It's better than cjsx.
Build React element trees by composing functions.
You get full javascript control flow, and minimal boilerplate.
It's also quite simple, just a thin wrapper around React.createElement like JSX, making fast and lightweight (2KB gzipped).
![NPM version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/teact.svg?style=flat-square)
{crel} = require 'teact'
crel 'div', '#root.container', ->
unless props.signedIn
crel 'button', onClick: handleOnClick, 'Sign In'
crel.text 'Welcome!'
Transforms into:
{id: root, className: 'container'}, [
(props.signedIn ? React.createElement('button',
{onClick: handleOnClick}, 'Sign In'
) : null)
Use it from your component's render method:
{Component} = require 'react'
{crel} = require 'teact'
class Widget extends Component
render: ->
crel 'div', className: 'foo', =>
crel 'div', 'bar'
Or in a stateless component:
module.exports = (props) ->
crel 'div', className: 'foo', ->
crel 'div', props.bar
Nesting Components
is just a thin wrapper around React.createElement,
so you can pass it components instead of crel names:
class DooDad extends Component
render: ->
crel 'div', className: 'doodad', =>
crel 'span', @props.children
class Widget extends Component
handleFiddle: =>
# ...
render: ->
crel 'div', className: 'foo', =>
crel DooDad, onFiddled: @handleFiddle, =>
crel 'div', "I'm passed to DooDad.props.children"
If you need to build up a tree of elements inside a component's render method, you can
escape the element stack via the pureComponent
{crel, pureComponent} = require 'teact'
Teas = pureComponent (teas) ->
teas.map (tea) ->
# Without pureComponent, this would add teas to the element tree
# in iteration order. With pureComponent, we just return the reversed list
# of divs without adding the element tree. The caller may choose to add
# the returned list.
crel 'div', tea
class Widget extends Component
render: ->
crel 'div', Teas(@props.teas)
Sugar Syntax
Teact exports bound functions for elements, giving you options for
terser syntax if you're into that:
T = require 'teact'
T.div className: 'foo', ->
T.text 'Blah!'
or the Teacup / CoffeeCup signatures:
{div, text} = require 'teact'
div '.foo', ->
text 'Blah!'
A super-basic performance test suggests that teact has no discernible impact on React rendering performance:
$ npm run benchmark
> native x 5,197 ops/sec ±3.30% (76 runs sampled)
> teact x 5,339 ops/sec ±2.23% (82 runs sampled)
> Fastest is teact,native
It's also lightweight, at 5KB minified, 2KB gzipped.
How is this better than CJSX?
Other folks have reached similar conclusions. They were later bit by using the React API directly when the implementation changed. A thin wrapper like Teact should minimize this risk.
Markaby begat CoffeeKup begat
CoffeeCup and DryKup which begat
Teacup which begat Teact.
$ git clone https://github.com/hurrymaplad/teact && cd teact
$ npm install
$ npm test