A client for fetching stock data from the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSETMC).
Works in Browser, Node, and as CLI.
The 0.x
and 1.x
versions were a direct port of the official Windows app.
npm i tse-client -g
tse ذوب
tse ذوب فولاد خساپا شپنا
tse "شاخص کل6"
tse "شاخص کل فرابورس6" "شاخص کل (هم وزن)6"
Adjust prices:
tse آپ -j 1 # افزایش سرمایه + سود نقدی
tse آپ -j 2 # افزایش سرمایه
Select columns:
tse فملی -c "2,3,4,6"
tse فملی -c "2:OPEN 3:HIGH 4:LOW 6:CLOSE"
tse فملی -c "0 6 8 7"
tse فملی -c "0:date 6:closing 8:trades 7:volume"
tse ls -A
tse ls -D
# default: "0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
History depth:
tse ذوب -b 3m # سه ماه گذشته
tse ذوب -b 40d # چهل روز گذشته
tse ذوب -b 2y # دو سال گذشته
tse ذوب -b 13920101 # تاریخ شمسی
tse ذوب -b 20160101 # تاریخ میلادی
tse ذوب -b 13800101 # کمترین تاریخ ممکن (پیش فرض)
tse ذوب -b 20030123 # کمترین تاریخ ممکن به میلادی
File generation:
tse کگل -o /mydir # output directory
tse کگل -n 3 # file name
tse کگل -x txt # file extension
tse کگل -e ascii # file encoding
tse کگل -l @ # file delimiter char
tse کگل -H # file without headers
Select symbols from file:
tse i -F "i=34" > car.txt
tse i -F "i=27" > iron.txt
tse -i car.txt -o ./car-group
tse -i iron.txt -o ./iron-group
Select symbols by filter:
# tse -f "t=نوع نماد i=کد گروه صنعت m=بازار b=کد تابلو y=کد بازار g=کد گروه نماد"
# tse -f "P=الگوی نماد D=الگوی تاریخ میلادی آخرین روز معامله نماد R حذف نمادهای تغییرنام داده شده"
tse -f "i=27" # گروه صنعت: فلزات اساسی
tse -f "i=27 t=300" # گروه صنعت: فلزات اساسی & نوع نماد: سهم بورس
tse -f "m=4 i=27,53,38 t=404" # بازار: پایه & گروه صنعت: فلزات و سیمان و قند & نوع نماد: حق تقدم
tse -f "t=300 i=43 b=1" # بازار: بورس & گروه صنعت: دارویی & کد تابلو: تابلوی اصلی
tse ls -T # نمایش کد انواع نماد
tse ls -I # نمایش کد گروههای صنعت
tse ls -B # نمایش کد تابلوها
tse ls -T -I -M -B -Y -G # نمایش همه
tse i -F "i=27" # فقط نمایش دادن گروه فلزات
tse i -F "i=27 t=300" # گروه فلزات بازار بورس
tse i -F "i=27 t=303" # گروه فلزات بازار فرابورس
tse i -F "i=27 t=309" # گروه فلزات بازار پایه
tse i -F "i=34 t=300" # گروه خودرو بازار بورس
tse i -F "i=34 t=303" # گروه خودرو بازار فرابورس
tse i -F "i=34 t=309" # گروه خودرو بازار پایه
tse i -F "t=68" # شاخص های بازار بورس
tse i -F "t=69" # شاخص های بازار فرابورس
tse i -F "i=43 b=3 t=300" # گروه دارویی تابلوی فرعی بازار بورس
tse i -F "i=43 b=1 t=303" # گروه دارویی تابلوی اصلی بازار فرابورس
tse i -F "i=44 b=5 t=300" # گروه شیمیایی بازار دوم بورس
tse i -F "P=\d$" # نماد هایی که حرف آخرشان یک عدد (یک رقمی) است
tse i -F "t=309 P=\d$" # نمادهای بازار پایه که حرف آخرشان یک عدد (یک رقمی) است
tse i -F "D=^2022" # نمادهایی که روز آخری که معامله شده اند در سال 2022 بوده است
tse i -F "i=72 D=^2022" # نمادهای گروه رایانه که روز آخری که معامله شده اند در سال 2022 بوده است
tse i -F "i=57 t=303" # گروه بانکی بازار فرابورس
tse i -F "i=57 t=303 R" # گروه بانکی بازار فرابورس منهای نمادهای تغییرنام داده شده
View instrument data:
tse i # show all symbols
tse i -F "i=33" # only those that match the filter
tse i -F "i=33" --cols "Symbol,InsCode" # select different columns
tse i -F "i=33" --cols # select all columns
tse ls -N # list all possible column names
tse i -F "i=33" --header # include header row (when printing csv)
tse i -F "i=33" --table # print in table format
tse i -F "i=33" --json # print as json
tse i -F "i=33" --bom > out.csv # bom encoding
tse i --cols --header --bom > out.csv # all instruments, all columns
tse i --cols "Symbol,Name,CIsin" --bom > out.csv # all instruments, some columns
tse i -F "i=51" --cols "LatinSymbol,InstrumentID" # some instruments, some columns
tse i -F "i=51" --cols --header # some instruments, all columns
Similar renamed symbols are merged by default:
tse ذوب # merged data of ذوب and ذوب-ق2
tse ذوب -u # only the data of ذوب
