A typescript library to deserialize and serialize json into classes and vice versa. You can use different path pattern
to resolve deeply nested structures. Every path pattern provided by lodash.set
function is supported.
Check out src/examples as a reference.
npm install ts-jackson --save
yarn add ts-jackson
For tsconfig.json
file set experimentalDecorators
and emitDecoratorMetadata
to true
to allow
decorators support:
"compilerOptions": {
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true
import { JsonProperty, Serializable, deserialize, serialize, SerializableEntity } from 'typescript-json-serializer';
To mark your class as serializable wrap your class with Serializable decorator:
class Class {}
declare type Params<P> = {
path?: string
paths?: string[]
required?: boolean
| (new (...args: any[]) => P)
| {
[K in keyof P]: new (...args: any[]) => P[K]
elementType?: new (...args: any[]) => P extends [] ? P[0] : any
validate?: (property: P) => boolean
deserialize?: (jsonValue: any) => P
serialize?: (property: P) => any
afterDeserialize?: (
deserializedInstance: InstanceType<new (...args: any[]) => any>,
propertyValue: any
) => P
beforeSerialize?: (propertyValue: P) => any
afterSerialize?: (serializedData: any) => any
export default function JsonProperty<P = unknown>(
arg?: Params<P> | string | string[]
): (object: Object, propertyName: string) => void
The path property can be set in a few different ways:
class Cat {
name: string
class Track {
durationMs: number
class Track {
path: 'duration_ms'
durationMs: number
Path property supports different formats for resolving deeply nested structures provided by lodash
_.set(object, path, value)
Multiple paths
You can resolve property as a combination of multiple json paths, provided either as Params
property or
as an argument to @JsonProperty
const json = {
images: {
smallImage: {
url: 'mediumImageUrl',
mediumImage: {
url: 'mediumImageUrl',
bigImage: {
url: 'bigImageUrl',
class Playlist {
paths: ['images.smallImage', 'images.mediumImage', 'images.bigImage'],
elementType: Image,
images: Image[]
You can also provide custom deserialize, beforeSerialize functions:
const json = {
images: [
url: 'mediumImageUrl',
url: 'mediumImageUrl',
url: 'bigImageUrl',
class Playlist {
paths: ['images[0]', 'images[2]'],
elementType: Image,
deserialize: ([icon, cover]: Image[]) => ({ icon, cover }),
beforeSerialize: (images) => [images.icon, images.cover],
images: {
icon: Image
cover: Image
Resolving deeply nested structures:
const trackJson = {
track: {
id: 'some id',
class Track {
readonly id: string
const deserialized = deserialize(trackJson, Track)
Resolving array structures
const jsonData = {
images: {
items: [
height: 300,
width: 300,
height: 640,
width: 640,
class Playlist {
readonly backgroundImage: Image
const deserialized = deserialize(jsonData, Playlist)
const serialized = serialize(deserialized)
For more patterns for resolving structures check out lodash/get docs.
export default function deserialize<T, U extends Array<unknown>>(
json: Record<string, unknown> | string,
serializableClass: new (...args: [...U]) => T,
...args: U
): T
export default function serialize<
T extends new (...args: unknown[]) => unknown
>(instance: InstanceType<T>): Record<string, unknown> {
const trackJson = {
track: {
id: 'some id',
class Track {
readonly id: string
const deserializedClassIntance = deserialize(trackJson, Track)
const serializedJson = serialize(deserializedClassIntance)
Using constructor arguments:
class Image {
@JsonProperty({ required: true })
readonly url: string
constructor(readonly width: number, readonly height: number) {
deserialize({url: 'url'}, Image, 5, 3)
const deserializedClassIntance = deserialize({url: 'some url'}, Image, 5, 4)
const serializedJson = serialize(deserializedClassIntance)
export default class SerializableEntity {
stringify(): string
serialize(): Record<string, unknown>
static deserialize<T, U extends Array<unknown>>(
this: {
new (...params: [...U]): T
json: Record<string, unknown>,
...args: U
): T
class Image extends SerializableEntity {
readonly height?: number
readonly width?: number
@JsonProperty({ required: true })
readonly url: string
const imageJson = {
height: '234',
width: '123',
url: 'http://localhost:8080',
const image = Image.deserialize(imageJson)