![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/tcmerge.svg)
A command line tool making merge to master through teamcity-merge
script easier for the developer. Before using this you should set up teamcity-merge
npm install -g tcmerge
> tcmerge "My awesome feature is done, it solves all kinds of problems"
In order for this to work, you have to be in a git repo. The branch you are currently on has to be an open pull request
on github. And you have to have pushed your commits to the pull request branch on github.
- Will detect if you do not have a pull request for your branch. And give an error.
- Will detect if the pull request branch on github does not have the same commit as your current branch. And give an error
Merging pull request from forked repository
1. Checkout and pull master on local repository
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
2. Checkout new branch on local repository
$ git checkout -b merge-external-pull-request
3. Cherry pick commits from pull request
Copy the commit id from the pull request in GitHub.
$ git cherry-pick -x {commit id}
Repeat as necessary.
4. Push branch
$ git push --set-upstream origin merge-external-pull-request
5. Create a new pull request
$ hub pull-request -m "merge external pull request"
6. Merge new pull request
$ tcmerge "merge-external-pull-request Fixes #[EXTERNAL_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER]"
That way the external PR will be closed when merge to master happens, and that merge commit will be linked to the external PR.
Also this module contais command prod
Requires HUB
brew install hub
> prod "hotfix-that-is-ready-go-prod"
notice that prod accepts only valid branch name that will be used as branch name, commit and PR