function p(e, t) {
Object.entries(e).forEach(([r, n]) => t(n, r));
function O(e, t) {
return e.indexOf(t) !== -1;
function B(e, t) {
for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
const n = e[r];
if (t(n))
return n;
class re {
constructor() {
this.transfomers = {};
register(t) {
this.transfomers[] = t;
findApplicable(t) {
return te(this.transfomers, (r) => r.isApplicable(t));
findByName(t) {
return this.transfomers[t];
const ne = (e) =>, -1), K = (e) => typeof e > "u", se = (e) => e === null, E = (e) => typeof e != "object" || e === null || e === Object.prototype ? !1 : Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === null ? !0 : Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === Object.prototype, T = (e) => E(e) && Object.keys(e).length === 0, d = (e) => Array.isArray(e), ie = (e) => typeof e == "string", oe = (e) => typeof e == "number" && !isNaN(e), ae = (e) => typeof e == "boolean", ce = (e) => e instanceof RegExp, R = (e) => e instanceof Map, I = (e) => e instanceof Set, M = (e) => ne(e) === "Symbol", ue = (e) => e instanceof Date && !isNaN(e.valueOf()), le = (e) => e instanceof Error, z = (e) => typeof e == "number" && isNaN(e), fe = (e) => ae(e) || se(e) || K(e) || oe(e) || ie(e) || M(e), ye = (e) => typeof e == "bigint", de = (e) => e === 1 / 0 || e === -1 / 0, ge = (e) => ArrayBuffer.isView(e) && !(e instanceof DataView), me = (e) => e instanceof URL, q = (e) => e.replace(/\./g, "\\."), P = (e) =>"."), b = (e) => {
const t = [];
let r = "";
for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {
let i = e.charAt(s);
if (i === "\\" && e.charAt(s + 1) === ".") {
r += ".", s++;
if (i === ".") {
t.push(r), r = "";
r += i;
const n = r;
return t.push(n), t;
function f(e, t, r, n) {
return {
isApplicable: e,
annotation: t,
transform: r,
untransform: n
const C = [
f(K, "undefined", () => null, () => {
f(ye, "bigint", (e) => e.toString(), (e) => typeof BigInt < "u" ? BigInt(e) : (console.error("Please add a BigInt polyfill."), e)),
f(ue, "Date", (e) => e.toISOString(), (e) => new Date(e)),
f(le, "Error", (e, t) => {
const r = {
message: e.message
return t.allowedErrorProps.forEach((n) => {
r[n] = e[n];
}), r;
}, (e, t) => {
const r = new Error(e.message);
return =, r.stack = e.stack, t.allowedErrorProps.forEach((n) => {
r[n] = e[n];
}), r;
f(ce, "regexp", (e) => "" + e, (e) => {
const t = e.slice(1, e.lastIndexOf("/")), r = e.slice(e.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
return new RegExp(t, r);
// (sets only exist in es6+)
// eslint-disable-next-line es5/no-es6-methods
(e) => [...e.values()],
(e) => new Set(e)
f(R, "map", (e) => [...e.entries()], (e) => new Map(e)),
f((e) => z(e) || de(e), "number", (e) => z(e) ? "NaN" : e > 0 ? "Infinity" : "-Infinity", Number),
f((e) => e === 0 && 1 / e === -1 / 0, "number", () => "-0", Number),
f(me, "URL", (e) => e.toString(), (e) => new URL(e))
function k(e, t, r, n) {
return {
isApplicable: e,
annotation: t,
transform: r,
untransform: n
const x = k((e, t) => M(e) ? !!t.symbolRegistry.getIdentifier(e) : !1, (e, t) => ["symbol", t.symbolRegistry.getIdentifier(e)], (e) => e.description, (e, t, r) => {
