Browserify plugin for compiling Typescript 1.0
example usage
On the command line:
$ browserify main.ts -p [ tsify --noImplicitAny ] --extension=".ts" > bundle.js
With the Browserify API:
browserify({ extensions: ['.ts'] })
.plugin('tsify', { noImplicitAny: true })
Just plain ol' npm installation:
npm install tsify
tsify supports all of the same options as the Typescript compiler itself by using ts-compiler, including:
Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations.
Warn on expressions and declarations with an implied any
Skip resolution and preprocessing.
Do not emit comments to output.
Generates corresponding .map file.
Specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations.
Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), or 'ES5'
why a plugin?
There are several Typescript compilation transforms available on npm, all with various issues. The Typescript compiler automatically performs dependency resolution on module imports, much like Browserify itself. Browserify transforms are not flexible enough to deal with multiple file outputs given a single file input, which means that any working Typescript compilation transform either skips the resolution step (which is necessary for complete type checking) or performs multiple compilations of source files further down the dependency graph.
tsify avoids this problem by using the power of plugins to perform a single compilation of the Typescript source up-front, using Browserify to glue together the resulting files.