tse ذوب-ق2 -u # only the data of ذوب-ق2
Get price adjustment data:
tse فولاد -w # get adjust info (with price data)
tse فولاد -q # get adjust info only (without price data)
Disable caching:
tse ذوب -k
Save settings:
tse ذوب فولاد -o ./mytse --save
tse -x txt
tse -n 3 --save
tse -o ./myother --save
View saved settings and more:
tse ls -S
tse ls -D
tse ls -T -O 1 # order by count (descending)
tse ls -T -O 1_ # order by count (ascending)
tse ls -h
Intraday crawler (Experimental):
tse itd ذوب -o ./mydata # basic (crawl last day)
tse itd ذوب # update but do not generate output
tse itd ذوب -b 6d # crawl last 6 days
tse itd ذوب -b 30d -m 20d # crawl 10 days (from 30 days ago to 20 days ago)
tse itd ذوب -b 13991201 -m 13991206 # crawl 6 days
tse itd ذوب -b 20210219 -m 20210224 # crawl 6 days (Western dates)
tse itd ذوب -k -o . # do not cache the data
tse itd ذوب -z -o . # output gzip files
tse itd ذوب -y -o . # generate results with Shamsi dates
tse itd ذوب -r # re-download already cached days that have no `trade` data
tse itd ذوب -o . -e ascii # file encoding
tse itd ذوب -o . -n 2 # directory name
tse itd ذوب -o . -H # file without headers
tse itd ذوب --retry 0 # only request once without any retrying
tse itd ذوب --retry-delay 5000 # wait 5 seconds between each retry
tse itd ذوب --chunk-delay 2000 # wait 2 seconds before requesting another day
tse itd ذوب --chunk-max-wait 20000 # force end a request if not finished in 20 seconds (only in Node v15+)
tse itd ذوب --servers "4 8" # only use "cdn4.tsetmc.com" and "cdn8.tsetmc.com" servers
tse itd ذوب --servers "7" # only use "cdn7.tsetmc.com" server
tse itd ذوب --servers "-1 0" # only use "tsetmc.com" and "cdn.tsetmc.com" servers
npm i tse-client
const tse = require('tse-client');
(async () => {
let res = await tse.getPrices(['ذوب', 'فولاد']);
if (!res.error) console.log(res.data);
res = await tse.getPrices(['خساپا'], {adjustPrices: 1});
res = await tse.getPrices(['شپنا'], {columns: [0,3,4]});
res = await tse.getPrices(['شپنا'], {columns: [[0,'DATE'],[3,'MAX'],[4,'MIN']]});
const instruments = await tse.getInstruments();
instruments.filter(i => i.YVal === '300' && i.CSecVal === '27 ')
res = await tse.getIntraday(['ذوب', 'فولاد']), {
startDate: '20201122',
endDate: '20201122',
gzip: false
Using standalone bundle:
(bundled with the 4 dependencies)
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tse-client/dist/tse.bundle.min.js"></script>
tse.getPrices(['فولاد']).then(res => console.log(res.data[0]));
Using the module itself:
(dependencies must be loaded before)
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/decimal.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/localforage"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jalaali-js/dist/jalaali.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pako/dist/pako.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tse-client/dist/tse.min.js"></script>
tse.getPrices(['فولاد']).then(res => console.log(res.data[0]));
Using behind a simple PHP
$t = isset($_GET['t']) ? $_GET['t'] : '';
$a = isset($_GET['a']) ? $_GET['a'] : '';
$a2 = isset($_GET['a2']) ? $_GET['a2'] : '';
echo file_get_contents("http://service.tsetmc.com/tsev2/data/TseClient2.aspx?t=$t&a=$a&a2=$a2");
tse.API_URL = 'http://path/to/proxy.php';
tse.getPrices(['فولاد']).then(res => console.log(res.data[0]));
Some Info:
file | desc |
dist/tse.js | Unminified code. |
dist/tse.min.js | Minified code. |
dist/tse.bundle.min.js | Minified dependencies + minified code. |
dependency | desc |
decimal.js | Required . For price adjustment calculations. |
localforage | Required . For storing in indexedDB . |
jalaali-js | Optional . Only needed for dateshamsi column. (Recommanded to not exclude this, though you can) |
pako | Semi-Required . Only used by getIntraday() . |
The API URL to use for HTTP requests.
