Host your own simple surveys!
Configure this basic survey server to listen on the port of your liking
on the command line:
$ survey-maker 2015
Once the server is listening, post to the "survey" URL to create a new
$ curl --data "{
\"Name\" : \"Test\",
\"Email\" : \"test@email.test\"',
\"Volunteering\" : \"[true,false]\",
\"Interests\" : \"Helping others.\",
\"Program\" : \"[true,false]\",
\"Years\" : \"10\",
\"Languages\" : \"[\"blockly\",\"java\",\"javascript\",\"c\",\"cpp\"]\"\
}" http://localhost:3000/survey/SimpleTest
You can then refer to this survey in subsequent posts, with the server
handling verification of the submitted fields for you:
$ curl --data "{
\"Survey\" : \"Test\",
\"Name\" : \"Jill Tester\",
\"Email\" : \"jill@example.test\",
\"Volunteering\" : \"true\"
\"Interests\" : \"Learning\",
\"Program\" : \"false\",
\"Years\" : \"0\",
\"Languages\" : \"[]\"
}" http://locahost:3000/survey/SimpleTest/example
Values are checked for type equivalency and arrays checked to see if they also
contain equivalent types.
Results are available as well:
$ curl http://localhost:3000/results/SimpleTest
Hope you have fun creating surveys!
Note: This program uses a very light-weight serialization layer; for heavy use
you will probably want to swap out the data-store for something more robust.