Simple and fast implementation of a trie
, Using it you keep your
collection sorted by key
and indexed as in array.
To install:
npm install trie-array
To use in coffee script:
trieFactory = require "./"
trie = trieFactory (obj) ->
key = obj.word.toUpperCase()
for word, index in ['A','character','is','that','of','a','typical','hero']
trie.add {word,index}
trie.add elem = { word: "IS", status: "transient" }
trie.findByKey 'IS'
## finds all objects with key 'IS'
## -> {"pos":4,"res":[{"word":"is","index":2},{"word":"IS","status":"transient"}]}
trie.del elem
trie.getNth 3
## gets the 3rd element in 'key' order
## -> {"word":"hero","index":7}
trie.getAt 4, 2
## gets 2 elements starting at position 4
## -> [{"word":"is","index":2},{"word":"of","index":4}]