A Node.js library to receive live stream events such as comments and gifts in realtime from TikTok LIVE by connecting to TikTok's internal WebCast push service. The package includes a wrapper that connects to the WebCast service using just the username (uniqueId
). This allows you to connect to your own live chat as well as the live chat of other streamers. No credentials are required. Besides Chat Comments, other events such as Members Joining, Gifts, Subscriptions, Viewers, Follows, Shares, Questions, Likes and Battles can be tracked. You can also send automatic messages into the chat by providing your Session ID.
Do you prefer other programming languages?
NOTE: This is not an official API. It's a reverse engineering project.
NOTE: This JavaScript library is intended for use in Node.js environments. If you want to process or display the data in the browser (client-side), you need to transfer the data from the Node.js environment to the browser. A good approach for this is to use Socket.IO or a different low-latency communication framework. A complete example project can be found here: TikTok-Chat-Reader
Due to a change on the part of TikTok, versions prior v1.1.7 are no longer functional. If you are using one of these versions, upgrade to the latest version using the npm i tiktok-live-connector
Getting started
- Install the package via NPM
npm i tiktok-live-connector
- Create your first chat connection
const { WebcastPushConnection } = require('tiktok-live-connector');
let tiktokUsername = "officialgeilegisela";
let tiktokLiveConnection = new WebcastPushConnection(tiktokUsername);
tiktokLiveConnection.connect().then(state => {
console.info(`Connected to roomId ${state.roomId}`);
}).catch(err => {
console.error('Failed to connect', err);
tiktokLiveConnection.on('chat', data => {
console.log(`${data.uniqueId} (userId:${data.userId}) writes: ${data.comment}`);
tiktokLiveConnection.on('gift', data => {
console.log(`${data.uniqueId} (userId:${data.userId}) sends ${data.giftId}`);
Params and options
To create a new WebcastPushConnection
object the following parameters are required.
WebcastPushConnection(uniqueId, [options])
Param Name | Required | Description |
uniqueId | Yes | The unique username of the broadcaster. You can find this name in the URL. Example: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialgeilegisela/live => officialgeilegisela |
options | No | Here you can set the following optional connection properties. If you do not specify a value, the default value will be used.
processInitialData (default: true ) Define if you want to process the initital data which includes old messages of the last seconds.
fetchRoomInfoOnConnect (default: true ) Define if you want to fetch all room information on connect() . If this option is enabled, the connection to offline rooms will be prevented. If enabled, the connect result contains the room info via the roomInfo attribute. You can also manually retrieve the room info (even in an unconnected state) using the getRoomInfo() function.
enableExtendedGiftInfo (default: false ) Define if you want to receive extended information about gifts like gift name, cost and images. This information will be provided at the gift event.
enableWebsocketUpgrade (default: true ) Define if you want to use a WebSocket connection instead of request polling if TikTok offers it.
requestPollingIntervalMs (default: 1000 ) Request polling interval if WebSocket is not used.
sessionId (default: null ) Here you can specify the current Session ID of your TikTok account (sessionid cookie value) if you want to send automated chat messages via the sendMessage() function. See Example
clientParams (default: {} ) Custom client params for Webcast API.
requestHeaders (default: {} ) Custom request headers passed to axios.
websocketHeaders (default: {} ) Custom websocket headers passed to websocket.client.
requestOptions (default: {} ) Custom request options passed to axios. Here you can specify an httpsAgent to use a proxy and a timeout value. See Example.
websocketOptions (default: {} ) Custom websocket options passed to websocket.client. Here you can specify an agent to use a proxy and a timeout value. See Example. |
Example Options:
let tiktokLiveConnection = new WebcastPushConnection(tiktokUsername, {
processInitialData: false,
enableExtendedGiftInfo: true,
enableWebsocketUpgrade: true,
requestPollingIntervalMs: 2000,
clientParams: {
"app_language": "en-US",
"device_platform": "web"
requestHeaders: {
"headerName": "headerValue"
websocketHeaders: {
"headerName": "headerValue"
requestOptions: {
timeout: 10000
websocketOptions: {
timeout: 10000
A WebcastPushConnection
object contains the following methods.
