Tabby Sftp Tab Plugin
Plugin for the Tabby Terminal
This simple plugin allows you click a context menu(Open Sftp Tab) or press a hotkey(Ctrl-Shift-S) to open sftp tab like SecureCRT for ssh connection.
- Install tabby first, and then install the
- On window this plugin will use ssh2sftp_win_template profile to open sftp tab of ssh tab connection, you need fix sftp.exe path by edit profiles.ssh2sftp_win_template.command. It is recommended to install git for Windows and then use the path [git install dir]\usr\bin\sftp.exe, because it provide tab completion. :
- On linux this plugin will use ssh2sftp_linux_template profile to open sftp tab of ssh tab connection, default sftp provide tab completion.:
- On macos this plugin will use ssh2sftp_mac_template profile to open sftp tab of ssh tab connection, you need fix sftp path by edit profiles.ssh2sftp_mac_template.command. It is recommended to install openssh (command: brew install openssh) and then use the path /usr/local/opt/openssh/bin/sftp, because it provide tab completion.
- Using sftp-tab in tabby, for ssh connection tab, click to open context menu, select "Open Sftp Tab". or press hotkey(default: Ctrl-Shift-S):
- Then sftp tab for the ssh connection well open:
Implementation Description
- The plugin well add [ssh2sftp_win_template, ssh2sftp_linux_template, ssh2sftp_mac_template] profiles on start(when config service ready), also you can set/change it in Settings/Config file manually.
- type: local
name: ssh2sftp_win_template
icon: fas fa-terminal
command: c:\Git\usr\bin\sftp.exe
env: {}
cwd: ''
- '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no'
- '-oServerAliveInterval=30'
- '-oServerAliveCountMax=1051200'
- '-oTCPKeepAlive=yes'
group: ssh2sftp_template
id: local:custom:ssh2sftp_win_template:c617da05-d05c-482d-8ca6-3c7eb99452e9
disableDynamicTitle: true
isTemplate: true
- type: local
name: ssh2sftp_linux_template
icon: fas fa-terminal
command: /usr/bin/sftp
env: {}
cwd: ''
- '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no'
- '-oServerAliveInterval=30'
- '-oServerAliveCountMax=1051200'
- '-oTCPKeepAlive=yes'
group: ssh2sftp_template
id: local:custom:ssh2sftp_linux_template:6c4bcc75-f690-482a-a882-40e1c9851a3d
disableDynamicTitle: true
isTemplate: true
- type: local
name: ssh2sftp_mac_template
icon: fas fa-terminal
command: /usr/local/opt/openssh/bin/sftp
- '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no'
- '-oServerAliveInterval=30'
- '-oServerAliveCountMax=1051200'
- '-oTCPKeepAlive=yes'
env: {}
cwd: /Volumes/RamDisk
id: local:custom:ssh2sftp_mac_template:33162a26-7807-4c5e-ac2d-68cd2d9a4a24
group: ssh2sftp_template
disableDynamicTitle: true
isTemplate: true
- The plugin get params(params are: user, host, port) from ssh connection and use above ssh2sftp_***_template to open sftp tab.
Version logs
- Set ssh2sftp_template.isTemplate=true, so ssh2sftp_template no display in "Profile & connections" when user select profile to open, but can edit in settings."Profile & connections".
- Automatically add ssh2sftp after completing the configuration service_***_ Template.
- Refer to tabby-trzsz to modify user instructions.
- Implementing the sftp tab function of the SecureCRT class for the first time.