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ts-auto-guard - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0-alpha.16 to 1.0.0-alpha.17

@@ -256,3 +256,3 @@ "use strict";

function objectCondition(varName, type, addDependency, project, path, arrayDepth, records, outFile, options) {
var _a;
var _a, _b;
var conditions = [];

@@ -286,5 +286,12 @@ var symbol = type.getSymbol();

conditions.push.apply(conditions, __spread(propertiesConditions(varName, declaration
var properties = declaration
.map(function (p) { return ({ name: p.getName(), type: p.getType() }); }), addDependency, project, path, arrayDepth, records, outFile, options)));
.map(function (p) { return ({ name: p.getName(), type: p.getType() }); });
conditions.push.apply(conditions, __spread(propertiesConditions(varName, properties, addDependency, project, path, arrayDepth, records, outFile, options)));
var indexSignatures = declaration
.map(function (p) { return ({ keyType: p.getKeyType(), type: p.getReturnType() }); });
if (indexSignatures.length) {
conditions.push(indexSignaturesCondition(varName, indexSignatures, properties, addDependency, project, path, arrayDepth, records, outFile, options));

@@ -308,2 +315,7 @@ else {

conditions.push.apply(conditions, __spread(propertiesConditions(varName, propertySignatures, addDependency, project, path, arrayDepth, records, outFile, options)));
var typeArguments = type.getAliasTypeArguments();
if (((_b = type.getAliasSymbol()) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getName()) === 'Record' &&
typeArguments.length === 2) {
conditions.push(indexSignaturesCondition(varName, [{ keyType: typeArguments[0], type: typeArguments[1] }], propertySignatures, addDependency, project, path, arrayDepth, records, outFile, options));

@@ -438,2 +450,41 @@ catch (error) {

function indexSignatureConditions(objName, keyName, index, addDependency, project, path, arrayDepth, records, outFile, options) {
var debug = options.debug;
var expectedType = index.type.getText();
var expectedKeyType = index.keyType.getText();
var conditions = typeConditions(objName, index.type, addDependency, project, path + " " + objName, arrayDepth, true, records, outFile, options);
var keyConditions = typeConditions(keyName, index.keyType, addDependency, project, path + " " + keyName, arrayDepth, true, records, outFile, options);
if (debug) {
var cleanKeyReplacer = '${key.toString().replace(/"/g, \'\\\\"\')}';
var evaluation = conditions &&
"evaluate(" + conditions + ", `" + path + "[\"" + cleanKeyReplacer + "\"]`, " + JSON.stringify(expectedType) + ", " + objName + ")";
var keyEvaluation = keyConditions &&
"evaluate(" + keyConditions + ", `" + path + " (key: \"" + cleanKeyReplacer + "\")`, " + JSON.stringify(expectedKeyType) + ", " + keyName + ")";
if (evaluation && keyEvaluation) {
return ands(evaluation, keyEvaluation);
return evaluation || keyEvaluation;
if (conditions && keyConditions) {
return ands(conditions, keyConditions);
// If we don't have both try and return one, or null if neither
return conditions || keyConditions;
function indexSignaturesCondition(varName, indexSignatures, properties, addDependency, project, path, arrayDepth, records, outFile, options) {
var conditions = ors.apply(void 0, __spread(indexSignatures
.map(function (indexSignature) {
return indexSignatureConditions('value', 'key', indexSignature, addDependency, project, path, arrayDepth, records, outFile, options);
.filter(function (v) { return v !== null; })));
var staticKeysFilter = properties.length
? "\n .filter(([key]) => ![" + properties
.map(function (_a) {
var name =;
return "\"" + name + "\"";
.join(',') + "].includes(key))"
: '';
return "Object.entries(" + varName + ")" + staticKeysFilter + "\n .every(([key,value]) => " + conditions + ")";
function generateTypeGuard(functionName, typeDeclaration, addDependency, project, records, outFile, options) {

@@ -440,0 +491,0 @@ var debug = options.debug, shortCircuitCondition = options.shortCircuitCondition;

"name": "ts-auto-guard",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.16",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.17",
"description": "Generate type guard functions from TypeScript interfaces",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "homepage": "",

@@ -968,1 +968,65 @@ import { each, pull } from 'lodash'

'generates type guards for dynamic object keys, including when mixed with static keys',
'test.ts': `
/** @see {isTestType} ts-auto-guard:type-guard */
export interface TestType {
someKey: "some" | "key"
[index: string]: "dynamic" | "string"
[index: number]: "also-dynamic" | "number"
'test.guard.ts': `
import { TestType } from "./test";
export function isTestType(obj: any, _argumentName?: string): obj is TestType {
return (
(obj !== null &&
typeof obj === "object" ||
typeof obj === "function") &&
(obj.someKey === "some" ||
obj.someKey === "key") &&
.filter(([key]) => !["someKey"].includes(key))
.every(([key, value]) => ((value === "string" ||
value === "dynamic") &&
typeof key === "string" ||
(value === "number" ||
value === "also-dynamic") &&
typeof key === "number"))
'generates type guards for Record types',
'test.ts': `
/** @see {isTestType} ts-auto-guard:type-guard */
export type TestType = Record<string, "dynamic" | "string">
'test.guard.ts': `
import { TestType } from "./test";
export function isTestType(obj: any, _argumentName?: string): obj is TestType {
return (
(obj !== null &&
typeof obj === "object" ||
typeof obj === "function") &&
.every(([key, value]) => ((value === "string" ||
value === "dynamic") &&
typeof key === "string"))

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet