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Inspired by core-decorators written by jayphelps. I think decorators will one powerful util for developer. So I create some function I want to use.

Library of JavaScript stage-0 decorators (aka ES2016/ES7 decorators but that's not accurate) include methods like @autobind, @waituntil, @alias etc. It's mainly focus on some useful methods to help us create javascript application.

If you have any idea of function you want. Please tell me or help me.

state of decoratos

Most of the paragraph below is mainly quoted from core-decorators written by jayhelps.

These are stage-0 decorators because while the decorators spec has changed and is now stage-2, no transpiler has yet to implement these changes and until they do, this library won't either. Although the TypeScript documentationuses the phrase "Decorators are a stage 2 proposal for JavaScript" this is misleading because TypeScript still only implements the stage-0 version of the spec, which is very incompatible with stage-2 (as of this writing). Though we have babel-plugin-transform-decorators-stage-2-initial to translate stage-2 version of decorators. But the author do not encourage us to use it.

So I think we will support stage-2 when we have mature compiler.

Get start


A version compiled to ES5 in CJS format is published to npm as toxic-decorators.

If you want to use it in Node.js.

npm install --save toxic-decorators

If you want to use it in the front-end project, I encourage you to use:

npm install --save-dev toxic-decorators

just get the code

You can get the compiled code in the lib file

  • lib/toxic-decorators.js cjs version, require babel-runtime
  • lib/toxic-decorators.mjs es version, which face to js:next require babel-runtime
  • lib/toxic-decorators.browser.js umd version, which you can use in the browser, but maybe you will need to add babel-polyfill in some situation.
  • lib/toxic-decorators.min.js minify version based on umd version.


For Properties and Methods

For Properties

For Methods

For Classes





Set getter/setter hook on any properties or methods. In fact, it will change all kind of descriptors into an accessor descriptor.


  • handler: Object
    • get: Function | Array<Function>
    • set: Function | Array<Function>
  • option: Object
    • preSet: boolean
    • preGet: boolean
import {accessor, applyDecorators} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  bar = 1;
  constructor () {
    applyDecorators(this, {
      bar: accessor({
        get (value) {
          // must return value here
          return ++value;
        set (value) {
          return ++value
    }, {self: true});

console.log(; // 2 = 3;
console.log(; // 5

The example may be werid. You may wonder why we can not use @accessor on InitializeInstanceFields directy?


Help you to set alias for properties on any instance or for methods on any class.


  • other: non-primitive optional the other instance you want set alias on
  • name: string the alias name
  • options: object optional
    • force: boolean
      • when it's true, we will redifine the exiting property, otherwise, we will throw an error when we find you are setting alias on existing property
      • But it's impossible to do something on frozen value.
    • omit: boolean
      • when it's true, we will just skip the existing property.
import {alias, applyDecorators} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Cat {};
const cat = new Cat();
class Dog {
  @alias('run', Cat.prototype)
  @alias('move', cat)
  move() {
    console.log('it moved');
  age = 1;
  construcotr () {
    applyDecorators(this, {
      age: [alias('old'), alias('age', cat)]
    }, {self: true})
const dog = new Dog();
const antoherCat = new Cat();
dog.move(); // it moved; // it moved; // it moved; // it moved
cat.move(); // it moved
console.log(anotherCat.move === undefined); // true
console.log(cat.age); // 1
console.log(dog.old); // 1

You can also set alias on getter/setter too.

But there's one problem is we will set the alias until the origin one has been initialized.

It means that you must get access to your origin property before you get access to your alias property, otherwise the alias one will be undefined.

You may wonder why we can not use @accessor on InitializeInstanceFields directy?


Set a property's configurable to be true.

