What is testcafe-reporter-xunit?
The testcafe-reporter-xunit package is a reporter plugin for TestCafe that outputs test results in the xUnit format. This format is widely used for integrating test results with continuous integration (CI) systems and other tools that support xUnit.
What are testcafe-reporter-xunit's main functionalities?
Generate xUnit Report
This code sample demonstrates how to create a custom reporter using the testcafe-reporter-xunit package. The reporter outputs the start and end of the test run, as well as the status of each test and fixture.
module.exports = function () {
return {
noColors: true,
reportTaskStart (startTime, userAgents, testCount) {
console.log('Starting test run...');
reportFixtureStart (name, path) {
console.log(`Fixture: ${name}`);
reportTestDone (name, testRunInfo) {
console.log(`Test: ${name} - ${testRunInfo.skipped ? 'skipped' : 'done'}`);
reportTaskDone (endTime, passed, warnings) {
console.log('Test run complete.');
Other packages similar to testcafe-reporter-xunit
The testcafe-reporter-json package outputs test results in JSON format. This format is useful for further processing or integration with other tools that consume JSON. Unlike testcafe-reporter-xunit, which is tailored for xUnit-compatible systems, testcafe-reporter-json provides a more flexible and general-purpose output.
The testcafe-reporter-html package generates test results in an HTML format. This is useful for creating human-readable reports that can be easily shared and reviewed. While testcafe-reporter-xunit is designed for CI systems, testcafe-reporter-html focuses on providing a visually appealing report for manual inspection.
The testcafe-reporter-junit package outputs test results in the JUnit XML format, which is another popular format for CI systems. It is similar to testcafe-reporter-xunit in that it targets CI integration, but it uses the JUnit format instead of xUnit.
This is the xUnit reporter plugin for TestCafe.
This reporter is shipped with TestCafe by default. In most cases, you won't need to install it separately.
However, if you need to install this reporter, you can use the following command.
npm install testcafe-reporter-xunit
When you run tests from the command line, specify the reporter name by using the --reporter
testcafe chrome 'path/to/test/file.js' --reporter xunit
When you use API, pass the reporter name to the reporter()
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