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Supercharge your SvelteKit forms with this powerhouse of a library!

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sveltekit-superforms 💥

Supercharge your SvelteKit forms with this powerhouse of a library!

Feature list

  • Merging PageData and ActionData - Stop worrying about which one to use and how, just focus on your data.
  • Server-side data validation using Zod, with output that can be used directly on the client.
  • Auto-centering and auto-focusing on invalid form fields.
  • Tainted form detection, prevents the user from losing data if navigating away from an unsaved form.
  • No JS required as default, but full support for progressive enhancement.
  • Automatically coerces the string data from FormData into correct types.
  • For advanced data structures, forget about the limitations of FormData - Send your forms as devalued JSON, transparently.
  • Generates default form values from validation schemas.
  • Client-side validators for direct feedback.
  • Proxy objects for handling data conversions to string and back again.
  • Provide unparallelled feedback with auto-updating timers for long response times, based on The 3 important limits.
  • Even more care for the user: No form data loss, by preventing error page rendering as default.
  • Hook into a number of events for full control over submitting, ActionResult and validation updates.
  • Complete customization with options like applyAction, invalidateAll, autoFocus, resetForm, etc...
  • Comes with a Super Form Debugging Svelte Component.
  • ...and probably a lot more!


(p)npm i -D sveltekit-superforms zod

Get started

Let's gradually build up a super form, starting with just displaying the data for a name and an email address.


import type { PageServerLoad } from './$types';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { superValidate } from 'sveltekit-superforms/server';

// See for schema syntax
const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string().default('Hello world!'),
  email: z.string().email()

export const load = (async (event) => {
  const form = await superValidate(event, schema);

  // Always return { form } and you'll be fine.
  return { form };
}) satisfies PageServerLoad;


<script lang="ts">
  import type { PageData } from './$types';
  import { superForm } from 'sveltekit-superforms/client';

  export let data: PageData;

  // This is where the magic happens.
  const { form } = superForm(data.form);


<form method="POST">
  <label for="name">Name</label>
  <input type="text" name="name" bind:value={$} />

  <label for="email">E-mail</label>
  <input type="text" name="email" bind:value={$} />


Optional: If you're starting from scratch, add this to <head> for a much nicer visual experience:


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Currently there is no form action to submit to, but we can at least see that the form is populated. To get deeper insight, let's add the Super Form Debugging Svelte Component:


<script lang="ts">
  import SuperDebug from 'sveltekit-superforms/client/SuperDebug.svelte';

<SuperDebug data={$form} />

Edit the fields and see how the $form store is automatically updated. The component also displays the current page status in the right corner.

Posting - Without any bells and whistles

Let's add a minimal form action:


import type { Actions, PageServerLoad } from './$types';
import { fail } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { superValidate } from 'sveltekit-superforms/server';

export const actions = {
  default: async (event) => {
    // Same syntax as in the load function
    const form = await superValidate(event, schema);
    console.log('POST', form);

    // Convenient validation check:
    if (!form.valid) {
      // Again, always return { form } and you'll be fine.
      return fail(400, { form });

    // Yep, here too
    return { form };
} satisfies Actions;

Submit the form, and see what's happening on the server:

  valid: false,
  errors: { email: [ 'Invalid email' ] },
  data: { name: 'Hello world!', email: '' },
  empty: false,
  message: null

This is the validation object returned from superValidate, containing all you need to handle the rest of the logic:

  • valid - A boolean which tells you whether the validation succeeded or not.
  • errors - A Record<string, string[]> of all validation errors.
  • data - The coerced posted data, in this case not valid, so it should be promptly returned to the client.
  • empty - A boolean which tells you if the data passed to superValidate was empty, as in the load function.
  • message - A string property that can be set as a general information message.

And as you see in the example above, the logic for checking validation status is as simple as it gets:

if (!form.valid) {
  return fail(400, { form });

If you submit the form now, you'll see that the Super Form Debugging Svelte Component shows a 400 status, and we do have some errors being sent to the client, so how do we display them?

We do that by adding variables to the destructuring assignment of superForm:


<script lang="ts">
  const { form, errors } = superForm(data.form);
  //            ^^^^^^

<form method="POST">
  <label for="name">Name</label>
  {#if $}<span class="invalid">{$}</span>{/if}

  <label for="email">E-mail</label>
  {#if $}<span class="invalid">{$}</span>{/if}


  .invalid {
    color: red;

And with that, we have a fully working form, no JavaScript needed, with convenient handling of data and validation!

But wait, there's more

Have we even started on the feature list? Well, let's move into the 2000's and activate JavaScript, and see what will happen.

