TeleSign Node.js SDK
TeleSign is a communications platform as a service (CPaaS) company, founded on security. Since 2005, TeleSign has
been a trusted partner to the world’s leading websites and mobile applications, helping secure billions of end-user
accounts. Today, TeleSign’s data-driven, cloud communications platform is changing the way businesses engage with
customers and prevent fraud.
For more information about TeleSign, visit our website.
Code documentation is included in the SDK. Complete documentation, quick start guides and reference material
for the TeleSign API is available within the TeleSign Developer Center.
To add the TeleSign Node.js SDK using NPM to your Node.js project:
npm install telesignsdk -save
If you have already cloned this SDK, you can using the following command
npm install /path/to/sdk -save
You will need a Customer ID and API Key in order to use TeleSign’s API. If you already have an account you can retrieve
them from your account dashboard within the Portal. If you have not signed up
yet, sign up here.
We make use of popular, feature-rich and well-tested open-source libraries to perform the underlying functionality of
the SDK. These dependencies are managed by the community accepted package manager. If you are unable to add these
additional third party dependencies to your project we have ensured that the SDK code is easy to read and can serve as
sample code. We have also made sure that more complicated functions such as generate_telesign_headers can be easily
extracted from the SDK and used 'as is' in your project.
How to Run
- Edit file and replace values for API Key, Customer ID, and mobile_number
- Run the file via : node filename.js
Example: You can run the 1_send_message.js with the following command
node examples/appverify/1_send_message.js
Sample code: Messaging (SMS)
After installing the SDK, begin by including the telesign SDK and declaring customerId, apiKey, restEndpoint, and
timeout variables.
Setup Telesign Client
var TeleSignSDK = require('telesignsdk');
var customerId = "FFFFFFFF-EEEE-DDDD-1234-AB1234567890";
var apiKey = "EXAMPLE----TE8sTgg45yusumoN4BYsBVkh+yRJ5czgsnCehZaOYldPJdmFh6NeX8kunZ2zU1YWaUw/0wV6xfw==";
var restEndpoint = "https://rest-api.telesign.com";
var timeout = 10*1000;
var telesign = new TeleSignSDK( customerId,
Send an SMS
var phoneNumber = "phone_number";
var message = "You're scheduled for a dentist appointment at 2:30PM.";
var messageType = "ARN";
var referenceId = null;
telesign.sms.message(function(err, reply){
console.log("Error: Could not reach TeleSign's servers");
console.log("YAY!, the SMS message is being sent now by TeleSign!");
Further reading
- If you are using the trial account, make sure you understand it has some limitations.
Use only the phone number you have verified.
- The definitions of the parameters are best documented in the REST API documentation
located here.
- Code examples can be found here.