Method Name | Description |
connect | Connects to the live stream chat. Returns a Promise which will be resolved when the connection is successfully established. |
disconnect | Disconnects the connection. |
getState | Gets the current connection state including the cached room info (see below). |
getRoomInfo | Gets the current room info from TikTok API including streamer info, room status and statistics. Returns a Promise which will be resolved when the API request is done. Note: You can call this function even if you're not connected. Example |
getAvailableGifts | Gets a list of all available gifts including gift name, image url, diamont cost and a lot of other information. Returns a Promise that will be resolved when all available gifts has been retrieved from the API. Note: You can call this function even if you're not connected. Example |
(text, [sessionId]) | Sends a chat message into the current live room using the provided session cookie (specified in the constructor options or via the second function parameter). Returns a Promise that will be resolved when the chat message has been submitted to the API.
WARNING: Use of this function is at your own risk. Spamming messages can lead to the suspension of your TikTok account. Be careful! Example |
A WebcastPushConnection
object has the following events which can be handled via .on(eventName, eventHandler)
Control Events:
Message Events:
Custom Events:
Control Events
Triggered when the connection is successfully established.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('connected', state => {
console.log('Hurray! Connected!', state);
⚡ Show Data Structure
isConnected: true,
upgradedToWebsocket: true,
roomId: '7137682087200557829',
roomInfo: {
AnchorABMap: {},
admin_user_ids: [],
anchor_scheduled_time_text: '',
anchor_share_text: '',
anchor_tab_type: 7,
answering_question_content: '',
app_id: 1233,
audio_mute: 0,
auto_cover: 0,
book_end_time: 0,
book_time: 0,
business_live: 0,
challenge_info: '',
client_version: 250701,
comment_has_text_emoji_emote: 0,
comment_name_mode: 0,
commerce_info: {
commerce_permission: 0,
oec_live_enter_room_init_data: '',
use_async_load: false
common_label_list: '',
content_tag: '',
cover: {
avg_color: '',
height: 0,
image_type: 0,
is_animated: false,
open_web_url: '',
uri: '720x720/tos-maliva-avt-0068/4e64db7f7c37caf9b2df71df8580a9b0',
url_list: [Array],
width: 0
create_time: 1661871149,
deco_list: [],
deprecated10: '',
deprecated11: '',
deprecated12: '',
deprecated13: '',
deprecated14: 0,
deprecated15: 0,
deprecated16: 0,
deprecated17: [],
deprecated18: 0,
deprecated19: '',
deprecated195: false,
deprecated2: '',
deprecated20: 0,
deprecated21: false,
deprecated22: 0,
deprecated23: '',
deprecated24: 0,
deprecated26: '',
deprecated28: '',
deprecated3: {},
deprecated30: '',
deprecated31: false,
deprecated32: '',
deprecated35: 0,
deprecated36: 0,
deprecated39: '',
deprecated4: 0,
deprecated41: 0,
deprecated43: false,
deprecated44: 0,
deprecated5: false,
deprecated6: '',
deprecated7: 0,
deprecated8: '',
deprecated9: '',
disable_preload_stream: false,
drawer_tab_position: '',
effect_info: [],
existed_commerce_goods: false,
fansclub_msg_style: 2,
feed_room_label: {
avg_color: '#F1FFEB',
height: 0,
image_type: 0,
is_animated: false,
open_web_url: '',
uri: 'webcast-sg/2ea90002aca1159b5c67',
url_list: [Array],
width: 0
feed_room_labels: [],
filter_msg_rules: [],
finish_reason: 0,
finish_time: 1661878842,
finish_url: '',
finish_url_v2: '',
follow_msg_style: 2,
forum_extra_data: '',
game_tag: [],
gift_msg_style: 2,
gift_poll_vote_enabled: false,
group_source: 0,
has_commerce_goods: false,
have_wishlist: false,
hot_sentence_info: '',
id: 7137682087200558000,
id_str: '7137682087200557829',
indicators: [],
interaction_question_version: 0,
introduction: '',
is_gated_room: false,
is_replay: false,
is_show_user_card_switch: false,
last_ping_time: 1661878842,
layout: 0,
like_count: 0,
link_mic: {
audience_id_list: [],
battle_scores: [],
battle_settings: [Object],
channel_id: 0,
followed_count: 0,
linked_user_list: [],
multi_live_enum: 1,
rival_anchor_id: 0,
show_user_list: []
linker_map: {},
linkmic_layout: 0,
live_distribution: [],
live_id: 12,
live_reason: '',
live_room_mode: 0,
live_sub_only: 0,
live_type_audio: false,
live_type_linkmic: false,
live_type_normal: true,
live_type_sandbox: false,
live_type_screenshot: false,
live_type_social_live: false,
live_type_third_party: false,
living_room_attrs: {
admin_flag: 0,
rank: 0,
room_id: 7137682087200558000,
room_id_str: '7137682087200557829',
silence_flag: 0
lottery_finish_time: 0,
mosaic_status: 0,
os_type: 1,
owner: {
allow_find_by_contacts: false,
