node-sync is a simple library that allows you to call any asynchronous function in synchronous way. The main benefit is that it uses javascript-native design - Function.prototype.sync function, instead of heavy APIs which you'll need to learn. Also, asynchronous function which was called synchronously through node-sync doesn't blocks the whole process - it blocks only current thread!
It built on node-fibers library as a multithreading solution.
You may also like fibers-promise and node-fiberize libraries.
Simply call asynchronous function synchronously:
function asyncFunction(a, b, callback) {
callback(null, a + b);
// Function.prototype.sync() interface is same as - first argument is 'this' context
var result = asyncFunction.sync(null, 2, 3);
console.log(result); // 5
// Read file synchronously without blocking whole process? no problem
var source = require('fs').readFile.sync(null, __filename);
console.log(String(source)); // prints the source of this example itself
It throws exceptions!
function asyncFunction(a, b, callback) {
callback('something went wrong');
try {
var result = asyncFunction.sync(null, 2, 3);
catch (e) {
console.error(e); // something went wrong
Parallel execution:
var Sync = require('sync');
// Parallel function will return values only when all callbacks will be executed
var result = Sync.Parallel(function(callback){
asyncFunction(2, 3, callback());
asyncFunction(5, 5, callback());
asyncFunction(10, 10, callback());
console.log(result); // [5, 10, 20]
// Associative result
var result = Sync.Parallel(function(callback){
asyncFunction(2, 3, callback('foo'));
asyncFunction(5, 5, callback('bar'));
asyncFunction(10, 10, callback('baz'));
console.log(result); // { foo: 5, bar: 10, baz: 20 }
See more examples in examples directory.
npm install sync
and then
node-fibers your_file.js