Redis ORM (Typescript)
ts-redis-orm targets to provide relational DB features to Redis Lover.
It is designed to preserve the performance of Redis, but extending all the useful features that you found useful in relational DB such as
(multiple index, primary keys, unique keys, auto increment, aggregate, etc.)
Due to design limitation, the package doesn't work with Redis Cluster.
This package mainly build on top of ioredis and tested with Redis 3, 4 and 5.
Breaking changes for v1
- all operation will return performance result
const [entity, performanceResult] = await Entity.create({}).save();
executionTime: number;
commandStats: object;
diffCommandStats: object;
usedCpuSys: number;
diffUsedCpuSys: number;
usedCpuUser: number;
diffUsedCpuUser: number;
usedMemory: number;
diffUsedMemory: number;
- removed updatedAt, deletedAt columns
- removed softDelete, restore operation
- Simple class structure using typescript decorator. (Very similar to type-orm)
- Using native JS value types (Number, String, Boolean, Date, Array, Object).
- Atomic. All redis logics are written in Lua to protect data integrity.
- Schema validation and database reSync.
- Support multiple index keys and unique keys.
- Aggregate functions (count, sum, min, max, average).
- You do not need to initialize a connection before using the entity. It's all done internally.
- Import / Export DB into file.
- Good Performance. You can create around 10, 000 entities in 1 second for 1 CPU process. Query is also extremely effective with proper indexing settings.
Quick Start
import {BaseEntity, Column, Entity} from "ts-redis-orm";
@Entity({connection: "default", table: "Entity"})
class MyEntity extends BaseEntity {
@Column({autoIncrement: true})
public id: number = 0;
const entity1 = new MyEntity();
const [entity2] = await MyEntity.create({string: "value", number: 0}).save();
Detail Example
import {
} from "ts-redis-orm";
@Entity({connection: "default", table: "Entity", tablePrefix: "Prefix"})
class MyEntity extends BaseEntity {
@Column({autoIncrement: true})
public id: number = 0;
@Column({unique: true})
public string: string = "";
@Column({unique: true, index: true})
public number: number = 0;
@Column({index: true})
public date: Date = new Date();
@Column({index: true})
public boolean: boolean = false;
public array: number[] = [];
public object1: any;
public object2: null | string = null;
public object3: {name?: string, value?: number} = {};
const main = async () => {
await MyEntity.connect();
const redis = await MyEntity.getRedis();
try {
const [entity, performanceResult1] = await MyEntity.create({}).save();
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof RedisOrmSchemaError) {
const [hasResync, performanceResult2] = await MyEntity.resyncDb();
const [totalDeleted, performanceResult3] = await MyEntity.truncate("MyEntity");
const entity1 = new MyEntity();
const entity2 = entity1.clone();
const entity3 = MyEntity.create({id: 1});
const createdAt = entity1.createdAt; = 1;
entity1.setValues({id: 1});
entity1.increment("number", 10);
entity1.createdAt = new Date();
const id1 =;
const values1 = entity1.getValues();
const entityId = entity1.getEntityId();
const [entity1a, performanceResult4] = await;
const [entity1b, performanceResult5] = await entity1.delete();
const [total] = await MyEntity.count();
const [all] = await MyEntity.all();
const [entity4] = await MyEntity.find(1);
const [entities5] = await MyEntity.findMany([1, 2, 3]);
const [entity6] = await MyEntity.query().findUnique("string", "string");
const [entities7] = await MyEntity.query().findUniqueMany("string", ["string1", "string2"]);
const [entities8] = await MyEntity.query().where("number", "=", 5).runOnce();
const [entities9] = await MyEntity
.where("number", "=", 5)
.where("number", ">", 5)
.where("number", ">=", 5)
.where("number", "<", 5)
.where("number", "<=", 5)
.where("string", "=", "value")
.where("string", "!=", "value")
.where("string", "like", "value")
.sortBy("number", "desc")
const [count] = await MyEntity.query().count();
const [sum] = await MyEntity.query().sum("number");
const [min] = await MyEntity.query().min("number");
const [max] = await MyEntity.query().max("number");
const [avg] = await MyEntity.query().avg("number");
const [countGroup] = await MyEntity.query().count("string");
const id = 1;
const [rank] = await MyEntity.query().rank("number", id);
const [reversedRank] = await MyEntity.query().rank("number", id, true);
await MyEntity.export("path");
await MyEntity.import("path");
await MyEntity.import("path", true);
const events = MyEntity.getEvents();
events.on("create", (entity) => { });
events.on("update", (entity) => { });
events.on("delete", (entity) => { });
const table = "another-table";
await MyEntity.connect(table);
await MyEntity.truncate("MyEntity", table);
await MyEntity.export("./file.txt", table);
await MyEntity.import("./file.txt", false, table);
const entity10 = new MyEntity();
const currentTable = entity10.getTable(); = 10;
const [entity10a] = await MyEntity.query().setTable(table).find(10);
const removeSchemasList = redisOrm.getRemoteSchemasList("connectionKey");
const allEntityTypes = redisOrm.getEntityTypes();
try {
await MyEntity.create({}).save();
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof RedisOrmSchemaError) {
} else if (err instanceof RedisOrmDecoratorError) {
} else if (err instanceof RedisOrmOperationError) {
} else if (err instanceof RedisOrmQueryError) {
} else {
Project Setup
- npm install ts-redis-orm
- In tsconfig.json
- "experimentalDecorators": true
- "emitDecoratorMetadata": true
- "strictNullChecks": true. (To avoid type confusion in entity)
- Create redisorm.default.json in the project root folder.
Environment Variable
- export NODE_ENV=production
- it will try to load the config file "./redisorm.production.json"
- export REDISORM_CONFIG_PATH=./path/custom.json
- it will try to load the config file "./path/custom.json"
- this has a higher priority than NODE_ENV
Config file format (./redisorm.default.json)
// If you didn't set any connection in Entity, it will use the default connection.
// The connection config are the same as in ioredis, pleases visit for more details.
"default": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379,
"connectTimeout": 1000,
"db": 0,
"showFriendlyErrorStack": false,
// report more detailed report on redis for every operations
"trackRedisInfo": false,
// this is an extra feature supported by ts-redis-orm, if redis suddenly go offline, the entity can prompt for an connection error.
"maxConnectRetry": 5
Limitation and Usage Remarks
- Schema check is auto enabled when you do connect(), save(), delete(), restore().
- Schema check is disabled for query(), truncate() and resyncDb().
- Redis Cluster is not supported. While you can try to break down each Entity to use different Redis DB.
- High query performance can only be achieved with proper index on the column with single where clause. Multiple where clause is supported, but the performance is not guaranteed.
- One redis connection is created for each Entity Type.
- Multiple index query is achieved by table intersection, which will be slow in some cases. Please try to limit the possible outcome of each where clause to achieve the best performance.
- If you disable strictNullChecks in typescript or if you didn't initialize any values for your entity, here is the default value of each type
- string: ""
- number: Number.NaN
- date: new Date(Number.NaN) // Invalid Date
- boolean: false
- Array: undefined
- Object: undefined