Version 1.5.1 (Sun, 02 Jul 2017 21:56:57 GMT)
- Fix tests for npm-badge from - Nils Knappmeier
- 6f7b912 Remove "preversion"-script from package.json - Nils Knappmeier
- 314d5c3 Remove "find-package"-dependency from cli-script (+ refactoring) - Nils Knappmeier
- 6e2f575 372a953 Use npm-badge from - Nils Knappmeier
- This one may be controversial in terms of Semver, because tests of old Thought versions are failing due to this change, but I
consider this to be a patch-change only, because it fixes the badge for scoped packages and the badge is not really supposed to
be parsed (humans still see mainly the same badge)