You can know more why I bump into this problem by why configurable of InitializeInstanceFields is false when I use decorators on it?

arguments none.

import {configurable, initString} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  bar = '123';


Makes a porperty or method so that they cannot be deleted. Also accroding to the specification, it can prevent them from editing via Object.defineProperty. But it doesn't work quiet well. In that situation, @readonly may be a better choice.

arguments none.

import {nonconfigurable} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  bar = 1;
delete; // Cannot delete property 'bar' of #<Foo>"


Marks a property or method as being enumerable. As we know, property is enumerable by default.

arguments none.

import {enumerable} from 'toxic-decoarators';

class Foo {
  bar () {}
  car () {}

const foo = new Foo();
for (const key in foo) console.log(key);
// bar


Marks a property as not being enumerable. Note that methods aren't enumerable by default.

arguments none.

import {nonenumerable} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  a = 1;
  b = 2;

const foo = new Foo();
for (const key in foo) console.log(key); // b


Help you to do something when you initialize your property or function.


  • fn1 Function the handler
  • fn2 Function the handler
  • … and so on
import {initialize} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  @initialize(function (value) {
    return ++value;
  bar = 1;
const foo = new Foo();
console.log(; // 2; = 3;
console.log(; // 3

You can use this on getter/setter, too. Once you use that, we will always run the initialze function that until you set the value again.


You cannot write the porperty again.

arguments none

import { readonly } from 'toxic-decorators';

class Meal {
  entree = 'steak';

const dinner = new Meal();
dinner.entree = 'salmon';
// Cannot assign to read only property 'entree' of [object Object]

You can also use readonly on getter/setter, but there is something you should pay attention.

We have just remove the setter here. But you getter stillreturn the origin value. You can change the origin value.

import { readonly } from 'toxic-decorators';

let dish = 'steak'

class Meal {
  get entree () {return dish};
  set entree (value) {
    dish = value;
    return dish

const dinner = new Meal();
dinner.entree = 'salmon';
// Cannot set property dinner of #<Meal> which has only a getter
dish = 'salmon';
console.log(dinner.entree); // 'salmon'


We will totally freeze the property. It can not be rewrite, delete or iterate.

arguments none

import { frozen } from 'toxic-decorators';

class Meal {
  entree = 'steak';

const dinner = new Meal();
dinner.entree = 'salmon';
// Cannot assign to read only property 'entree' of [object Object]
delete dinner.entree;
// Cannot delete property 'entree' of #<Meal>"

You can also set the getter/setter property frozen. In this way, it's value could change once it's settle down.

import { frozen } from 'toxic-decorators';

let dish = 'steak'

class Meal {
  get entree () {return dish};
  set entree (value) {
    dish = value;
    return dish

const dinner = new Meal();
dinner.entree = 'salmon';
// Cannot set property dinner of #<Meal> which has only a getter
dish = 'salmon';
console.log(dinner.entree); // 'steak'

Note: Escpecially on property, Once you set frozen, it can't be change, even with decorators. So you may better put it on the top.


We will totally lock the property. It can not be rewrite, delete. But we would not force it be nonenumerable.

arguments none

import { lock } from 'toxic-decorators';

class Meal {
  entree = 'steak';

const dinner = new Meal();
dinner.entree = 'salmon';
// Cannot assign to read only property 'entree' of [object Object]
delete dinner.entree;
// Cannot delete property 'entree' of #<Meal>"

You can also set the getter/setter property locked. In this way, it's value could change once it's settle down.

import { frozen } from 'toxic-decorators';

let dish = 'steak'

class Meal {
  get entree () {return dish};
  set entree (value) {
    dish = value;
    return dish

const dinner = new Meal();
dinner.entree = 'salmon';
// Cannot set property dinner of #<Meal> which has only a getter
dish = 'salmon';
console.log(dinner.entree); // 'steak'

Note: Escpecially on property, Once you set locked, it can't be change, even with decorators. So you may better put it on the top.


Ensure a property's initial value must be string. You can also pass another function as you want. It's just a grammar sugar for @initialize.


