Camel feeder
This application can feed, teach and play with your camel on behalf of you on cool camels website (
What it does:
- logs in
- gives your pet drink and food
- picks a subject to learn (if not selected already), teaches it
- plays the lottery game
You can set your camel login details in the config.json. Please check out example.config.json for more details. You can set a range of numbers which is needed for the lottery game. A random number is being picked from the range. You can debug the app, html, http requests and the results by setting the debug mode on.
"camels": [
"username": "Camel Username",
"password": "Camel Password",
"min": 15,
"max": 88
"debug": 1
Running the application
npm install
npm run build
npm start
For instant compiling
npm run dev
Cron job
I suggest you to run the app once a day by setting up a cron job.