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A tiny warning function

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Package description

What is tiny-warning?

The tiny-warning npm package is a utility for conditionally displaying warning messages in development environments. It is designed to be small and efficient, making it suitable for use in production code without significantly impacting the bundle size. The package is typically used to warn developers about potential issues or misuse of APIs without throwing actual errors in the console.

What are tiny-warning's main functionalities?

Conditional warnings

This feature allows developers to display warning messages conditionally based on a boolean expression. The warning will only be shown if the condition evaluates to true. This is useful for alerting developers of potential issues during development without affecting the production environment.

import warning from 'tiny-warning';

const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
const shouldWarn = !isProduction && someCondition;

warning(shouldWarn, 'This is a warning message that will only appear if someCondition is true and it is not a production build.');

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tiny-warning 🔬⚠️

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A tiny warning alternative.

import warning from 'tiny-warning';

warning(truthyValue, 'This should not log a warning');

warning(falsyValue, 'This should log a warning');
// console.warn('Warning: This should log a warning');

API: (condition: mixed, message: string) => void

  • condition is required and can be anything
  • message is an required string that will be passed onto console.warn

Why tiny-warning?

The library: warning supports passing in arguments to the warning function in a sprintf style (condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f). It has internal logic to execute the sprintf substitutions. tiny-warning has dropped all of the sprintf logic. tiny-warning allows you to pass a single string message. With template literals there is really no need for a custom message formatter to be built into the library. If you need a multi part message you can just do this: warning(condition, 'Hello, ${name} - how are you today?')

Dropping your warning for kb savings!

We recommend using babel-plugin-dev-expression to remove warning calls from your production build. This saves you kb's as well as avoids logging warnings to the console for production.

What it does it turn your code that looks like this:

warning(condition, 'My cool message that takes up a lot of kbs');

Into this

if ('production' !== process.env.NODE_ENV) {
  warning(condition, 'My cool message that takes up a lot of kbs');

Your bundler can then drop the code in the "production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV block for your production builds

Final result:

// nothing to see here! 👍

For rollup use rollup-plugin-replace and set NODE_ENV to production and then rollup will treeshake out the unused code

Webpack instructions


  • We have a es (EcmaScript module) build (because you know you want to deduplicate this super heavy library)
  • We have a cjs (CommonJS) build
  • We have a umd (Universal module definition) build in case you needed it

We expect process.env.NODE_ENV to be available at module compilation. We cache this value

That's it!




Package last updated on 09 Jul 2019

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