Let's start with retrieving a simple but most useful variable returned from superForm:

<script lang="ts">
  const { form, errors, enhance } = superForm(data.form);
  //                    ^^^^^^^

<form method="POST" use:enhance>

And with that, we're completely client-side. So what is included in this little upgrade?

This is the beginning of a long list of options for superForm, which can be added as an option object:

const { form, errors, enhance } = superForm(data.form, { lotsOfOptions });

Tainted form check

Try to modify the form fields, then close the tab or open another page in the same tab. A confirmation dialog should prevent you from losing the changes.

taintedMessage: string | null | false = '<A default message in english>'

When the page status changes to something between 200-299, the form is automatically marked as untainted.

Auto-scroll and auto-focus on errors

It's not evident in our small form, but on larger forms it's nice showing the user where the first error is. There are a couple of options for that:

scrollToError: 'smooth' | 'auto' | 'off' = 'smooth'
autoFocusOnError: boolean | 'detect' = 'detect'
errorSelector: string | undefined = '[data-invalid]'
stickyNavbar: string | undefined = undefined

scrollToError is quite self-explanatory.

autoFocusOnError: When set to detect, it checks if the user is on a mobile device, if not it will automatically focus on the first error input field. It's prevented on mobile since auto-focusing will open the on-screen keyboard, most likely hiding the validation error.

errorSelector is the selector used to find the invalid input fields. The default is [data-invalid], and the first one found on the page will be handled according to the two previous settings.

stickyNavbar - If you have a sticky navbar, set its selector here and it won't hide any errors.


In order of micro-managing the result, from least to most.

onUpdated: ({ form }) => void

If you just want to apply the default behaviour and do something afterwards depending on validation success, this is the simplest way.

onUpdate: ({ form, cancel }) => void

A bit more control, lets you enter just before the form update is being applied and gives you the option to modify the validation object, or cancel() the update altogether.

onError: (({ result, message }) => void) | 'set-message' | 'apply' | string = 'set-message'

It's soon explained that ActionResult errors are handled separately, to avoid data loss. This event gives you more control over the error than the default, which is to set the message store to the error value.

By setting onError to apply, the default applyAction behaviour will be used, effectively rendering the nearest +error boundary. Or you can set it to a custom error message.

onSubmit: SubmitFunction;

See SvelteKit docs for the SubmitFunction signature.

onResult: ({ result, update, formEl, cancel }) => void

When you want detailed control, this event gives you the ActionResult in result and an update function, so you can decide if you want to update the form at all.

The update(result, untaint?) function takes an ActionResult of type success or failure, and an optional untaint parameter which can be used to untaint the form, so the dialog won't appear when navigating away. If untaint isn't specified, a result status between 200-299 will untaint the form.

formEl is the HTMLFormElement of the form.

cancel() is a function which will completely cancel the rest of the event chain and any form updates. It's not the same as not calling update, since without cancelling, the SvelteKit use:enhance behaviour will kick in, with some notable changes:

Differences from SvelteKit's use:enhance

(Knowing about ActionResult is useful before reading this section.)

The biggest difference is that unless onError is set to apply, any error result is transformed into failure, to avoid disaster when the nearest +error.svelte page is rendered, wiping out all the form data that was just entered.

The rest of the behavior can be customized:

applyAction: boolean = true;
invalidateAll: boolean = true;
resetForm: boolean = false;

As you see, another difference is that the form isn't resetted by default. This should also be opt-in to avoid data loss, and this isn't always wanted, especially in backend interfaces, where the form data should be persisted.

In any case, since we're binding the fields to $form, the html form reset behavior doesn't make much sense, so in sveltekit-superforms resetting means going back to the initial state of the form data, usually the contents of form in PageData. This may not be exactly what you needed, in which case you can use an event to clear the form instead.

More options: Client-side validators

Since there is already a browser standard for client-side form validation, the client-side validation of sveltekit-superforms is just doing the basics:

validators: {
  field: (value) => string | null | undefined;

An object with the same keys as the form, with a function that receives the field value and should return either a string as a "validation failed" message, or null or undefined if the field is valid.

Here's an example of how to validate a string length:


const { form, errors, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
  validators: {
    name: (value) =>
      value.length < 3 ? 'Name must be at least 3 characters' : null

There is one other options for specifying the default client validation behavior, when no custom validator exists for a field:

defaultValidator: 'keep' | 'clear' = 'clear'

The default value clear, will remove the error when that field value is modified. If set to keep, validation errors will be kept displayed until the form submits (unless you change it, see next option).