  • defaultValue optional set the default value when value is not string
  • fn1 Function the handler
  • fn2 Function the handler
  • … and so on
import {initString} from 'toxic-decorators';

const info = {
  name: 'Kobe Bryant',
  champions: 5
class Intro {
  @initString(value => value.toLowerCase())
  name =
  @initString(value => value.toLowerCase())
  champions = info.champions
const intro = new Intro();
console.log(; // kobe bryant
console.log(intro.champions); // ''


Ensure a property's initial value must be number. You can see the detial in @intiString


Ensure a property's initial value must be boolean. You can see the detial in @intiString


Ensure a property's initial value must be Array. You can see the detial in @intiString.


Ensure the property's value always be string. We change the property into getter/setter to implement this. It's a grammar sugar for @accessor.


  • defaultValue optional set the default value for situation that value is not string
  • fn1 Function the handler
  • fn2 Function the handler
  • … and so on
import {alwaysString, applyDecorators} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Intro {
  name = 'BEN';
  constructor () {
    applyDecorators(this, {
      name: alwaysString(value => value.toLowerCase())
    }, {self: true});
const intro = new Intro();
console.log(; // ben = 'JONES';
console.log(; // jones

You may wonder why we can not use @accessor on InitializeInstanceFields directy?


Ensure the property's value always be number. You can see the detail in @alwaysString


Ensure the property's value always be boolean. You can see the detail in @alwaysString


Ensure the property's value always be Array. You can see the detail in @alwaysString


Prevents a property initializer from running until the decorated property is actually looked up. Useful to prevent excess allocations that might otherwise not be used, but be careful not to over-optimize things.

arguments none.

import { lazyInit } from 'toxic-decorators';

function createHugeBuffer() {
  console.log('huge buffer created');
  return new Array(1000000);

class Editor {
  hugeBuffer = createHugeBuffer();

var editor = new Editor();
// createHugeBuffer() has not been called yet

// logs 'huge buffer created', now it has been called

// already initialized and equals our buffer, so
// createHugeBuffer() is not called again


To make the object property could not be extend.

import { nonextendable} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  bar = {
    a: 1

const foo = new Foo(); = 2; // error!!


Watch a property. We will call the function you provide once we detect change on the value.


  • keyOrFn1 string |Function the string points to a function or just a function, it will be called once property is changed
  • keyOrFn2 string |Function the string points to a function or just a function, it will be called once property is changed
  • … and so on
  • option Object optional
    • deep boolean
      • true we will call you method if we get change on content of object or array
      • false we would not care about the change on content of object or array
      • default is false
    • diff boolean
      • true we will only call your method if the new value is different from the old value
      • false we will call the method once you set the property
      • default is true
    • omit boolean
      • true we will omit some error in watch decorator
      • false we will throw out the error
      • default is false
    • proxy boolean
      • true we will use Proxy (if browser support) to spy on object and array. In this way, you can set and delete property as you want. But you should be care about the proxy value, we will talk about that later. And proxy mode also support __set and __del.
      • false we will use Object.defineProperty to spy on object and array. In this way, you should use __set or __del to set and delete property.
      • default is false
    • other non-primitive
      • if you offer this, and you function is pass as string. We use the string to look up function on this instance
    • operationPrefix string
      • if you don't want to use __set and __del as method, you can change their prefix by using this property.

Now we will show how to use @watch

import {watch, applyDecorators} from 'toxic-decorators';
function fn (newVal, oldVal) {console.log(newVal, oldVal)}
class Foo {
  bar = 1;
  constructor () {
    applyDecorators(this, {
      bar: watch(fn)
    }, {self: true});
const foo = new Foo(); = 2;// 2, 1

@watch can detect change on the content of object and array, if you set deep true

import {watch, applyDecorators} from 'toxic-decorators';
function fn (newVal, oldVal) {console.log(newVal, oldVal)}
class Foo {
  bar = [1, 2, 3];
  baz = {
    a: 1
  constructor () {
    applyDecorators(this, {
      bar: watch(fn, {deep: true}),
      baz: watch(fn, {deep: true})
    }, {self: true});
const foo = new Foo();; // [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]
foo.baz.a = 2; // {a: 2}, {a: 2}