allow_others_download_video: false,
allow_others_download_when_sharing_video: false,
allow_share_show_profile: false,
allow_show_in_gossip: false,
allow_show_my_action: false,
allow_strange_comment: false,
allow_unfollower_comment: false,
allow_use_linkmic: false,
avatar_large: [Object],
avatar_medium: [Object],
avatar_thumb: [Object],
badge_image_list: [],
badge_list: [],
bg_img_url: '',
bio_description: 'HH📍🇩🇪تابعوني انستغرام\nاذا سقطت سأخذ الجميع معي\n👻Alin_issa22👻' ,
block_status: 0,
border_list: [],
comment_restrict: 0,
commerce_webcast_config_ids: [],
constellation: '',
create_time: 0,
deprecated1: 0,
deprecated12: 0,
deprecated13: 0,
deprecated15: 0,
deprecated16: false,
deprecated17: false,
deprecated18: '',
deprecated19: false,
deprecated2: 0,
deprecated21: 0,
deprecated28: false,
deprecated29: '',
deprecated3: 0,
deprecated4: 0,
deprecated5: '',
deprecated6: 0,
deprecated7: '',
deprecated8: 0,
disable_ichat: 0,
display_id: 'alin.i7',
enable_ichat_img: 0,
exp: 0,
fan_ticket_count: 0,
fold_stranger_chat: false,
follow_info: [Object],
follow_status: 0,
ichat_restrict_type: 0,
id: 6672446849804223000,
id_str: '6672446849804223493',
is_follower: false,
is_following: false,
link_mic_stats: 0,
media_badge_image_list: [],
modify_time: 1661427082,
need_profile_guide: false,
new_real_time_icons: [],
nickname: '🦋ALIN🦋',
own_room: [Object],
pay_grade: [Object],
pay_score: 0,
pay_scores: 0,
push_comment_status: false,
push_digg: false,
push_follow: false,
push_friend_action: false,
push_ichat: false,
push_status: false,
push_video_post: false,
push_video_recommend: false,
real_time_icons: [],
sec_uid: 'MS4wLjABAAAAuUKuWAiw0GQO2_zOeyns0YCBRK7ztdoDWAAQ6gPFLBNSdTs-g5BsgScwTD9jWeK_',
secret: 0,
share_qrcode_uri: '',
special_id: '',
status: 1,
ticket_count: 0,
top_fans: [],
top_vip_no: 0,
upcoming_event_list: [],
user_attr: [Object],
user_role: 0,
verified: false,
verified_content: '',
verified_reason: '',
with_car_management_permission: false,
with_commerce_permission: false,
with_fusion_shop_entry: false
owner_device_id: 0,
owner_device_id_str: '',
owner_user_id: 6672446849804223000,
owner_user_id_str: '',
pre_enter_time: 0,
preview_flow_tag: 0,
ranklist_audience_type: 0,
relation_tag: '',
replay: true,
room_audit_status: 0,
room_auth: {
Banner: 1,
BroadcastMessage: 0,
Chat: true,
ChatL2: false,
ChatSubOnly: false,
CommercePermission: 0,
CustomizablePoll: 0,
Danmaku: false,
Digg: true,
DonationSticker: 2,
EventPromotion: 0,
Gift: true,
GiftAnchorMt: 1,
GiftPoll: 0,
GoldenEnvelope: 0,
GoldenEnvelopeActivity: 0,
InteractionQuestion: true,
Landscape: 2,
LandscapeChat: 0,
LuckMoney: true,
Pictionary: 0,
Poll: 0,
Promote: false,
PromoteOther: 0,
Props: false,
PublicScreen: 1,
QuickChat: 0,
Rank: 0,
RoomContributor: false,
Share: true,
ShareEffect: 0,
ShoppingRanking: 0,
UserCard: true,
UserCount: 0,
Viewers: false,
deprecated1: false,
deprecated2: 0,
deprecated3: 0,
deprecated4: 0,
deprecated5: 0,
deprecated6: 0,
deprecated7: 0,
deprecated8: 0,
deprecated9: 0,
transaction_history: 1,
use_user_pv: false
room_create_ab_param: '',
room_layout: 0,
room_sticker_list: [],
room_tabs: [],
room_tag: 0,
scroll_config: '',
search_id: 0,
share_msg_style: 2,
share_url: 'https://m.tiktok.com/share/live/7137682087200557829/?language=en',
short_title: '',
short_touch_items: [],
social_interaction: { linkmic_scene_linker: {}, multi_live: [Object] },
start_time: 0,
stats: {
deprecated1: 0,
deprecated2: '',
digg_count: 0,
enter_count: 0,
fan_ticket: 0,
follow_count: 686,
gift_uv_count: 0,
id: 7137682087200558000,
id_str: '7137682087200557829',
like_count: 0,
replay_fan_ticket: 0,
replay_viewers: 64076,
share_count: 0,
total_user: 104582,
total_user_desp: '',
user_count_composition: [Object],
watermelon: 0
status: 2,
sticker_list: [],
stream_id: 2993830046178738000,
stream_id_str: '2993830046178738249',
stream_status: 0,
stream_url: {
candidate_resolution: [Array],
complete_push_urls: [],
default_resolution: 'ORIGION',
extra: [Object],
flv_pull_url: [Object],
flv_pull_url_params: [Object],
hls_pull_url: 'https://pull-hls-f16-va01.tiktokcdn.com/stage/stream-2993830046178738249_or4/index.m3u8',
hls_pull_url_map: {},
hls_pull_url_params: '{"VCodec":"h264"}',
id: 2993830046178738000,
id_str: '2993830046178738249',
live_core_sdk_data: [Object],
provider: 0,
push_urls: [],
resolution_name: [Object],
rtmp_pull_url: 'https://pull-f5-va01.tiktokcdn.com/stage/stream-2993830046178738249_or4.flv',
rtmp_pull_url_params: '{"VCodec":"h264"}',
rtmp_push_url: '',
rtmp_push_url_params: '',
stream_control_type: 0
stream_url_filtered_info: { is_gated_room: false, is_paid_event: false },
title: 'انا جيت😍 🥰' ,
