timbles is a very lightweight jQuery plugin (lol is that an oxymoron) that allows you to add sorting to an existing <table>
. That's it. Actually, it can also create the table for you with some JSON data and minimal configuration. It's p easy. I think it would make for a great base for table functionality you'd want to build into your apps.
You need to enqueue jQuery (duh) and the timbles.js file.
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="timbles.js"></script>
Configure timbles
Existing Table of data
Let's say you have a table on your page already, all populated with data:
Name | Size | Kind | Date Added | Notes |
dhtmlconf.png | 77 KB | PNG Image | August 31, 2014, 11:16 PM | dhtmlconf logo |
icla.pdf | 26 KB | Adobe PDF document | August 27, 2014, 12:51 PM | Individual Contributor License Agreement |
Slime Girls - Vacation Wasteland EP.zip | 72.9 MB | ZIP archive | August 25, 2014, 9:40 PM | cool chiptunes from lwlvl |
And here is the source code:
<table border="1">
<th id="name">Name</th>
<th id="size">Size</th>
<th id="kind">Kind</th>
<th id="date-added">Date Added</th>
<th id="notes" class="no-sort">Notes</th>
<td>77 KB</td>
<td>PNG Image</td>
<td>August 31, 2014, 11:16 PM</td>
<td>dhtmlconf logo</td>
<td>26 KB</td>
<td>Adobe PDF document</td>
<td>August 27, 2014, 12:51 PM</td>
<td>Individual Contributor License Agreement</td>
<td>Slime Girls - Vacation Wasteland EP.zip</td>
<td>72.9 MB</td>
<td>ZIP archive</td>
<td>August 25, 2014, 9:40 PM</td>
<td>cool chiptunes from lwlvl</td>
You don't need to generate a new table with JSON because your table is there already. And you just want to be able to make it sortable. Then just call this after you enqueued timbles.js as per the above install directions:
// get your table
var $table = $('table');
// call timbles
$table.timbles({ sorting: true });
In order for sorting to work, the <th>
cells need to have an id
attribute and the parent <tr>
of the header rows needs to be within a <thead>
tag. Again, view the source above for the example.
If you want to initially sort your table on load, there are sorting
properties you can set:
// get your table
var $table = $('table');
// call timbles with sorting property
sorting: {
order: 'asc', // 'asc' for ascending sort, 'desc' for descending
keyId: 'name', // the id of the column you want to initially sort by
If you don't want all of the columns to be sortable, add the class no-sort
to the <th> element of the column you do not want to be sortable.
Generating a table from a JSON file or an array of row objects
If your data is in a JSON file or array, add a <table>
element to your page and then call timbles
on it.
<table id="example"></table>
// get your table
var $table = $('#example');
// call timbles with dataConfig property
dataConfig: {
* There are two types of data that timbles currently accepts:
* - a json filename
* - an array of row objects
* by default, timbles will look for a json file name,
* so dataType is not required unless you are giving an array.
* Then you will need to set it to 'array'.
dataType: 'json', // right now data types can be 'array' or it defaults to 'json'
data: 'data.json', // the json file if dataType is 'json', an array if dataType is 'array'
sorting: true, // if you want columns to be sortable
columns: [
* you have to set the column headers with the following required properties:
* - label (string), the text between <th> and </th>
* - id (string), the json object property attributed to the column
* and here are some optional properties:
* - noSorting (boolean), if set to true the column won't be sortable
* if you have the non-column property sorting set to true
{ label: 'Name', id: 'name' },
{ label: 'Size', id: 'size' },
{ label: 'Kind', id: 'kind' },
{ label: 'Date Added', id: 'dateAdded' },
{ label: 'Notes', id: 'notes', noSorting: true }
Here is an example of an array of row objects:
var localData = [
name: "dhtmlconf.png",
size: "77 KB",
kind: "PNG Image",
dateAdded: "August 31, 2014, 11:16 PM",
notes: "dhtmlconf logo"
name: "icla.pdf",
size: "26 KB",
kind: "Adobe PDF document",
dateAdded: "August 27, 2014, 12:51 PM",
notes: "Individual Contributor License Agreement"
name: "Slime Girls - Vacation Wasteland EP.zip",
size: "72.9 MB",
kind: "ZIP archive",
dateAdded: "August 25, 2014, 9:40 PM",
notes: "cool chiptunes from lwlvl"
name: ".DS_Store",
size: "25 KB",
kind: "Virus",
dateAdded: "February 7, 2014, 10:59 PM",
notes: "lol"
name: "No_Diggity.mid",
size: "17 KB",
kind: "MIDI file",
dateAdded: "July 3, 2014, 11:34 PM",
notes: "very important karaoke file"
name: "jorts.svg",
size: "52 KB",
kind: "Plain Text File",
dateAdded: "May 24, 2014, 1:55 PM",
notes: "logo for jort.technology"
name: "wordpress.sql",
size: "418 KB",
kind: "Plain Text File",
dateAdded: "May 11, 2014, 11:15 PM",
notes: "blog dump"
name: "foundation-compass-template-master.zip",
size: "6 KB",
kind: "ZIP archive",
dateAdded: "April 21, 2014, 6:59 PM",
notes: "c.s.s. is better that javascript"
When you sort ascending, the sort-asc
class is added to the <th>
header. If you sort descending, the sort-desc
class is added to the <th>
header. So you can, like, use CSS to add arrows whenever those classes are set and that's p cool I think.
This was made within a few days for jqCon Chicago on 9/12/2014 and therefore is incomplete and not well documented. This is what I get for having to launch something whenever I give a talk. I'll refine this and add more features while retaining the philosophy of staying simple.