If you're sure your environment support Proxy, you can use proxy mode

import {watch, applyDecorators} from 'toxic-decorators';
function fn (newVal, oldVal) {console.log(newVal, oldVal)}
class Foo {
  baz = {
    a: 1
  constructor () {
    applyDecorators(this, {
      baz: watch(fn, {deep: true, proxy: true})
    }, {self: true});
const foo = new Foo();
foo.baz.b = 2; // {a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2}
delete foo.baz.b; // {a: 1}, {a: 1}

If you're not sure you support Proxy, or you don't want to use proxy mode. You can change content with __set and __del, which will also trigger the change method.

import {watch, applyDecorators} from 'toxic-decorators';
function fn (newVal, oldVal) {console.log(newVal, oldVal)}
class Foo {
  baz = {
    a: 1
  constructor () {
    applyDecorators(this, {
      baz: watch(fn, {deep: true, proxy: false})
    }, {self: true});
const foo = new Foo();
foo.baz.__set('b', 2); // {a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2}
foo.baz.__del('b'); // {a: 1}, {a: 1}

If you use proxy mode, you should pay attention on proxy value. As we know

const obj = {a: 1};
console.log(obj === new Proxy(obj, {})); // false

Once you set an object on the property watch by proxy, it is bind with proxy object. So if you set original object on it again, it will trigger the method.

import {watch, applyDecorators} from 'toxic-decorators';
const obj = {a: 1};
function fn (newVal, oldVal) {console.log('changed')}
class Foo {
  bar = obj;
  baz = obj;
  constructor () {
    applyDecorators(this, {
      bar: watch(fn, {deep: true}),
      baz: watch(fn, {deep: true, proxy: true})
    }, {self: true});
} = obj;
foo.baz = obj; // changed

You may wonder why we can not use @accessor on InitializeInstanceFields directy?


Forces invocation of this function to always have this refet to the class instance, even if the class is passed around or would otherwise lose its this. e.g. const fn = context.method.

You can use it on the methods.

arguments none.

import { autobind } from 'toxic-decorators';

class Person {
  getPerson() {
  	return this;

const person = new Person();
const { getPerson } = person;

getPerson() === person;
// true

You can use it on entire class, it will bind all methods of the class.

import { autobind } from 'toxic-decorators';

class Person {
  getPerson() {
    return this;

  getPersonAgain() {
    return this;

const person = new Person();
const { getPerson, getPersonAgain } = person;

getPerson() === person;
// true

getPersonAgain() === person;
// true

Well, sometime we have lots of methods of class to bind, but not all of them. So we maybe need to exclude some of them. In this situation, you can use @autobindClass.


You can add your preprocessor here on your methods.Mostly, we will use this to do some arguments check.


  • fn1 Function the handler
  • fn2 Function the handler
  • … and so on
import {before} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  @before(function (a, b) {
    if(typeof a !== 'number' || typeof b !== 'number') {
      throw new Error('only accept number');
    // return the arguments in array
    return [a, b];
  sum (a, b) {
    return a + b;
const foo = new Foo();
foo.sum(1, 3); // 4
foo.sum('1', 3); // only accept number


You can add your postprocessor here on your methods.


  • fn1 Function the handler
  • fn2 Function the handler
  • … and so on
import {before} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  @after(function (ret) {
    return ret + 1;
  sum (a, b) {
    return a + b;
const foo = new Foo();
foo.sum(1, 3); // 5


In some situation, you may want your method could not be called. You can use @waituntil to implement this. But it may cost too much. So we offer you this method.