Submit behavior

Making the user understand that things are happening when they submit the form is imperative for the best possible user experience. Fortunately, there are plenty of options that facitilates that, with sensible defaults.

clearOnSubmit: 'errors' | 'message' | 'errors-and-message' | 'none' = 'errors-and-message'
delayMs: number = 500
timeoutMs: number = 8000

The clearOnSubmit option decides what should happen to the form when submitting. It can clear all the errors, the message, both or none. The default is to clear both. If you don't want any jumping content, which could occur when error messages are removed from the DOM, setting it to none can be useful.

The delayMs and timeoutMs decides how long before the submission changes state. The states are:

Idle -> Submitting -> Delayed -> Timeout
        0 ms          delayMs    timeoutMs

These states affect the readable stores submitting, delayed and timeout returned from superForm. They are not mutually exclusive, so submitting won't change to false when delayed becomes true.

A perfect use for these is to show a loading indicator while the form is submitting:


<script lang="ts">
  const { form, errors, enhance, delayed } = superForm(data.form);
  //                             ^^^^^^^

  {#if $delayed}<span class="delayed">Working...</span>{/if}

The reason for not using submittting here is based on the article Response Times: The 3 Important Limits, which states that for short waiting periods, no feedback is required except to display the result. Therefore, delayed is used to show a loading indicator.

Experimenting with these three timers and the delays between them, is certainly possible to prevent the feeling of unresponsiveness in many cases. Please share your results, if you do!

multipleSubmits: 'prevent' | 'allow' | 'abort' = 'prevent'

This one is more for the sake of the server than the user. When set to prevent, the form cannot be submitted again until a result is received, or the timeout state is reached. abort is the next sensible approach, which will cancel the previous request before submitting again. Finally, allow will allow any number of frenetic clicks on the submit button!

sveltekit-flash-message support

The sister library to sveltekit-superforms is called sveltekit-flash-message, a useful addon since the message property of Validation<T> doesn't persist when redirecting to a different page. If you have it installed and configured, you need to specify this option to make things work:

import * as flashModule from 'sveltekit-flash-message/client';

flashMessage: {
  module: flashModule,
  onError?: (errorResult: ActionResult<'error'>) => App.PageData['flash']

The flash message is set automatically for every ActionResult except error, so the onError callback is needed to transform errors into your flash message type, or leave it out to disregard them.

The last one: Breaking free from FormData

I've been saving the best for last - If you're fine with JavaScript being a requirement for posting, you can bypass the annoyance that everything is a string when we are posting forms:

dataType: 'form' | 'formdata' | 'json' = 'form'

By simply setting the dataType to json, you can store any data structure allowed by devalue in the form, and you don't have to worry about failed coercion, converting arrays to strings, etc!

If this bliss is too much to handle, setting dataType to formdata, posts the data as a FormData instance based on the data structure instead of the content of the <form> element, so you don't have to set names for the form fields anymore (this also applies when set to json). This can make the html for a form quite slim:

<form method="POST" use:enhance>
    Name<br /><input data-invalid={$} bind:value={$} />
    {#if $}<span class="invalid">{$}</span>{/if}

    E-mail<br /><input
    {#if $}<span class="invalid">{$}</span>{/if}

  {#if $delayed}Working...{/if}

  .invalid {
    color: red;

Multiple and global forms

There is only one Page and ActionData on a page, so multiple forms on the same page can cause trouble since it's hard to know which form updated page. An example is if you have a login form in the navigation that will be present on every page. Fortunately sveltekit-superforms has a simple solution for this, by setting options.applyAction to false, which will prevent it from updating Page and ActionData. If you want to make it completely self-contained, set options.invalidateAll to false as well.

Designing a CRUD interface

That was the client configuration, now how about the server? Fortunately it's much less work, the superValidate function handles most things you can throw at it, and of course Zod is an immense help with the actual validation, so you can focus on business logic.

As mentioned, a suitable use case for this library is backend interfaces, which is commonly used as in the acronym CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete):

  1. Display an empty form
  2. POST the form, validate the data
  3. Create a new entity with the data (Create)
  4. Fetch the entity (Read)
  5. Display it in a form
  6. POST the form, validate the data
  7. Update the entity with the data (Update)
  8. Delete the entity (Delete)
  9. ???
  10. Profit! GOTO 1

This journey can be quite easy to take with sveltekit-superforms. Let's see how it works by starting over with the default route. The Zod validation schema reference can be useful as well.


import { z } from 'zod';

// See for schema syntax
const userSchema = z.object({
  id: z.string().regex(/^\d+$/),
  name: z.string(),
  email: z.string().email()

// Let's worry about id collisions later
const userId = () => String(Math.random()).slice(2);

// A simple user "database"
const users: z.infer<typeof userSchema>[] = [
    id: userId(),
    name: 'Important Customer',
    email: ''
    id: userId(),
    name: 'Super Customer',
    email: ''

This user database in the shape of an array will be perfect for testing our CRUD operations.

