Telegram Zi
Easy Telegram scenes based on buttons
Basic Example
const zi = require('./telegram-zi');
(async() => {
let bot = new zi.newBot(process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN);
let exampleSceneName = "example_scene";
zi.defineButtons(exampleSceneName, [
['Enter same scene again', exampleSceneName],
['This button does exactly the same', exampleSceneName],
zi.newScene({sceneName: exampleSceneName, say:"Welcome @Linkfy's bot! Select an option to start"});
Bot Auth:
let bot = new zi.newBot(process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN, ids=[5705569, 5705568]);
Advanced Example:
let startProcessScene = 'start_process';
zi.newScene({sceneName: startProcessScene, say: "Executing operation",
execute: {foo: buy, args: [{
serviceNumber: element.service,
quantity: option,
sceneContainingLink: sendLinkScene
function buy(ctx, info) {
let {serviceNumber, quantity, sceneContainingLink} = info;
let link = ctx.session.saved[sceneContainingLink].desiredLink;
let price = Number(quantity/100)-0.1;
console.log(`The scene ${sceneContainingLink} has the link ${link}, and wants to use ${quantity} actions with the service number ${serviceNumber}`);
ctx.reply(`The price for the operation is ${price} coins, [TODO]\n
Going back to menu`);
zi.changeScene(ctx, exampleSceneName, delay = 1000);
Advanced Example 2:
zi.newScene({sceneName: "buy_scene", nextScene: "default_scene",
execute: {foo: myFunction, args: ['😃', '👍']}
zi.newScene({sceneName: "my_scene", say:"Send me the link please", nextScene: "BuyLikes", saveReply: "linkToBuy"});
function showMyLink(ctx, param1, param2) {
ctx.reply("It is not yet implemented but this is your reply: " + ctx.session.saved.my_scene.linkToBuy + " \nAnd also this: " + ctx.message.text + " " + param1 + " " + param2 );
zi.changeSceneButtonName("another_scene", "Buy this", "Buy again this");
zi.changeScene(ctx, "welcomeScene", delay = 1000);