top_fans: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
use_filter: false,
user_count: 1136,
user_share_text: '',
video_feed_tag: '',
webcast_comment_tcs: 0,
webcast_sdk_version: 0,
with_draw_something: false,
with_ktv: false,
with_linkmic: true
availableGifts: []
Triggered when the connection gets disconnected. In that case you can call connect()
again to have a reconnect logic. Note that you should wait a little bit before attempting a reconnect to to avoid being rate-limited.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('disconnected', () => {
console.log('Disconnected :(');
Triggered when the live stream gets terminated by the host. Will also trigger the disconnected
tiktokLiveConnection.on('streamEnd', (actionId) => {
if (actionId === 3) {
console.log('Stream ended by user');
if (actionId === 4) {
console.log('Stream ended by platform moderator (ban)');
Triggered every time a protobuf encoded webcast message arrives. You can deserialize the binary object depending on the use case with protobufjs.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('rawData', (messageTypeName, binary) => {
console.log(messageTypeName, binary);
Will be triggered as soon as a websocket connection is established. The websocket client object is passed.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('websocketConnected', websocketClient => {
console.log("Websocket:", websocketClient.connection);
General error event. You should handle this.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('error', err => {
console.error('Error!', err);
Message Events
Triggered every time a new viewer joins the live stream.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('member', data => {
console.log(`${data.uniqueId} joins the stream!`);
⚡ Show Data Structure
actionId: 1,
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-useast2a-avt...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [
type: "pm_mt_moderator_im",
name: "Moderator"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/rankl...image"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/....~...image"
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 2139,
followerCount: 853,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null,
msgId: "7137750885996120859",
createTime: "1661887134195",
displayType: "live_room_enter_toast",
label: "{0:user} joined"
Triggered every time a new chat comment arrives.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('chat', data => {
console.log(`${data.uniqueId} writes: ${data.comment}`);
⚡ Show Data Structure
comment: "How are you?",
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [
type: "pm_mt_moderator_im",
name: "Moderator"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/rankl...image"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/....~...image"
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 10000,
followerCount: 606,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null,
msgId: "7137750790064065286",
createTime: "1661887134718"
Triggered every time a gift arrives. You will receive additional information via the extendedGiftInfo
attribute when you enable the enableExtendedGiftInfo
NOTE: Users have the capability to send gifts in a streak. This increases the repeatCount
value until the user terminates the streak. During this time new gift events are triggered again and again with an increased repeatCount
value. It should be noted that after the end of the streak, another gift event is triggered, which signals the end of the streak via repeatEnd
. This applies only to gifts with giftType
. This means that even if the user sends a giftType
gift only once, you will receive the event twice. Once with repeatEnd
and once with repeatEnd
. Therefore, the event should be handled as follows:
tiktokLiveConnection.on('gift', data => {
if (data.giftType === 1 && !data.repeatEnd) {
console.log(`${data.uniqueId} is sending gift ${data.giftName} x${data.repeatCount}`);
} else {
console.log(`${data.uniqueId} has sent gift ${data.giftName} x${data.repeatCount}`);
⚡ Show Data Structure
giftId: 5953,
repeatCount: 1,
repeatEnd: true,
groupId: "1661887131074",
monitorExtra: {
anchor_id: 7087613897129494000,
from_idc: "maliva",
from_user_id: 7044640112358049000,
gift_id: 5953,
gift_type: 1,
log_id: "20220830191849010192055159174B7670",
msg_id: 7137749190944230000,
repeat_count: 1,
repeat_end: 1,
room_id: 7137728632142843000,
send_gift_profit_core_start_ms: 0,
send_gift_send_message_success_ms: 1661887134397,
to_user_id: 7087613897129494000
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 360,
followerCount: 740,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null,