  • handler Function | string
    • Function will tell us can we call the function
      • return true; we will call the method
      • else we would not call the method
    • string
      • the string indicate the property's name. We will fetch the property
      • if the property's value is true, we will call the method
      • else we would not call it
  • option
    • other non-primitive
      • optional
      • only useful when handler is string
      • if it exist, we will look up the property on this instance
      • else, we will look up on the class itself
    • backup Function
      • optional
      • when backup is not a function, we will just skip the original method and do nothing
      • if you provide a backup function, we will called it.
      • It's useful if you want to throw out some error, when people call your method, but it's not runnable.
import {runnable} from 'toxic-decorators';
class Foo {
  @runnable('b', {backup () {console.error('it is not runnable now');}})
  a () {
    console.log('i have been called');
  b = false;

const foo = new Foo();
foo.a(); // it is not runnable now
foo.b = true;
foo.a(); // i have been called


In some situation, our application is not ready. But others can call our function. We hope that they can wait for us. This decorators can let your function do not run until the flag is true


  • handler Function | Promise<*> | string
    • Function will tell us can we call the function
      • return promise , we will wait until resolved
      • return true, we will run immediately
      • return false, we would not run it.
      • when you return promise, your function will become an asynchronous function.
      • when you return false, your call will be throw away and never run.
    • Promise<*>, we will wait until resolved.
      • your function will become an asynchronous function.
    • string recommend
      • we will get the property and spy on it according to the string.
      • if the property do not equal to true when the function is called, we will put the function into waiting queue.
      • once the property become true, we will run the function in the waiting queue
      • if the property is true when the function is called, we will run the function immediately.
  • option
    • other non-primitive
      • optional
      • only useful when handler is string
      • if it exist, we will look up the property on this instance
      • else, we will look up on the class itself
import {waituntil} from 'toxic-decorators';
let promiseResolve;
class Bar {
  flag = false;
const bar = new Bar();
class Foo {
  ready = new Promise(resolve => {promiseResolve = resolve});
  @waituntil(function () {return this.ready})
  runUntilPromise () {
    console.log('Promise is resolve!');
  @waituntil(function () {return bar.flag});
  runUntilTrue () {
    console.log('flag is true!');
  @waituntil('flag', bar);
  runUntilReady () {
    console.log('bar.flag is true!');
const foo = new Foo();
bar.flag = true;
// bar.flag is true!
// flag is true!
setTimeout(async () => {
  // Promise is resolve!
  await foo.ready;
  // Promise is resolve!
}, 0)


When you not pass options. @autobindClass does totally the same as @autobind. It can decorate all the method of the class.

@autobindClass is created by @classify, so it's arguments it's the same as the classifiedDecorator's arguments in @classify.

import {autobindClass} from 'toxic-decorators';

@autobindClass({exclude: ['b']})
class Foo {
  a () {
    return this;
  b () {
    return this;

const foo = new Foo();
const {a, b} = foo;
a() === foo; // true
b() === foo; // false


@beforeClass is created by @classify and @before, so it's arguments it's the same as the classifiedDecorator's arguments in @classify and @before.

import {beforeClass} from 'toxic-decorators';
import {isFunction} from 'toxic-predicate-functions';

@beforeClass({}, () => console.log('i am called before'))
class Foo {
  a () {
    console.log('i am a');
  b () {
    console.log('i am b');
const foo = new Foo();
// i am called before
// i am a
// i am caleed before
// i am b


@afterClass is created by @classify and @after, so it's arguments it's the same as the classifiedDecorator's arguments in @classify and @after.

import {afterClass} from 'toxic-decorators';
import {isFunction} from 'toxic-predicate-functions';

@afterClass({}, () => console.log('i am called after'))
class Foo {
  a () {
    console.log('i am a');
  b () {
    console.log('i am b');
const foo = new Foo();
// i am a
// i am called after
// i am b
// i am caleed after


@runnableClass is created by @classify and @runnable, so it's arguments it's the same as the classifiedDecorator's arguments in @classify and @runnable.

import {runnableClass} from 'toxic-decorators';
@runnableClass({}, 'b', {backup () {console.error('it is not runnable now');}})
class Foo {
  a () {
    console.log('i have been called');
  b = false;

const foo = new Foo();
foo.a(); // it is not runnable now
foo.b = true;
foo.a(); // i have been called


@waituntilClass is created by @classify and @waituntil, so it's arguments it's the same as the classifiedDecorator's arguments in @classify and @waituntil.

import {waituntilClass} from 'toxic-decorators';
let promiseResolve;
class Bar {
  flag = false;
const bar = new Bar();
@waituntilClass({}, function () {return bar.flag});
class Foo {
  runUntilTrue () {
    console.log('flag is true!');
const foo = new Foo();
bar.flag = true;
// flag is true!


