What is through2?
The through2 npm package is a thin wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (a standard Node.js API) that makes it easier to create transform streams. It is designed to work with streams in object mode or non-object mode, allowing for simple function-based stream transformation. This package is particularly useful when you need to create a custom stream that modifies or transforms data as it passes through the stream pipeline.
What are through2's main functionalities?
Simple Transform
This feature allows you to create a simple transform stream that converts input data to uppercase. The code sample demonstrates how to use through2 to create a stream that reads from stdin, transforms the data, and writes to stdout.
const through2 = require('through2');
const stream = through2(function(chunk, enc, callback) {
Object Mode Transform
This feature allows you to work with streams in object mode, where the stream chunks are JavaScript objects. The code sample shows how to create a transform stream that modifies properties of objects and how to use it with a readable stream of objects.
const through2 = require('through2').obj;
const stream = through2(function(obj, enc, callback) {
obj.key = obj.key.toUpperCase();
// Usage with an array of objects
const objects = [{ key: 'value' }, { key: 'data' }];
const objectStream = require('stream').Readable.from(objects);
objectStream.pipe(stream).on('data', (transformedObj) => console.log(transformedObj));
Flush Function
This feature allows you to perform an action when the stream is ending, just before it finishes. The code sample demonstrates how to append a message to the stream output right before the stream ends.
const through2 = require('through2');
const stream = through2(function(chunk, enc, callback) {
}, function(callback) {
// This function is called before the stream is finished
this.push('Stream is ending!');
Other packages similar to through2
The 'through' package provides a simple way to create a readable-writable stream. It is similar to through2 but does not support object mode by default and has a less modern API.
The 'stream-transform' package is part of the Node.js CSV project and provides a standard transform stream with a simpler API for synchronous operations. It is specifically designed for CSV data transformation and is less generic compared to through2.
The 'pumpify' package combines an array of streams into a single duplex stream using pump and duplexify. It is similar to through2 in that it deals with stream transformation but focuses on combining streams rather than creating individual transform streams.

A tiny wrapper around Node streams.Transform (Streams2) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
Inspired by Dominic Tarr's through in that it's so much easier to make a stream out of a function than it is to set up the prototype chain properly: through(function (chunk) { ... })
Note: A Streams3 version of through2 is available in npm with the tag "1.0"
rather than "latest"
so an npm install through2
will get you the current Streams2 version (version number is 0.x.x). To use a Streams3 version use npm install through2@1
to fetch the latest version 1.x.x. More information about Streams2 vs Streams3 and recommendations see the article Why I don't use Node's core 'stream' module.
.pipe(through2(function (chunk, enc, callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++)
if (chunk[i] == 97)
chunk[i] = 122
Or object streams:
var all = []
.pipe(through2.obj(function (chunk, enc, callback) {
var data = {
name : chunk[0]
, address : chunk[3]
, phone : chunk[10]
.on('data', function (data) {
.on('end', function () {
Note that through2.obj(fn)
is a convenience wrapper around through2({ objectMode: true }, fn)
through2([ options, ] [ transformFunction ] [, flushFunction ])
Consult the stream.Transform documentation for the exact rules of the transformFunction
(i.e. this._transform
) and the optional flushFunction
(i.e. this._flush
The options argument is optional and is passed straight through to stream.Transform
. So you can use objectMode:true
if you are processing non-binary streams (or just use through2.obj()
The options
argument is first, unlike standard convention, because if I'm passing in an anonymous function then I'd prefer for the options argument to not get lost at the end of the call:
.pipe(through2({ objectMode: true, allowHalfOpen: false },
function (chunk, enc, cb) {
cb(null, 'wut?')
The transformFunction
must have the following signature: function (chunk, encoding, callback) {}
. A minimal implementation should call the callback
function to indicate that the transformation is done, even if that transformation means discarding the chunk.
To queue a new chunk, call this.push(chunk)
—this can be called as many times as required before the callback()
if you have multiple pieces to send on.
Alternatively, you may use callback(err, chunk)
as shorthand for emitting a single chunk or an error.
If you do not provide a transformFunction
then you will get a simple pass-through stream.
The optional flushFunction
is provided as the last argument (2nd or 3rd, depending on whether you've supplied options) is called just prior to the stream ending. Can be used to finish up any processing that may be in progress.
function (chunk, enc, cb) { cb(null, chunk) },
function (cb) {
this.push('tacking on an extra buffer to the end');
through2.ctor([ options, ] transformFunction[, flushFunction ])
Instead of returning a stream.Transform
instance, through2.ctor()
returns a constructor for a custom Transform. This is useful when you want to use the same transform logic in multiple instances.
var FToC = through2.ctor({objectMode: true}, function (record, encoding, callback) {
if (record.temp != null && record.unit = "F") {
record.temp = ( ( record.temp - 32 ) * 5 ) / 9
record.unit = "C"
var converter = new FToC()
var converter = FToC()
var converter = FToC({objectMode: true})
See Also
through2 is Copyright (c) 2013 Rod Vagg @rvagg and licenced under the MIT licence. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included LICENSE file for more details.