msgId: "7137749190944230150",
createTime: "1661887134397",
displayType: "webcast_aweme_gift_send_message",
label: "{0:user} sent {1:gift} {2:string}",
gift: {
gift_id: 5953,
repeat_count: 1,
repeat_end: 1,
gift_type: 1
describe: "Sent Nevalyashka doll",
giftType: 1,
diamondCount: 25,
giftName: "Nevalyashka doll",
giftPictureUrl: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/img/maliva/webca...png",
timestamp: 1661887134397,
extendedGiftInfo: {
receiverUserId: "7087613897129493510"
Triggered every time a statistic message arrives. This message currently contains the viewer count and a top gifter list.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('roomUser', data => {
console.log(`Viewer Count: ${data.viewerCount}`);
⚡ Show Data Structure
topViewers: [
user: {
userId: "6822565897317303297",
secUid: "MS4wLjABAAAALIKFhzvmiCws6B6KWfRgWr5MbyGVPXevakvnP8xc7VLkWtcqNeEe9coyRA74KNxm",
uniqueId: "linmjh",
nickname: "gì z má ( ^ㆍㅅㆍ^)",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-sg.tiktokcdn.com/aweme/100x100/to...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "1588502711",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 781,
followerCount: 51,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
coinCount: 0
user: {
userId: "6828542044454863874",
secUid: "MS4wLjABAAAAxP4NgzG7uJz1tcB8o3JN8PxHWej20NJWCHP1IG1PZ0OmQLB6SVORRSoX0Ool4dwj",
uniqueId: "xuanthainguyen0",
nickname: "Xuan Thai Nguyen",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-sg.tiktokcdn.com/aweme/100x100/ti...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "1593865836",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 6,
followerCount: 6,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
coinCount: 0
user: {
userId: "7014684709204624385",
secUid: "MS4wLjABAAAAnVMJ9MXN5HqjnpyEwgEhjv97Pc_ixtG4Iwnnagbrd99WhEATfhZLW6McX-uErTp9",
uniqueId: "dyip0c3sbo2t",
nickname: "Huu Trân572",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-sg.tiktokcdn.com/aweme/100x100/ti...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "1640318249",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 35,
followerCount: 21,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
coinCount: 0
user: {
userId: "7133413217468187675",
secUid: "MS4wLjABAAAA2u64n6KnroBOMQo4pR9bLv0twyCIy0X-wd7S__WR4d2VObktWAfs_ck08pjD4hIV",
uniqueId: "uservay64gw9d5",
nickname: "uservay64gw9d5",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-useast2a-avt...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "1660877330",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 2,
followerCount: 0,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
coinCount: 0
user: {
userId: "6800374961430791170",
secUid: "MS4wLjABAAAAF3tD_kSi9qas_10I5I5YUIBfXKd0KlKvKTKACzfXS1Wwp04e03xJCTswwzCMRgEu",
uniqueId: "hungtran0293",
nickname: "Trần Hùng",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-useast2a-avt...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "1585370455",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 1735,
followerCount: 313,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
coinCount: 0
viewerCount: 630
Triggered when a viewer sends likes to the streamer. For streams with many viewers, this event is not always triggered by TikTok.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('like', data => {
console.log(`${data.uniqueId} sent ${data.likeCount} likes, total likes: ${data.totalLikeCount}`);
⚡ Show Data Structure
likeCount: 6,
totalLikeCount: 21349,
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign.tiktokcdn-us.com/tos-useast5-avt-...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [
type: "pm_mt_moderator_im",
name: "Moderator"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/rankl...image"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/....~...image"
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 617,
followerCount: 112,
followStatus: 1,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null,
msgId: "7137750883651619630",
createTime: "1661887134554",
displayType: "pm_mt_msg_viewer",
label: "{0:user} liked the LIVE"
Triggered every time someone shares the stream or follows the host.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('social', data => {
console.log('social event data:', data);
⚡ Show Data Structure
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign.tiktokcdn-us.com/tos-useast5-avt-...webp",
followRole: 1,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 277,
followerCount: 96,
followStatus: 1,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null,
msgId: "7137750889884076842",
createTime: "1661887134629",
displayType: "pm_main_follow_message_viewer_2",
