Systelab Virtual Keyboard is a on-screen keyboard focused on touch devices.
Using the directive
Before use the directive you have to import the module into your application.
imports: [
Where config is an object with type SystelabVirtualKeyboardConfig. See SystelabVirtualKeyboardConfig for details
Then the virtual keyboard can be enabled for inputs or textareas. To enable it the attribute vkEnabled can be used into the desire HTML element. It can be binding dynamically in the same way [vkEnabled]="vkEnabledVariable"
<input class="input" type="number" placeholder="Numeric input default layout" vkEnabled vkFixedBottom [vkConfig]="vkConfig">
Directive options
The default behaviour can be changed through some attributes:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
vkEnabled | boolean | true | Enable the virtual keyboard for the element. If the property exists, the default value is true; if not, is false |
vkFixedBottom | booles | true | Fix the virtual keyboard to the bottom of the page. If the property exists, the default value is true; if not, is false |
vkConfig | SystelabVirtualKeyboardConfig | | Configuration object that overrides some default behaviours. See SystelabVirtualKeyboardConfig for details |
Configuration object
The configuration params are describe into the interface SystelabVirtualKeyboardConfig
Name | Type | Default | Description |
layout | SystelabVirtualKeyboardLayouts | | Usually the virtual keyboard select the layout between default or numeric depending on the input type. But with the config object you can override this behaviour and force the desired layout. The available layouts are described in the enum SystelabVirtualKeyboardLayouts |
inputMethod | SystelabVirtualKeyboardInputMethods | | The method detected for the keyboard to click or touch the keys |
showButton | boolean | false | Show or hide the button for showing the keyboard |
showOnMouseClick | boolean | false | Shows virtual keyboard upon mouse click on input field |