TMDB & Youtube API Search Library
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For FEW2.1 (Writing Javascript Libraries) at Make School. Assignment #4
This project is a JS library that searches TMDB API & Returns Movie Data and Searches YouTube for a trailer.
TMDB Library
scripts.js contains a library that could be used by anyone looking to search for movie data from TMDB API and return it into a JSON format.
The functions take input through a single input field and resolve to a promise that returns the movie title, year, description, rating and a movie poster into HTML elements. The movie title is then used to search YouTube for a trailer video.
The first function getMovieByQuery searches for movie data through query. It is advised to use movie titles specifically as only the first result will be displayed.
a library that takes the json return from TMDB to perform a YouTube search for "movie title + trailer". Which will be auto-played after the data loads.
Insert your TMDB and YouTube API Keys into the tmdbKey
& youTubeKey
variables respectively.
Run the HTML page in live server.
Type any movie title into the input box, press submit and enjoy.
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