A isomorphic boilerplate written in ES2015 for Node and the browser.
![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/kflash/trolly.svg)
- Babel 6.x support
- Mocha-Chai-Sinon testing stack
- Support for ES2015 in the unit tests
- Unit tests that work in Node and in the browser
- Unit tests for older IE
- Unit tests for production mode
- Unit tests for development mode with auto-watch
- Export as ES5 & UMD
- Coverage report on the command line
- Flow comments
- Works both server and client side
- Karma
- Webpack
- Webpack server for development
- Eslint
- Execution environment ala React
- Production mode
- Development mode
- Pre-publishing to NPM
- Support NodeJS v. 4.x LTS and the 'stable' branch ( v.5x)
- NPM v. 3.3.6 support
Basic guide
Write your code in src. The entry file is what you named the project in kebab case (although the filename can be changed).
Run webpack
to build a non-minified version of the library.
Put your unit tests in the __tests__
folder. The npm test command runs the tests using Node.
npm Scripts
npm run lint
- Lint the source and unit tests
npm run build
- Build a distributable version of the library
npm run dev-server
- Run the development server ( port 5000)
npm run prebuild
- clean up the dist folder
npm run test
- Runs the unit tests with karma
npm run test:browser
- Runs the unit tests with karma and Chrome
npm run karma:server
- Runs the unit tests with karma and PhantomJS
npm run karma:watch
- Runs the unit tests with karma tests and continuously run the unit tests as you make changes to the source and test files themselves
npm run coverage
- Generate a coverage report
npm run spec
- Runs the unit tests with Mocha
npm run spec:watch
- Runs the unit tests with Mocha and continuously run the unit tests as you make changes to the source and test files themselves
npm run packages
- Shows all installed dependencies
npm run package:purge
- Remove all dependencies
npm run package:reinstall
- Reinstall all dependencies
npm run package:updates
- Generate a list overview for newer dependencies
npm run package:upgrade
- Automaticly upgrade all dependencies and update package.json
Unit tests
Units tests are done in the background and visible in the cli together with the generated coverage report.
This boilerplate uses ESLint to lint your source. To change the rules, edit the .eslintrc file in the root directory, respectively.
Download the package, and run this from the command line:
npm install
Development server
Included with Trolly is a development server, but you need to customize it yourself to get it usefull.
Start the server with npm run dev-server
and open port 5000.
All customizing has to be done in the webpack-dev-server.js
The index.html
are located in the root.
This boilerplate is easily customizable. Add your dependencies to the package.json file, and adjsut the webpack
section inside the karma.config.js
after your own needs.
Do not set anything inside the webpack.config
. Everything are maintained by karma