Only string and valid URL.
Default: http://service.tsetmc.com/tsev2/data/TseClient2.aspx
Update data only if these many days have passed since the last update.
Only positive integers or zero.
Default: 1
Amount of instruments per request.
Only positive integers.
Min: 1
Max: 59
Default: 50
Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before requesting another chunk of instruments.
Only positive integers or zero.
Default: 300
Amount of retry attempts before giving up.
Only positive integers or zero.
Default: 3
Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before making another retry.
Only positive integers or zero.
Default: 1000
Only in Node
Location of the cache directory.
If the location is changed, existing content is not moved to the new location.
Default: User's home directoy:
tse.getInstruments(struct?: boolean, arr?: boolean, structKey?: string)
Update (if needed) and return list of instruments.
: Determine the return type for each instrument. Default true
: return an Instrument
object for each instrument.false
: return a CSV string for each instrument.
: Determine the return type. Default: true
: return an array.false
return an Instruments
: Which key of Instrument
to use when struct
is set to true
. Default: 'InsCode'
return: Array<Instrument | string> | Instruments
Visit the official documentation for description of each Instrument
interface Instrument {
InsCode: string;
InstrumentID: string;
LatinSymbol: string;
LatinName: string;
CompanyCode: string;
Symbol: string;
Name: string;
CIsin: string;
DEven: string;
Flow: string;
LSoc30: string;
CGdSVal: string;
CGrValCot: string;
YMarNSC: string;
CComVal: string;
CSecVal: string;
CSoSecVal: string;
YVal: string;
SymbolOriginal?: string;
interface Instruments {
[Instrument.InsCode]: Instrument | string;
tse.getPrices(symbols: string[], settings?: PriceSettings)
Update (if needed) and return prices of instruments.
: An array of Farsi
instrument symbols.settings
: A settings object.
: Select which ClosingPrice
props (except adjustInfo
) to return and specify optional string for the prop.
For example: [ [0,'DATE'], [6,'CLOSE'], [7,'VOL'] ]
Default: [0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
See columnList
for the list of all column indexes and their names.adjustPrices
: The type of adjustment applied to returned prices.
: None (بدون تعدیل
: Capital Increase + Dividends (افزایش سرمایه + سود نقدی
: Capital Increase (افزایش سرمایه
: If true
, an additional property named adjustInfo
will be appended to the ClosingPrice
object, which contains all the information needed to manually adjust prices. Default: false
: Get adjustInfo
data but without the rest of ClosingPrice
data. Default: false
: Only return prices after this date. Min: '20010321'
. Default: '20010321'
: Whether to include days that have 0
trades. Default: false
: Whether to merge the data of similar renamed symbols. Default: true
: Whether to cache the downloaded data. Default: true
: Generate results as CSV strings. Default: false
: Include header row when generating CSV results. Default: true
: A cell delimiter character to use when generating CSV results. Default: ','
: A callback function which gets called with a number indicating the progress. Default: undefined
: A number to use as the completion point of progress. Default: 100
: Get some stats on merged symbols. Default: false
return: Result
interface Result {
data: Array<ClosingPrice>;
error?: CustomError;
debug?: DebugResult;
interface ClosingPrice {
date: number[];
dateshamsi: number[];
open: number[];
high: number[];
low: number[];
last: number[];
close: number[];
vol: number[];
count: number[];
value: number[];
yesterday: number[];
symbol: string[];
name: string[];
namelatin: string[];
companycode: string[];
adjustInfo?: {events: AdjustEvent[], validGPLRatio: boolean};
interface AdjustEvent {
date: string;
type: 'capital increase' | 'dividend';
priceBeforeEvent: string;
priceAfterEvent: string;
dividend?: string;
increasePct?: string;
oldShares?: string;
newShares?: string;
interface PriceSettings {
columns?: Array<[number, string?]>;
adjustPrices?: AdjustOption;
getAdjustInfo?: boolean;
getAdjustInfoOnly?: boolean;
