A set of TSLint rules used on some Microsoft projects.
Version 0.0.4
This software is not yet released with a 1.0 version.
All release blockers are listed in the issues page.
npm install tslint-microsoft-contrib
Configure your Grunt build task
Add the new rulesDirectory to your tslint task:
tslint: {
options: {
rulesDirectory: 'node_modules/tslint-microsoft-contrib',
configuration: grunt.file.readJSON("tslint-contrib.json")
files: {
src: ['src/file1.ts', 'src/file2.ts']
The tslint-contrib.json file follows the same conventions as other tslint rules.
Supported Rules
A sample configuration file with all options is available under tslint-microsoft-contrig/tslint.json
The name of the exported module must match the filename of the source file. This is case-sensitive but ignores file extension.missing-optional-annotation
A parameter that follows one or more parameters marked as optional is not itself marked optionalno-banned-terms
Do not use banned terms: caller, callee, eval, arguments. These terms refer to functions or properties that should not be used, so it is best practice to simply avoid them.no-cookies
Do not use cookiesno-delete-expression
Do not delete expressions. Only properties should be deletedno-disable-auto-sanitization
Do not disable auto-sanitization of HTML because this opens up your page to an XSS attack. Specifically, do not use the execUnsafeLocalFunction or setInnerHTMLUnsafe functions.no-document-write
Do not use document.writeno-duplicate-parameter-names
Do not write functions or methods with duplicate parameter namesno-exec-script
Do not use the execScript functionsno-function-constructor-with-string-args
Do not use the version of the Function constructor that accepts a string argument to define the body of the functionno-http-string
Do not use strings that start with 'http:'. URL strings should start with 'https:'. Http strings can be a security problem and indicator that your software may suffer from cookie-stealing attacks.no-increment-decrement
Avoid use of increment and decrement operators particularly as part of complicated expressionsno-multiline-string
Do not declare multiline stringsno-unnecessary-semicolons
Remove unnecessary semicolonsno-octal-literal
Do not use octal literals or escaped octal sequencesno-reserved-keywords
Do not use reserved keywords as names of local variables, fields, functions, or other identifiers.no-string-based-set-immediate
Do not use the version of setImmediate that accepts code as a string argument. However, it is acceptable to use the version of setImmediate where a direct reference to a function is provided as the callback argumentno-string-based-set-interval
Do not use the version of setInterval that accepts code as a string argument. However, it is acceptable to use the version of setInterval where a direct reference to a function is provided as the callback argumentno-string-based-set-timeout
Do not use the version of setTimeout that accepts code as a string argument. However, it is acceptable to use the version of setTimeout where a direct reference to a function is provided as the callback argumentno-unused-imports
Remove unused importsno-with-statement
Do not use with statements. Assign the item to a new variable insteadreact-no-dangerous-html
Do not use React's dangerouslySetInnerHTML API. This rule finds usages of the dangerouslySetInnerHTML API (but not any JSX references). For more info see the react-no-dangerous-html Rule wiki page.use-named-parameter
Do not reference the arguments object by numerical index; instead, use a named parameter. This rule is similar to JSLint's Use a named parameter rule.
To develop tslint-microsoft-contrib simply clone the repository, install dependencies and run grunt:
git config --global core.autocrlf input
git config --global core.eol lf
git clone git@github.com:Microsoft/tslint-microsoft-contrib.git
cd tslint-microsoft-contrib
npm install
grunt all
Debug code
If command fails because of file access permissions, prefix it with sudo.
npm install -g node-inspector
In another terminal window run:
# on *nix machines:
node --debug-brk /usr/local/bin/grunt mochaTest
# on Windows machines:
node --debug-brk /c/Users/[your alias]/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt
Open in browser:
Set a breakpoint somewhere in your code and resume execution. Your breakpoint should be hit.
Creating a new Release
Refer to the Releases Wiki Page