const n = r.symbolRegistry.getValue(t[1]);
if (!n)
throw new Error("Trying to deserialize unknown symbol");
return n;
}), pe = [
].reduce((e, t) => (e[] = t, e), {}), $ = k(ge, (e) => ["typed-array",], (e) => [...e], (e, t) => {
const r = pe[t[1]];
if (!r)
throw new Error("Trying to deserialize unknown typed array");
return new r(e);
function L(e, t) {
return e != null && e.constructor ? !!t.classRegistry.getIdentifier(e.constructor) : !1;
const F = k(L, (e, t) => ["class", t.classRegistry.getIdentifier(e.constructor)], (e, t) => {
const r = t.classRegistry.getAllowedProps(e.constructor);
if (!r)
return { ...e };
const n = {};
return r.forEach((s) => {
n[s] = e[s];
}), n;
}, (e, t, r) => {
const n = r.classRegistry.getValue(t[1]);
if (!n)
throw new Error("Trying to deserialize unknown class - check");
return Object.assign(Object.create(n.prototype), e);
}), G = k((e, t) => !!t.customTransformerRegistry.findApplicable(e), (e, t) => ["custom", t.customTransformerRegistry.findApplicable(e).name], (e, t) => t.customTransformerRegistry.findApplicable(e).serialize(e), (e, t, r) => {
const n = r.customTransformerRegistry.findByName(t[1]);
if (!n)
throw new Error("Trying to deserialize unknown custom value");
return n.deserialize(e);
}), we = [F, x, G, $], D = (e, t) => {
const r = B(we, (s) => s.isApplicable(e, t));
if (r)
return {
value: r.transform(e, t),
type: r.annotation(e, t)
const n = B(C, (s) => s.isApplicable(e, t));
if (n)
return {
value: n.transform(e, t),
type: n.annotation
}, H = {};
C.forEach((e) => {
H[e.annotation] = e;
const he = (e, t, r) => {
if (d(t))
switch (t[0]) {
case "symbol":
return x.untransform(e, t, r);
case "class":
return F.untransform(e, t, r);
case "custom":
return G.untransform(e, t, r);
case "typed-array":
return $.untransform(e, t, r);
throw new Error("Unknown transformation: " + t);
else {
const n = H[t];
if (!n)
throw new Error("Unknown transformation: " + t);
return n.untransform(e, r);
}, m = (e, t) => {
const r = e.keys();
for (; t > 0; ), t--;
function Q(e) {
if (O(e, "__proto__"))
throw new Error("__proto__ is not allowed as a property");
if (O(e, "prototype"))
throw new Error("prototype is not allowed as a property");
if (O(e, "constructor"))
throw new Error("constructor is not allowed as a property");
const be = (e, t) => {
for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
const n = t[r];
if (I(e))
e = m(e, +n);
else if (R(e)) {
const s = +n, i = +t[++r] == 0 ? "key" : "value", o = m(e, s);
switch (i) {
case "key":
e = o;
case "value":
e = e.get(o);
} else
e = e[n];
return e;
}, S = (e, t, r) => {
if (Q(t), t.length === 0)
return r(e);
let n = e;
for (let i = 0; i < t.length - 1; i++) {
const o = t[i];
if (d(n)) {
const c = +o;
n = n[c];
} else if (E(n))
n = n[o];
else if (I(n)) {
const c = +o;
n = m(n, c);
} else if (R(n)) {
if (i === t.length - 2)
const u = +o, A = +t[++i] == 0 ? "key" : "value", g = m(n, u);
switch (A) {
case "key":
n = g;
case "value":
n = n.get(g);
const s = t[t.length - 1];
if (d(n) ? n[+s] = r(n[+s]) : E(n) && (n[s] = r(n[s])), I(n)) {
const i = m(n, +s), o = r(i);
i !== o && (n.delete(i), n.add(o));
if (R(n)) {