daysWithoutTrade?: boolean;
startDate?: string;
mergeSimilarSymbols?: boolean;
csv?: boolean;
csvHeaders?: boolean;
csvDelimiter?: string;
cache?: boolean;
onprogress?(current: number): void;
progressTotal?: number;
interface CustomError {
code: ErrorType;
title: string;
detail?: string | Error;
symbols?: string[];
fails?: string[];
succs?: string[];
interface DebugResult {
mergeSets?: DebugMergeSet[];
interface DebugMergeSet {
mergeItems: MergeItem[];
hasOverlap: boolean;
statsAtEachOverlap: MergeOverlapStats[];
interface MergeItem {
sym: string;
code: string;
order: number;
dayFirst: number;
dayLast: number;
interface MergeOverlapStats {
trimForw: MergeOverlapDirectionalStats;
trimBack: MergeOverlapDirectionalStats;
interface MergeOverlapDirectionalStats {
count: number;
adjs: number;
trades: number;
fixable: boolean;
enum AdjustOption {
None = 0,
CapitalIncreasePlusDividends = 1,
CapitalIncrease = 2
enum ErrorType {
FailedRequest = 1,
IncorrectSymbol = 2,
IncompletePriceUpdate = 3
const defaultSettings = {
columns: [0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
adjustPrices: 0,
getAdjustInfo: false,
getAdjustInfoOnly: false,
daysWithoutTrade: false,
startDate: '20010321',
mergeSimilarSymbols: true,
csv: false,
csvHeaders: true,
csvDelimiter: ',',
cache: true,
onprogress: undefined,
progressTotal: 100
const result = await tse.getPrices(symbols=['sym1', 'sym2', ...], defaultSettings);
{ code: 1, title: 'Failed request...', detail: '' | Error }
{ code: 2, title: 'Incorrect Symbol', symbols: [] }
{ code: 3, title: 'Incomplete Price Update', fails: [], succs: [] }
A list of all possible columns.
index | name | fname |
0 | date | تاریخ میلادی |
1 | dateshamsi | تاریخ شمسی |
2 | open | اولین قیمت |
3 | high | بیشترین قیمت |
4 | low | کمترین قیمت |
5 | last | آخرین قیمت |
6 | close | قیمت پایانی |
7 | vol | حجم معاملات |
8 | count | تعداد معاملات |
9 | value | ارزش معاملات |
10 | yesterday | قیمت پایانی دیروز |
11 | symbol | نماد |
12 | name | نام |
13 | namelatin | نام لاتین |
14 | companycode | کد شرکت |
The URL from which the data is crawled.
Must be a function that returns a valid URL string.
(server='', inscode='', deven='') => `http://${server > 0 ? 'cdn'+server+'.' : server < 0 ? '' : 'cdn.'}tsetmc.com/Loader.aspx?ParTree=15131P&i=${inscode}&d=${deven}`;
Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before requesting another chunk of dates.
Only positive integers or zero.
Default: 100
Max time (in ms) to wait for a request to finish before force ending it.
In Node, it needs Node v15+ or it has no effect.
Only positive integers or zero.
Default: 60000
Amount of retry attempts before giving up.
Only positive integers or zero.
Default: 3
Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before making another retry.
Only positive integers or zero.
Default: 1000
Array of integers to use as CDN servers in the update process.
Note that any negative number will result to tsetmc.com
Note that 0
will result to cdn.tsetmc.com
Only an array of only positive integers or zero.
Default: [-1,0]
tse.getIntradayInstruments(struct?: boolean, arr?: boolean, structKey?: string)
Returns the list of instruments crawled by getIntraday()
The information of each instrument is from the latest crawled day.
: Determine the return type for each instrument. Default true
: return an InstrumentITD
object for each instrument.false
: return a CSV string for each instrument.
: Determine the return type. Default: true
: return an array.false
return an InstrumentsITD
: Which key of InstrumentITD
to use when struct
is set to true
. Default: 'InsCode'
return: Array<InstrumentITD | string> | InstrumentsITD
interface InstrumentITD {
InsCode: string;
LVal30: string;
LVal18AFC: string;
FlowTitle: string;
CGrValCotTitle: string;
Flow: string;
CGrValCot: string;
CIsin: string;
InstrumentID: string;
ZTitad: string;
BaseVol: string;
interface InstrumentsITD {
[InstrumentITD.InsCode]: InstrumentITD | string;
tse.getIntraday(symbols: string[], settings?: IntradaySettings)
Crawl intraday data from the instrument's history page of the tsetmc.com website. (Experimental)
: An array of Farsi
instrument symbols.settings
: A settings object.