If you want to use decorators, you may need to use babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy to compile. What if you don't want to use that. You can use applyDecorators.


  • Class the class you want to handle
  • props {[string]: Function | Array<Function>} the props map and their handler
  • option
    • self boolean
      • false we will handle on the Class.prototype
      • true we will handle on the Class itself
      • default is false
    • omit boolean
      • If you want to apply decorators on unconfigurable property, it will throw error
      • false to throw out the error
      • true to omit the error
      • default is false
import {applyDecorators, before} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Person {
  run () {
    console.log('i am running');
  walk () {
    console.log('i am walking');

// Besides class, you can also use normal function like `function foo {}`
applyDecorators(Foo, {
  // you can add only one function
  walk: before(() => console.log('go')),
  run: [before(() => console.log('ready')), before(() => console.log('go'))]

const foo = new Foo();
// go
// i am walking;
// ready
// go
// i am running

In the way above, we can apply decorators on function's prototype. That's enough for methods. But what if we want to apply some property decorators.

You can act like above, but it will modify portotype's property. They make take effect on multiple instance, and it's works bad on some situation.

So, if you want to apply decorators on property, I advice you to pass in an instance in self mode.

import {initialize, applyDecorators} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  a = 1;
  b = 2;
const foo = new Foo();
console.log(foo.a); // 1
console.log(foo.b); // 2

applyDecorators(foo, {
  a: initialize(function () {return 2;}),
  b: initialize(function () {return 3;})
}, {self: true});

console.log(foo.a); // 2
console.log(foo.b); // 3

What's more, you can also use applyDecorators to decorate the whole class.


  • Class the class you want us to handle
  • decorators Function | Array<Function> handlers
import {autobindClass, applyDecoratos} from 'toxic-decorators';

class Foo {
  a () {
    return this;
  b () {
    return this;

applyDecorators(Foo, autobindClass({exclude: ['b']}))
const foo = new Foo();
const {a, b} = foo;
a() === foo; // true
b() === foo; // false


If you want to decorate your class. You should add @decorator before your class. But what if you don't want to babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy . You can use classify to create a function to decorate your class.

What's more, adding @decorator before your class could only decorate the method. You may want to decorate the property too. In this situation, you may need to use the function created by classify with self: true.


  • decorator
    • Function
    • the decorator you want to use
  • option
    • requirement
      • Function
      • optional
      • if you do not offer requirement, we will decorate all property and method
      • if you offer us a requirement, we would not decorate the property and method if you return false
    • customeArgs
      • boolean
      • default: false
      • some decorator may support customArgs, you need to tell us that.


  • classifiedDecorator
    • Function
    • the decorator which you can used on class
    • arguments
      • option
        • exclude
          • Array<string>
          • The name of property which you don't want to decorate
        • include
          • Array<string>
          • the name of property which is not exist now but you want to decorate on.
        • construct
          • boolean
          • Default: false
          • we will decorate the constructor if you set it true
        • self
          • boolean
          • Default: false
          • when you want to decorate an instance, you should set self to be true, we will decorate the instance itself.
      • other arguments will be pass into the decorator
import {before, classify} from 'toxic-decorators';
import {isFunction} from 'toxic-predicate-functions';
const beforeClass = classify(before, {
  requirement (obj, prop, desc) {
    return desc && isFunction(desc.value);
  customArgs: true

@beforeClass({}, () => console.log('i am called before'))
class Foo {
  a () {
    console.log('i am a');
  b () {
    console.log('i am b');
const foo = new Foo();
// i am called before
// i am a
// i am caleed before
// i am b

Need lodash utilities as decorators?