Here we encounter a thing about validation schemas. The userSchema is for the database integrity, so an id must exist there. But we want to Create an entity, and must therefore allow id not to exist when creating users.

This is done by extending the userSchema:


const crudSchema = userSchema.extend({

Note that Create and Update can now use the same schema, so they should naturally share the same user interface. This is a fundamental idea in this library, so you can pass either null/undefined or an entity to superValidate, and it will generate default values if the value passed to it is empty:


import { setError, superValidate } from '$lib/server';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { error, fail, redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import type { Actions, PageServerLoad } from './$types';

export const load = (async ({ url }) => {
  // READ user
  // For simplicity, use the id query parameter instead of a route.
  const id = url.searchParams.get('id');
  const user = id ? users.find((u) => == id) : null;

  if (id && !user) throw error(404, 'User not found.');

  const form = await superValidate(user, crudSchema);
  return { form };
}) satisfies PageServerLoad;

The page component is quite similar to the previous example.


<script lang="ts">
  import type { PageData } from './$types';
  import { page } from '$app/stores';
  import { superForm } from '$lib/client';

  export let data: PageData;

  const { form, errors, enhance, delayed, message } = superForm(data.form);


{#if $message}
  <h3 class:invalid={$page.status >= 400}>{$message}</h3>

<h2>{data.form.empty ? 'Create' : 'Update'} user</h2>

<form method="POST" use:enhance>
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value={$} />

    Name<br />
    <input name="name" data-invalid={$} bind:value={$} />
    {#if $}<span class="invalid">{$}</span>{/if}

    E-mail<br />
    {#if $}<span class="invalid">{$}</span>{/if}

  {#if $delayed}Working...{/if}

  .invalid {
    color: red;

We have prepared to display a status message, utilising $page.status to test for success or failure. And we're using the empty property of the form to display a "Create" or "Update" title. We shouldn't use the $empty store returned from superForm here, since it will update even when validation fails, changing the text, so we're using the initial data from the page load.

The form action looks similar to before, but will branch after validation is successful:

export const actions = {
  default: async (event) => {
    const form = await superValidate(event, crudSchema);
    if (!form.valid) return fail(400, { form });

    if (! {
      // CREATE user
    } else {
      // UPDATE user

    return { form };
} satisfies Actions;

This is where you should access your database API. Since we're using an array, the create and update logic is simple:

if (! {
  // CREATE user
  const user = {, id: userId() };

  throw redirect(303, '?id=' +;
} else {
  // UPDATE user
  const user = users.find((u) => ==;
  if (!user) throw error(404, 'User not found.');

  users[users.indexOf(user)] = {, id: };

  form.message = 'User updated!';
  return { form };

With this, we have 3 out of 4 letters of CRUD in about 100 lines of code! The repository code has a more expanded version of this little demo.

API Reference


Throughout the referenc, the following types are represented:

// T represents the validation schema
T extends AnyZodObject

// S refers to the underlying type of the schema, the actual data structure.
S = z.infer<T>
export type ValidationErrors<T extends AnyZodObject> = Partial<
  Record<keyof z.infer<T>, string[] | undefined>
export type Validation<T extends AnyZodObject> = {
  valid: boolean;
  errors: ValidationErrors<T>;
  data: z.infer<T>;
  empty: boolean;
  message: string | null;


import {
} from 'sveltekit-superforms/server';

superValidate(data, schema, options?)

    | RequestEvent
    | Request
    | FormData
    | Partial<Record<keyof S, unknown>>
    | null
    | undefined,
  schema: T,
  options?: {
    implicitDefaults = true; // See further down for default entity values
    noErrors = false; // See noErrors() reference
): Promise<Validation<T>>

If data is determined to be empty (null, undefined or no FormData), a validation result with a default entity for the schema is returned, in this form:

  valid: false;
  errors: {
  data: S; // See further down for default entity values.
  empty: true;
  message: null;

setError(form, field, error)

  form: Validation<T>,
  field: keyof S,
  error: string | string[] | null
) : ActionFailure<{form: Validation<T>}>

If you want to set an error on the form outside validation, use setError. It returns a fail(400, { form }) so it can be returned immediately, or more errors can be added by calling it multiple times before returning.