: Only return data after this date. Min: '20010321'
. Default: '20010321'
: Only return data before this date. Default: ''
: Whether to cache the downloaded data. Default: true
: Return data as Gzip Buffer
in Node or Uint8Array
in Browser. Default: true
: Re-download any cached item that has no trade
data. Default: false
: Perform update but don't return any data. Default: false
: A callback function which gets called with a number indicating the progress. Default: undefined
: A number to use as the completion point of progress. Default: 100
. Default: value of constant
. Default: value of constant
. Default: value of constant
. Default: value of constant
: Per call option of INTRADAY_UPDATE_SERVERS
. Default: value of constant
return: Result
interface Result {
data: Array< [number[], Array<Buffer | Uint8Array | string>] >;
error?: CustomError;
interface IntradaySettings {
startDate?: string;
endDate?: string;
cache?: boolean;
gzip?: boolean;
onprogress?(current: number): void;
progressTotal?: number;
chunkDelay?: number;
chunkMaxWait?: number;
retryCount?: number;
retryDelay?: number;
servers?: number[];
interface CustomError {
code: ErrorType;
title: string;
detail?: string | Error;
symbols?: string[];
fails?: string[];
succs?: string[];
enum ErrorType {
FailedRequest = 1,
IncorrectSymbol = 2,
IncompletePriceUpdate = 3,
IncompleteIntradayUpdate = 4
A list of all intraday data groups and their column names.
time | last | close | open | high | low | count | volume | value | discarded |
زمان | آخرین معامله | قیمت پایانی | اولین | بیشترین | کمترین | تعداد معاملات | حجم معاملات | ارزش معاملات | باطل شده |

time | row | askcount | askvol | askprice | bidprice | bidvol | bidcount |
زمان | ردیف | تعداد تقاضا | حجم تقاضا | قیمت تقاضا | قیمت عرضه | حجم عرضه | تعداد عرضه |

time | count | volume | price | discarded |
زمان | تعداد | حجم | قیمت | باطل شده |

column | desc | desc Fa |
pbvol | Person Buy Volume | حجم خرید حقیقی |
pbcount | Person Buy Count | تعداد خرید حقیقی |
pbval | Person Buy Value | ارزش خرید حقیقی |
pbprice | Person Buy Price | قیمت خرید حقیقی |
pbvolpot | Person Buy Volume Percentage of Total | درصد حجم خرید حقیقی از کل حجم |
. | | |
psvol | Person Sell Volume | حجم فروش حقیقی |
pscount | Person Sell Count | تعداد فروش حقیقی |
psval | Person Sell Value | ارزش فروش حقیقی |
psprice | Person Sell Price | قیمت فروش حقیقی |
psvolpot | Person Sell Volume Percentage of Total | درصد حجم فروش حقیقی از کل حجم |
. | | |
lbvol | Legal Buy Volume | حجم خرید حقوقی |
lbcount | Legal Buy Count | تعداد خرید حقوقی |
lbval | Legal Buy Value | ارزش خرید حقوقی |
lbprice | Legal Buy Price | قیمت خرید حقوقی |
lbvolpot | Legal Buy Volume Percentage of Total | درصد حجم خرید حقوقی از کل حجم |
. | | |
lsvol | Legal Sell Volume | حجم فروش حقوقی |
lscount | Legal Sell Count | تعداد فروش حقوقی |
lsval | Legal Sell Value | ارزش فروش حقوقی |
lsprice | Legal Sell Price | قیمت فروش حقوقی |
lsvolpot | Legal Sell Volume Percentage of Total | درصد حجم فروش حقوقی از کل حجم |
. | | |
lpchg | Legal to Person Ownership Transfer | تغییر مالکیت حقوقی به حقیقی |
basevol | flow | daymin | daymax | state |
حجم مبنا | بازار | کمینه قیمت مجاز | بیشینه قیمت مجاز | وضعیت نماد |
shares | sharespot | change | companycode | companyname |
تعداد سهم | درصد از کل سهام | نوع تغییر | کد شرکت | نام شرکت |
characters are cleaned from zero-width
characters, ك
and ي
.- The price adjustment algorithm is still a direct port of the official Windows app.
- In Browser, the
data is stored in localStorage
. - In Browser, the
data is stored in indexedDB
. - In Node, data compression is done with the