We have mostly the same idea with core-decorators. So I just quote this from it's README.

toxic-decorators aims to provide decorators that are fundamental to JavaScript itself--mostly things you could do with normal Object.defineProperty but not as easily when using ES2015 classes. Things like debouncing, throttling, and other more opinionated decorators are being phased out in favor of lodash-decorators which wraps applicable lodash utilities as decorators. We don't want to duplicate the effort of lodash, which has years and years of robust testing and bugfixes.


why configurable of InitializeInstanceFields is false when I use decorators on it?

This bug is fixed in Babel 7

We all knows that, JavaScript class will support public fields later. But it bring use some problem.You can see in this case:

function detect (obj, prop, descriptor) {
  console.log(obj, prop, descriptor);
  return descriptor;
class Foo {
  a = 1;
  b = 2;
const foo = new Foo(); // {configurable: false, enumerable: true, initializer: function initializer(), writable: true}
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(foo, 'a'), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(foo, 'b'));
// {configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: 1, writable: true}, {configurable: false, enumerable: true, value: 2, writable: true}

Well, according to the specification. The configurable of public field shoud be false. But this will make us could not use configure it later.

In this situation, you should use @configurable.

why we can not use @accessor on InitializeInstanceFields directy?

Decorators like accessor will turn initialze descirptor into accessor descriptor. According to babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy, it will bind accessor descriptor to class's prototype. In other words, it's singleton.

That may bring us problem, for example:

class Foo {
    get (value) {
      return value;
    set (value) {
      return value;
  bar = 1;
  baz = 2;
const foo1 = new Foo();
const foo2 = new Foo(); = 3;
console.log(,; // 3, 3

As value are all set on the Foo.prototype, once you set the value. It will change both instance.

However, if you do not rely on the value binding on the Class.prototype, that still work.

class Foo {
    get (value) {
      return this.baz;
    set (value) {
      this.baz = value;
  bar = 1;
  baz = 2;
const foo1 = new Foo();
const foo2 = new Foo(); = 3;

But it still have a problem. As it was bind on prototype, it can't be enumerable.

class Foo {
    get (value) {
      return this.baz;
    set (value) {
      this.baz = value;
  bar = 1;
  baz = 2;
const foo = new Foo();
console.log(Object.keys(foo)); // ['baz']

So, I encourage you to use applyDecorators on InitializeInstanceFields with decorators like @accessor, @alias.


Please read the realase notes.

Explanation of Different Build

You will find four differnet build in the lib.

NameKindMeaningNeed to define environment
toxic-decorators.jscommonjsCommon js, mostly used in Webpack 1.Yes
toxic-decorators.mjsesmodulein es module, mostly used in webpack 2 and rollupYes
toxic-decorators.browser.jsumdCan be used in browser directlyNo(It's in development)
toxic-decorators.min.jsumdCan be used in browser directlyNo(It's in production)

Development vs. Production

Development/production modes are hard-coded for the UMD builds: the un-minified files are for development, and the minified files are for production.

CommonJS and ES Module builds are intended for bundlers, therefore we don’t provide minified versions for them. You will be responsible for minifying the final bundle yourself.

CommonJS and ES Module builds also preserve raw checks for process.env.NODE_ENV to determine the mode they should run in. You should use appropriate bundler configurations to replace these environment variables in order to control which mode Vue will run in. Replacing process.env.NODE_ENV with string literals also allows minifiers like UglifyJS to completely drop the development-only code blocks, reducing final file size.


Use Webpack’s DefinePlugin:

var webpack = require('webpack')

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
      'process.env': {
        NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify('production')


Use rollup-plugin-replace:

const replace = require('rollup-plugin-replace')

  // ...
  plugins: [
      'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production')




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Package last updated on 09 Oct 2022

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