A spec-compliant Temporal JavaScript polyfill in 16kb.
CDN link
Browser Support
Minimum required version if... | Chrome | Edge | Safari | Safari iOS | Firefox | Node |
...transpiling to target environment | 36 (Jul 2014) | 14 (Aug 2016) | 10 (Sep 2016) | 10 (Sep 2016) | 52 (Mar 2017) | 12 (Apr 2019) |
...leaving untranspiled | 60 (Jul 2017) | 79 (Jan 2020) | 11.1 (Mar 2018) | 11.3 (Mar 2018) | 55 (Aug 2017) | 12 (Apr 2019) |
...using BigInt features | 67 (May 2018) | 79 (Jan 2020) | 14 (Sep 2020) | 14 (Sep 2020) | 68 (July 2019) | 12 (Apr 2019) |
BigInt Considerations
This polyfill works fine in environments without BigInt. However, without BigInt, the following will throw errors:
❌ Avoid microseconds/nanoseconds | ✅ Use milliseconds instead |
instant.epochMicroseconds | instant.epochMilliseconds |
instant.epochNanoseconds | instant.epochMilliseconds |
Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMicroseconds(micro) | Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(milli) |
Temporal.Instant.fromEpochNanoseconds(nano) | Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(milli) |
new Temporal.Instant(nano) | Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(milli) |
zonedDateTime.epochMicroseconds | zonedDateTime.epochMilliseconds |
zonedDateTime.epochNanoseconds | zonedDateTime.epochMilliseconds |
new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(nano, tz, cal) | Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(milli).toZonedDateTimeISO() |
| Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(milli).toZonedDateTime(cal) |
FYI, it is not possible to properly polyfill BigInt. More Information
npm install temporal-polyfill
A) Import globally:
import 'temporal-polyfill/global'
B) Import as an ES module without side effects:
import { Temporal } from 'temporal-polyfill'
C) The above techniques try using the built-in Temporal
object and fall back to the polyfill.
To guarantee using the polyfill, do this:
import { Temporal } from 'temporal-polyfill/impl'