If you want to return a form with no validation errors. Only the errors property will be modified, so valid still indicates the validation status. Useful for load functions where the entity is invalid, but as an initial state no errors should be displayed on the form.

noErrors(form: Validation<T>) : Validation<T>

actionResult(type, data?, status?)

When not using form actions, this constructs an action result in a Response object, so you can return Validation<T> from your API/endpoints, for example in a login request:


import { actionResult, superValidate } from '$lib/server';
import { z } from 'zod';
import type { RequestHandler } from './$types';

const loginSchema = z.object({
  email: z.string().email(),
  password: z.string().min(5)

export const POST = (async (event) => {
  const form = await superValidate(event, loginSchema);
  if (!form.valid) return actionResult('failure', { form });

  // Verify login here //

  return actionResult('success', { form });
}) satisfies RequestHandler;


import { superForm } from 'sveltekit-superforms/client';

superForm(form?, options?)

  form?: FormOptions<T> | Validation<T> | null | undefined,
  options?: FormOptions<T>
) : EnhancedForm<T>
type FormOptions<T extends AnyZodObject> = {
  applyAction?: boolean;
  autoFocusOnError?: boolean | 'detect';
  clearOnSubmit?: 'errors' | 'message' | 'errors-and-message' | 'none';
  dataType?: 'form' | 'formdata' | 'json';
  defaultValidator?: 'clear' | 'keep';
  delayMs?: number;
  errorSelector?: string;
  invalidateAll?: boolean;
  multipleSubmits?: 'prevent' | 'allow' | 'abort';
  resetForm?: boolean;
  scrollToError?: 'auto' | 'smooth' | 'off';
  stickyNavbar?: string;
  taintedMessage?: string | null | false;
  timeoutMs?: number;
  validators?: Validators<T>;

  onSubmit?: (...params: Parameters<SubmitFunction>) => unknown | void;

  async onResult?: (event: {
    result: ActionResult;
    update: async (
      result: ActionResult<'success' | 'failure'>,
      untaint?: boolean
    formEl: HTMLFormElement;
    cancel: () => void;

  async onUpdate?: (event: {
    form: Validation<T>;
    cancel: () => void;

  async onUpdated?: (event: {
    form: Validation<T>;

  async onError?:
    | async (
        result: ActionResult<'error'>,
        message: Writable<string | null>
    | 'set-message'
    | 'apply'
    | string;

  flashMessage?: {
    module: (import * as module from 'sveltekit-flash-message/client'),
    onError?: (errorResult: ActionResult<'error'>) => App.PageData['flash']
type EnhancedForm<T extends AnyZodObject> = {
  form: Writable<Validation<T>['data']>;
  errors: Writable<Validation<T>['errors']>;
  message: Writable<string | null>;

  success: Readable<boolean>;
  empty: Readable<boolean>;

  submitting: Readable<boolean>;
  delayed: Readable<boolean>;
  timeout: Readable<boolean>;

  firstError: Readable<{ key: string; value: string } | null>;
  allErrors: Readable<{ key: string; value: string }[]>;

  enhance: (el: HTMLFormElement) => ReturnType<typeof formEnhance>;
  reset: () => void;

  async update: (
    result: ActionResult<'success' | 'failure'>,
    untaint?: boolean


import SuperDebug from 'sveltekit-superforms/client/SuperDebug.svelte';

Default entity values

Used when returning default values from superValidate for an entity, or when a FormData field is empty.


This whole behavior can be turned off if you pass options.implicitDefaults = false to superValidate, which means that you must add default to all required fields of your schema.

Non-supported defaults

Some Zod types like ZodEnum and ZodUnion can't use the above default values, so an exception will be thrown if you don't set a default value for them yourself, for example:

const schema = z.object({
  fish: z.enum(['Salmon', 'Tuna', 'Trout']).default('Salmon') // or nullable/optional/nullish

Let me know if you find something that could or should be supported regarding this.

Default values

When you start to configure the library to suit your stack, it's recommended to create an object with default values that you will refer to instead:

import { superForm } from 'sveltekit-superforms/client';

export function yourSuperForm(
  ...params: Parameters<typeof superForm>
): ReturnType<typeof superForm> {
  return superForm(params[0], {
    errorSelector: '.has-error',
    delayMs: 300,

Feedback wanted!

The library is quite stable so don't expect any major changes, but there could still be minor breaking changes until version 1.0, mostly variable naming.

Ideas, feedback, bug reports, PR:s, etc, are very welcome as a github issue.



Package last updated on 25 Feb 2023

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