label: "{0:user} followed the host"
Triggered every time a subscriber sends an emote (sticker).
tiktokLiveConnection.on('emote', data => {
console.log('emote received', data);
⚡ Show Data Structure
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-sg.tiktokcdn.com/aweme/100x100/to...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 14,
followerCount: 6,
followStatus: 1,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: true,
topGifterRank: null,
emoteId: "7121025198379731714",
emoteImageUrl: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-sg/61964...image"
Triggered every time someone sends a treasure chest.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('envelope', data => {
console.log('envelope received', data);
⚡ Show Data Structure
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/img/alisg/webcas...png",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 828,
followerCount: 1353,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null,
coins: 20,
canOpen: 20,
timestamp: 1661887422
Triggered every time someone asks a new question via the question feature.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('questionNew', data => {
console.log(`${data.uniqueId} asks ${data.questionText}`);
⚡ Show Data Structure
questionText: "Do you know why TikTok has such a complicated API?",
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 982,
followerCount: 175,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
Triggered every time a battle starts.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('linkMicBattle', (data) => {
console.log(`New Battle: ${data.battleUsers[0].uniqueId} VS ${data.battleUsers[1].uniqueId}`);
⚡ Show Data Structure
battleUsers: [
userId: "6901252963970515973",
uniqueId: "growsa_fluffynation",
nickname: "GrowSA_FluffyNation",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0...webp",
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
profilePictureUrls: [
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
userId: "262781145296064512",
uniqueId: "real_martinpinkysmith",
nickname: "Martin Pinky Smith",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-sg.tiktokcdn.com/aweme/100x100/to...webp",
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
profilePictureUrls: [
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
Triggered every time a battle participant receives points. Contains the current status of the battle and the army that suported the group.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('linkMicArmies', (data) => {
console.log('linkMicArmies', data);
⚡ Show Data Structure
battleStatus: 1,
battleArmies: [
hostUserId: "6842213780475085829",
points: 0,
participants: []
hostUserId: "6722878711857579013",
points: 33,
participants: [
userId: "7122168301669204994",
secUid: "",
nickname: "🦋",
profilePictureUrl: null,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: ""
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
userId: "7112729060212966406",
secUid: "",
nickname: "ealkaabi44",
profilePictureUrl: null,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: ""
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
userId: "7006435669158708229",
secUid: "",
nickname: "worood🦁 🌹🌹🌹🌹",
profilePictureUrl: null,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: ""
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
Triggered when a live intro message appears.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('liveIntro', (msg) => {
⚡ Show Data Structure
id: "1658723381",
description: "welcome to my broadcast!",
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [
type: "pm_mt_moderator_im",
name: "Moderator"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/rankl...image"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/....~...image"
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 886,
followerCount: 57141,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null
Triggers when a user creates a subscription.
tiktokLiveConnection.on('subscribe', (data) => {
console.log(data.uniqueId, "subscribed!");
⚡ Show Data Structure
subMonth: 1,
oldSubscribeStatus: 2,
subscribingStatus: 1,
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign-sg.tiktokcdn.com/aweme/100x100/to...webp",
followRole: 0,
userBadges: [],
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 23,
followerCount: 43,
followStatus: 0,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null,
msgId: "7137745705032043266",
createTime: "1661885986187",
displayType: "pm_mt_subinfo_user",
label: "{0:user} just subscribed to the host"
Custom Events
These events are based on message events.