const i = +t[t.length - 2], o = m(n, i);
switch (+s == 0 ? "key" : "value") {
case "key": {
const u = r(o);
n.set(u, n.get(o)), u !== o && n.delete(o);
case "value": {
n.set(o, r(n.get(o)));
return e;
function v(e, t, r = []) {
if (!e)
if (!d(e)) {
p(e, (i, o) => v(i, t, [...r, ...b(o)]));
const [n, s] = e;
s && p(s, (i, o) => {
v(i, t, [...r, ...b(o)]);
}), t(n, r);
function Ee(e, t, r) {
return v(t, (n, s) => {
e = S(e, s, (i) => he(i, n, r));
}), e;
function Re(e, t) {
function r(n, s) {
const i = be(e, b(s)); => {
e = S(e, o, () => i);
if (d(t)) {
const [n, s] = t;
n.forEach((i) => {
e = S(e, b(i), () => e);
}), s && p(s, r);
} else
p(t, r);
return e;
const Ie = (e, t) => E(e) || d(e) || R(e) || I(e) || L(e, t);
function Ae(e, t, r) {
const n = r.get(e);
n ? n.push(t) : r.set(e, [t]);
function Oe(e, t) {
const r = {};
let n;
return e.forEach((s) => {
if (s.length <= 1)
t || (s = =>, u) => c.length - u.length));
const [i, ...o] = s;
i.length === 0 ? n = : r[P(i)] =;
}), n ? T(r) ? [n] : [n, r] : T(r) ? void 0 : r;
const W = (e, t, r, n, s = [], i = [], o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()) => {
const c = fe(e);
if (!c) {
Ae(e, s, t);
const y = o.get(e);
if (y)
return n ? {
transformedValue: null
} : y;
if (!Ie(e, r)) {
const y = D(e, r), l = y ? {
transformedValue: y.value,
annotations: [y.type]
} : {
transformedValue: e
return c || o.set(e, l), l;
if (O(i, e))
return {
transformedValue: null
const u = D(e, r), A = (u == null ? void 0 : u.value) ?? e, g = d(A) ? [] : {}, w = {};
p(A, (y, l) => {
if (l === "__proto__" || l === "constructor" || l === "prototype")
throw new Error(`Detected property ${l}. This is a prototype pollution risk, please remove it from your object.`);
const h = W(y, t, r, n, [...s, l], [...i, e], o);
g[l] = h.transformedValue, d(h.annotations) ? w[l] = h.annotations : E(h.annotations) && p(h.annotations, (Y, Z) => {
w[q(l) + "." + Z] = Y;
const N = T(w) ? {
transformedValue: g,
annotations: u ? [u.type] : void 0
} : {
transformedValue: g,
annotations: u ? [u.type, w] : w
return c || o.set(e, N), N;
function X(e) {
return, -1);
function _(e) {
return X(e) === "Array";
function ke(e) {
if (X(e) !== "Object")
return !1;
const t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
return !!t && t.constructor === Object && t === Object.prototype;
function Pe(e, t, r, n, s) {
const i = {}, t) ? "enumerable" : "nonenumerable";
i === "enumerable" && (e[t] = r), s && i === "nonenumerable" && Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
value: r,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
function V(e, t = {}) {
if (_(e))
return => V(s, t));
if (!ke(e))
return e;
const r = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e), n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
return [...r, ...n].reduce((s, i) => {
if (_(t.props) && !t.props.includes(i))
return s;
const o = e[i], c = V(o, t);
return Pe(s, i, c, e, t.nonenumerable), s;
}, {});
class a {
* @param dedupeReferentialEqualities If true, SuperJSON will make sure only one instance of referentially equal objects are serialized and the rest are replaced with `null`.
constructor({ dedupe: t = !1 } = {}) {
this.classRegistry = new J(), this.symbolRegistry = new U((r) => r.description ?? ""), this.customTransformerRegistry = new re(), this.allowedErrorProps = [], this.dedupe = t;
serialize(t) {
const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n = W(t, r, this, this.dedupe), s = {
json: n.transformedValue
n.annotations && (s.meta = {
values: n.annotations
const i = Oe(r, this.dedupe);
return i && (s.meta = {
referentialEqualities: i
}), s;
deserialize(t) {
const { json: r, meta: n } = t;
let s = V(r);
return n != null && n.values && (s = Ee(s, n.values, this)), n != null && n.referentialEqualities && (s = Re(s, n.referentialEqualities)), s;
stringify(t) {
return JSON.stringify(this.serialize(t));
parse(t) {
return this.deserialize(JSON.parse(t));
registerClass(t, r) {
this.classRegistry.register(t, r);
registerSymbol(t, r) {
this.symbolRegistry.register(t, r);
registerCustom(t, r) {
name: r,
allowErrorProps(...t) {
a.defaultInstance = new a();
a.serialize = a.defaultInstance.serialize.bind(a.defaultInstance);
a.deserialize = a.defaultInstance.deserialize.bind(a.defaultInstance);
a.stringify = a.defaultInstance.stringify.bind(a.defaultInstance);
a.parse = a.defaultInstance.parse.bind(a.defaultInstance);
a.registerClass = a.defaultInstance.registerClass.bind(a.defaultInstance);
a.registerSymbol = a.defaultInstance.registerSymbol.bind(a.defaultInstance);
a.registerCustom = a.defaultInstance.registerCustom.bind(a.defaultInstance);
a.allowErrorProps = a.defaultInstance.allowErrorProps.bind(a.defaultInstance);
const Te = a.stringify, Se = a.parse;
function ve(e) {
const t = atob(e);
return Uint8Array.from(t, (r) => r.codePointAt(0));
function Ve(e) {
const t = Array.from(
(r) => String.fromCodePoint(r)
return btoa(t);
function Ne(e) {
return Ve(
// See
new TextEncoder().encode(Te(e))
function Be(e) {
return Se(
// See
new TextDecoder().decode(ve(e))
export {
Be as parse,
Ne as stringify
"Package `superqs` is deprecated. Use package `@aryzing/superqs` instead."
"name": "superqs",
"version": "0.0.4",
"description": "Build and parse URL-safe query strings from arbitrary values",
"version": "0.0.5",
"description": "Use @aryzing/superqs instead.",
"keywords": [

@@ -29,3 +29,2 @@ "query",

"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"module": "./dist/index.js",

@@ -36,13 +35,3 @@ "scripts": {

"publish": "npm publish --tag latest"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/bun": "latest",
"typescript": "^5.0.0",
"vite": "5.2.3",
"vite-plugin-dts": "3.7.3",
"vitest": "1.4.0"
"dependencies": {
"superjson": "2.2.1"

@@ -1,72 +0,3 @@

# `superqs`
Create and parse URL-safe query strings from arbitrary values.
Install with
npm i superqs
# or
yarn add superqs
# or
pnpm i superqs
# or
bun add superqs
## Use cases
- Sending data to a browser extension popup.
- Creating shareable links containing application state.
- Passing non-text data to custom elements.
## Usage
import { stringify, parse } from "superqs";
// Create a value of any type. This example uses an object, although any value
// can be used.
const data = {
bool: true,
undef: undefined,
nullVal: null,
date: new Date(),
hugeNum: 0xffffffffffffffffffffn,
bin: new Uint8Array([42, 24]),
// Create a URL-safe string representing the data above.
const stringifiedData = stringify(data);
// Use the stringified data to construct a URL.
const url = new URL(`${stringifiedData}`);
// Reconstruct the original data.
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
const stringifiedDataParam = params.get("data");
const parsedData = parse(stringifiedDataParam);
// The `data` and `parsedData` values are equal.
expect(parsedData).toEqual(data); // true
# Development
Get started with
bun install
Run tests with
bun run test
Build the package with
bun run build
Use [`@aryzing/superqs`]( instead.
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