Triggers when a user follows the streamer. Based on social
tiktokLiveConnection.on('follow', (data) => {
console.log(data.uniqueId, "followed!");
⚡ Show Data Structure
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign.tiktokcdn-us.com/tos-useast5-avt-...webp",
followRole: 1,
userBadges: [
type: "pm_mt_moderator_im",
name: "Moderator"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/rankl...image"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/....~...image"
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 277,
followerCount: 96,
followStatus: 1,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null,
msgId: "7137750889884076842",
createTime: "1661887134629",
displayType: "pm_main_follow_message_viewer_2",
label: "{0:user} followed the host"
Triggers when a user shares the stream. Based on social
tiktokLiveConnection.on('share', (data) => {
console.log(data.uniqueId, "shared the stream!");
⚡ Show Data Structure
userId: "6813181309701719620",
secUid: "<redacted>",
uniqueId: "zerodytester",
nickname: "Zerody Tester",
profilePictureUrl: "https://p16-sign.tiktokcdn-us.com/tos-useast5-avt-...webp",
followRole: 1,
userBadges: [
type: "pm_mt_moderator_im",
name: "Moderator"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/rankl...image"
type: "image",
displayType: 1,
url: "https://p19-webcast.tiktokcdn.com/webcast-va/....~...image"
userDetails: {
createTime: "0",
bioDescription: "",
profilePictureUrls: [
followInfo: {
followingCount: 277,
followerCount: 96,
followStatus: 1,
pushStatus: 0
isModerator: false,
isNewGifter: false,
isSubscriber: false,
topGifterRank: null,
msgId: "7137750889884076842",
createTime: "1661887134629",
displayType: "pm_mt_guidance_share",
label: "{0:user} shared the live"
Retrieve Room Info
let tiktokLiveConnection = new WebcastPushConnection('@username');
tiktokLiveConnection.getRoomInfo().then(roomInfo => {
console.log(`Stream started timestamp: ${roomInfo.create_time}, Streamer bio: ${roomInfo.owner.bio_description}`);
console.log(`HLS URL: ${roomInfo.stream_url.hls_pull_url}`);
}).catch(err => {
Retrieve Available Gifts
let tiktokLiveConnection = new WebcastPushConnection('@username');
tiktokLiveConnection.getAvailableGifts().then(giftList => {
giftList.forEach(gift => {
console.log(`id: ${gift.id}, name: ${gift.name}, cost: ${gift.diamond_count}`)
}).catch(err => {
Send Chat Messages
Due to the increased signature requirements by TikTok, sending chat messages is currently not possible.
You can send chat messages via the sendMessage()
function to automatically respond to chat commands for example. For this you need to provide your Session ID.
To get the Session ID from your account, open TikTok in your web browser and make sure you are logged in, then press F12 to open the developer tools. Switch to the Application tab and select Cookies on the left side. Then take the value of the cookie with the name sessionid
WARNING: Use of this function is at your own risk. Spamming messages can lead to the suspension of your TikTok account. Be careful!
let tiktokLiveConnection = new WebcastPushConnection('@username', {
sessionId: 'f7fbba3a57e48dd1ecd0b7b72cb27e6f'
tiktokLiveConnection.connect().catch(err => console.log(err));
tiktokLiveConnection.on('chat', data => {
if (data.comment.toLowerCase() === '!dice') {
let diceResult = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6);
tiktokLiveConnection.sendMessage(`@${data.uniqueId} you rolled a ${diceResult}`).catch(err => console.error(err));
Connect via Proxy
proxy-agent supports http
, https
, socks4
and socks5
npm i proxy-agent
You can specify if you want to use a proxy for https requests, websockets or both:
const { WebcastPushConnection } = require('tiktok-live-connector');
const ProxyAgent = require('proxy-agent');
let tiktokLiveConnection = new WebcastPushConnection('@username', {
requestOptions: {
httpsAgent: new ProxyAgent('https://username:password@host:port'),
timeout: 10000
websocketOptions: {
agent: new ProxyAgent('https://username:password@host:port'),
timeout: 10000
Your improvements are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or pull request.